I unironically love op protags with special snowflake powers, especially when they try to hide it from those around them.
Go on, Sup Forums. Tell me how shit my taste is.
I unironically love op protags with special snowflake powers, especially when they try to hide it from those around them.
Go on, Sup Forums. Tell me how shit my taste is.
I personally prefer a MC that solves everything through cleverness and wits, doesn't need to have special powers
They don't exist though
I'm with you OP, I love them if done right and not some beta fucking sissy despite being OP.
Onii-san is the best, He doesn't give a fuck. Doesn't let his emotions or others get to him he just does his thing and looks good doing it.
S2 never, fuck everything.
People like to pretend they have taste because they "hate" things like that. I mean taste should be subjective. You like something you watch it you dont you dont watch it that simple.
my problem with this dude isn't that he's OP, it's that he's an OP piece of cardboard
he has no personality
alucard is OP but he's an interesting character
He's literally amalgamation of all people he swallowed
>much blood
>villain respect
How does enjoying fun mean you have shit taste?
Good man.
It's Onii-sama, you fuck.