It isn't too late to repent
Dragon Ball Super
Why does Toyotaro look like he takes it up the butt?
Remainder that even if you are an average-brained 14yo, your time is worth more than watching cash grab soulless continuations.
DBS is over right? Move it into /out/
- The preliminary torunament's ending was very unsatisfactory
- A normal-looking arrow, shot by a normal looking bow, pierced a God of Destruction
- Buu never fights in the manga
- He fucked up Freeza's recruitment
- Gohan got Mystic back off-screen
- Freeza's line about "manipulating the gods" was skipped. Which may be very important in the upcoming movie
- Katopesla was knocked out in half a page
- Ribrianne has no cute form
- Kefla may be Toei-only
- Universe 7 is dominating even moreso than the anime
And that's just from the beginning of this arc
>- Kefla may be Toei-only
Based Toyotaro
> Implying this is a good thing
No Kefla is not a good thing, it's a piece of shit
It is too late. We don't want those fucking Toeibrainlets.
Shit taste. She had one of the top fights in this arc.
And of course, toyocucks are in damage control mode just in case she doesn't make it into the manga.
most of these are good things, dumb waifufag
Who drew this
>- The preliminary torunament's ending was very unsatisfactory
It was much better than the anime once since it hyped Toppo, while most people were disappointed by his battle in the anime.
>A normal-looking arrow, shot by a normal looking bow, pierced a God of Destruction
An arrow shot by a GoD pierced a GoD. The panel itself did lack dynamism and impact though.
>Gohan got Mystic back off-screen
We actually don't know how Toyotaro will handle the Elder Kai power up in the manga. It's not even known if he lost it in the first place and if he's treating it as a permanent boost like before or a on/off transformation like the ToP anime did.
>He fucked up Freeza's recruitment
Nah, the anime fucked it up. It's clear Freeza was supposed to match Goku, but due to Kaioken it comes off like Goku was just playing around with him.
>Freeza's line about "manipulating the gods" was skipped. Which may be very important in the upcoming movie
It likely wasn't from Toriyama's outline. The manga only skipped bits from the outline back in the BoGs remake where it was just 15-16 pages per month and also adding new scenes while recapping BoGs.
>Universe 7 is dominating even moreso than the anime
We don't know that. We haven't seen the actual high tiers fighting yet, just got fodder thrown away quicker than in the anime.
Why does Toei treat Ultimate Gohan like a form?
I can't believe he managed to bamboozle Toei into paying for and animating his AF fanfiction.
It has been FUCKING YEARS and these threads are still plagued by IDIOTS who think that their favorite version of fucking DRAGON BALL is "more real" than the popular one. This is contrarianism to the fucking max. Get off the board you subhuman slime.
Bye toeishill
>while most people were disappointed by his battle in the anime.
I enjoyed that fight. And people from your manga echo-chamber aren't "most people"
Actually most people (casuals) LOVE Super
> An arrow shot by a GoD pierced a GoD. The panel itself did lack dynamism and impact though.
An arrow shot by a normal bow, and the strength lies with the bow. The shooter only needs to have proper form.
> We actually don't know how Toyotaro will handle the Elder Kai power up in the manga. It's not even known if he lost it in the first place
Gohan lost Mystic in all versions of RoF (including Volume F)
> Nah, the anime fucked it up
The anime actually showed the whole recruitment, in hell and in Baba's palace. Plus we got another Freeza vs Goku, and got the idea that Freeza wants to overthrow the gods
> It likely wasn't from Toriyama's outline
It probably wasn't, but this is what the upcoming movie is likely leading towards too
> We don't know that. We haven't seen the actual high tiers fighting yet, just got fodder thrown away quicker than in the anime.
Exactly, the pacing is just way too fast and U7 got way too many knock outs in the first chapter. And Katopesla is out without barely existing in the first place.
mexico government is soo fucking stupid
they try to make a public broadcast of the final episodes without asking toei and they say no
>mexico government
Who said it was their government?
This is canon.
it was the Governor that autorize this shit
>Has access to a time machine
>Whenever he isn't on screen all the other characters ask where he is
Is Future Trunks the Poochie of the Dragonball franchise?
The anime team arguably works just as closely with Toriyama as Toyotaro does
> Toshio worked with Toriyama in a pre-episode planning meeting
> Says "of course Toriyama is involved" with the anime team
> Toei receives Toriyama outline
> Toriyama sees what Toei is planning (saw that they were going to make Jiren talk, then asked them to change it)
> Meaning Toriyama reviews anime-only content and either asks them to modify it or he approves it
> Toei created Kale, which is now part of Toyotaro's outline
> Toriyama created Caulifla because of Toei's initiative to create Kale.
> Toriyama created Jiren, Toppo, and Dypso. Toei created the other Pride Troopers which Toyotaro is using
Toriyama also treated Mystic as a form when he removed it from Gohan in RoF
>Literally a boring list of filler shit
Sasuga Toei tards!
I'm almost sure he just forgot it ever exitsted.
Not Toriyama, that's for sure.
Otherwise they would have said it, overhyping it like they always do.
Tell me again why pic related will continue and the anime not.
Toei is continuing the anime continuity with movies
Does that make you insecure? That the manga will objectively be the worst version post-ToP?
Because pic related is years of volumes behind?
