One of the Hackadolls is a male.
One of the Hackadolls is a male
Is that supposed to be a problem?
Green was the best.
Well do you?
I ended up liking Green the most, but I'd fuck blue his boypussy.
S2 when? Fun series.
How can one girl be so best?
#4-chan best girl
Shit show
She's good but 4 is better
I disagree with your taste, but I can respect it.
This had a cute opening. I didn't skip it a single time.
Also this
Sup Forums has to be the male.
I sure would like to rent out a Hackadoll for a couple of hours.
For you
Here's another as well
I want to stick my dick in 4-chan so badly.
What did they mean by this?
#0 and #2 are best girls
#2 was the best. Fuck the others and the trap in particular.
I like #2 too.
She was a nice one. It's rare to find a mature type that isn't constantly going 'Ara ara~" All the dollies are top cute though.But it's clearly 1 that's the cutest of all though.
I agree
Only one?
>Fuck the trap
I can get behind that.
Whew, some gentlemen of culture. I too, express my love of #2
While there are plenty of characters I've wanted to do so-and-so with, 3号 is the only one that I've wanted to be. If I woke up one day with that cute body, I would be the happiest person.
I'm afraid that's not how it works.
You could make a good banner out of this.
>tfw no user to prepare nothing for me
The cheapass zoom-ins are the best parts of the show.
>massive advertisement for some unknown anime app
>ends being one of my favorite shows that season
I really ended enjoying this a lot, I really miss them, all girls were best girls, but you can have a favorite.
>and the trap in particular.
you know, I usually hate traps, mostly because they used and characterized to be bait, constantly acting all cutesy but at the same time constantly reminded us that they are a boy, just to please trapsfags, but #3 is just there, yes is a trap but is not what it defines the character, and more that he is a lazy fuck and the one with more variety of likes than the others that usually just focus on something.
so what was the app suppose to do? is still up anyways?
So the app is basically a news app. You tell it your interests and it spits out news related to your interests. It also gives you some image presents and voice clips from the hackadolls. Pic not related
sounds fun, shame is nip only
I'm sad on how little porn this has.
I dont mind the lack of porn. As for the app images, let me see if I can't find an image from the app real quick. I was dumb enough to find a way to download it a while ago
I need more Sup Forums. Alas it's never happening
Most images you get come like this. I haven't figured out a way to get it without the text.
how close on personality is she to us?
There's also stuff like this from in app minigames.
cute, and what type of minigames it has?
And finally there's images from cross over events which are usually free from a lot of text.
why are the nips the only doing apps like these?
Im not entirely sure. I played one where you had do diffuse bombs correctly otherwise they'd blow up in the Hackadolls' faces. But I haven't done many others since I can't read Japanese.
I'm not sure. Maybe they're popular enough to make some form of revenue? Here's a screenshot of the app homepage stuff
incredible nobody has done it, how popular was this when airing? I didnt see it at the time, so I dont really noticed the threads.
>the two kanikama doujins still haven't been scanned
I'd say it had a healthy following while it was airing, but threads rapidly died out after it ended.
>how popular was this when airing?
Not especially but of course Sup Forums can make anything reach bump limit given enough time. The main legacy Hackadolls has now is treating 3 as a meme trap like Shimakaze.
Yeah, you make a good point. I guess I made a kneejerk reaction as I was reminded of shitty trap fans upon seeing him.
>all the scanned stuff is either trap-yaoi or futanari
what is this, hell?
>treating 3 as a meme trap like Shimakaze.
but #3 is a real trap, instead of Shimakaze that is only a meme but no real.
>yes is a trap but is not what it defines the character,
That was the best thing about Hackadolls overall. All of the characters obviously fit a basic niche or archetype but they never laid it on thick.
Dont worry, I know that feeling, but I still would defend #3 as one of the few good traps character out there.
Here's a #3 for you guys
I wish there was a Zero episode.
arent zero and 4-chan original characters for the anime? no surprise they didnt get much love
>watches Hacka weekly.
>Episode 6
>arent zero and 4-chan original characters for the anime?
I have no idea. In any case, I still would have wanted a #0 episode. It'd be interesting to see her go out and serve a human and it turns out that she hasn't gone out in the field for quite awhile and she screws up, thus allowing the other three to get on her case about it.
One of my favorite episodes alongside the visual novel one. Season 2 never.
what happen on episode 6?
They made it obvious the blue one was male. Also made him shota gay.
what the fuck is almighty on her?
Her smile. Also her butt.
Where are my WUG bros at?
And he's the only one that still gets art.
the drive of trapfags is amazing.
Yep just checked he's pretty much the first thing you see on any given sight. Hideri and Felix are already being forgotten but number 3 stays strong.
Oh my god it's Valkyrie Crusade
I haven't played it for almost half a decade now
>follow their twitter
>the girls are only allowed to have any art if #3 is anywhere in the picture
#2 is a girl.
such a waste.
#1 is also a girl
They are both meme traps, user
Along with flavor of the month Astolfo and the western only favorite, Felix
3 still gets porn of him on almost every comiket because he became a meme
you don't have to tag your image. They're guy nipples so it's a-ok to show.
why cant the other dolls share some of that meme power?
Because #3 is a trap he became a meme, there are a lot less traps when compared to girls in anime, so when one with a good design comes along it gets a batch of porn, if the porn is good, it fuels more porn of the character until it becomes a meme and it keeps itself alive in several pervert's minds even though the source material has not been popular again in ages
For a girl to strike a similar effect, she needs to be incredibly memed and with the right fetish pandering, Like Hestia did not long ago
mods can be trigger happy for no reason and I don't want to get banned
wasnt there a backlash some days ago because some monster mosume threads were deleted or moved to other boards?
>discovered this doujin yesterday
holy shit, this trap makes me doubt
The only goos trigger show
#3 is also a girl.