Movies are movie continuity and anime is anime continuity. If they were the same then the anime team wouldn't have retold the movies.
Anime/movies are handled by Toei
Since the next movie will take place after the last anime episode of Super, it will follow that ending.
We could very well see Goku using SSB Kaioken in Toei's upcoming movie, which isn't in the manga. That's what I meant.
> Asking why is the manga continuing while the anime isn't
> When the manga is far as fuck behind
Hmmm gee...I wonder. Why WOULD the manga still be continuing?
It's almost like it's not even close to finishing the ToP yet.
>If they were the same then the anime team wouldn't have retold the movies.
"Canonity" has nothing to do with why they retold the movies. You're thinking about that aspect as too big of a nerd.
>If they were the same then the anime team wouldn't have retold the movies.
They did that specifically because Toriyama told them too
>An arrow shot by a normal bow, and the strength lies with the bow. The shooter only needs to have proper form.
This being a universe with Ki and various characters like Future Trunks explicitly channeling Ki through their weapons, it’s likely she did the same.
Ki is normally visible in those cases
I would have bought it if the arrow had a ki with it
>various characters like Future Trunks explicitly channeling Ki through their weapons
The difference with Trunks is that a sword relies more on the strength of user...the arrow relies on the strength of the bow
Toyotaro is shit and toriyama is worse Cuz he just lent him his legacy and told him to crash his serie with no survivors
Why do we praise Toriyama when Toei seems to do a better job than him?
> Filler for characters that Toriyama forgot/ignores
> Giving Vegeta a scene for his initial SS transformation
> Tried to fix Toriyama's "the legendary SS is born every x amount of years" by creating Broly
> Driving episode
> Giving Kid Future Trunks a better reason to transform into SS (Gohan dying vs he always had it)
> Otherworld Tournament (the only real full tournament in DBZ)
> Pikkon
> Having Vegetto fight Buuhan as Base before going SS
> Better Bardock story
> SS4 design over SS Re-color
> Giving Frost a "fake hero" backstory, instead of being just a less evil Freeza
> Making Hit, Black, Merged Zamasu more threatening, instead of being much weaker like their outline counterparts
> Giving Future Trunks and Future Mai more to do in the Trunks arc
> Baseball episode
> Giving Buu at least two fights in DBS
> Showing Freeza's ToP recruitment, and a spar between him and Goku
> Giving Gohan a scene where he re-unlocks Mystic/Ultimate
> Even though the anime team had plans to make Jiren talk, Toriyama said that he doesn't speak. So the anime team had to follow through with this.
> Anime team created Kale, and is responsible for Toriyama for creating Caulifla
> Freeza donating his energy to Goku (Planet Namek re-enactment) was thought of by the anime team
> Toriyama's Ribrianne was only fat. The anime team created the cute girl Brianne De Chateau who transforms into Ribrianne
> Kefla possibly being a Toei-creation given that Caulifla and Kale aren't as close in the manga, and that they both were only created because of Toei
Where did I even mention the word "canon"?
>I enjoyed that fight. And people from your manga echo-chamber aren't "most people"
Most people in the anime discussion, a long time before the manga got there, disliked the anime Toppo fight and thought he was worthless. The anime plainly did a bad job hyping him up before the tournament. This also hit Dyspo, since he was shown to be weaker than him in his debut.
>An arrow shot by a normal bow, and the strength lies with the bow. The shooter only needs to have proper form.
I mean, at the level, they're fighting, the same could be said for a sword too. Most pop culture like RPGs and videogames don't follow that rule though, and just have the damage proportional to the user's strength, treating a bow no differently from a melee weapon.
>Gohan lost Mystic in all versions of RoF (including Volume F)
He lost "power" in all versions of RoF, but it's not clear if he lost a form. Even the Super anime itself had two contradictory takes on it.
In the RoF arc, Gohan only notices that he can't fight "at his best" in base. Then, rather than power up to bring any ultimate form and failing, he just power ups into SSJ - and that's still enough to beat someone who's stated to be stronger than Gohan was at his "peak". It's clear they saw Ultimate as a power boost, not a separate transformation. But then the current arc had it as a lost transformation, which makes those early power comparisons from the RoF arc of Super anime make no sense.
>It probably wasn't, but this is what the upcoming movie is likely leading towards too
Eh, you're getting ahead of yourself. The "long awaited enemy" tied to Saiyan and Freeza history might as well be a legendary super saiyan, not Freeza -again-.
>Exactly, the pacing is just way too fast and U7 got way too many knock outs in the first chapter.
Eh, it'll be a problem if when we get a full chapter for the tournament it's still just easy knock outs with no drama.
Toyofags still exist after the latest info dump showing the manga isn't canon and just meant to promote the anime?
> Toppo fight was bad
To each his own then
> I mean, at the level, they're fighting, the same could be said for a sword too
See: And they did this poorly by making it look like an ordinary bow/arrow. And the shot was portrayed very minimal impact.
>He lost "power" in all versions of RoF, but it's not clear if he lost a form.
No, he clearly lost the form. In Volume F and in Toriyama's designs for RoF, Gohan has very different hair.
He powers up to SS1 instead instead of Mystic in the anime which isn't a problem or "contradictory". When Gohan was done with the Elder Kai's ritual, the Elder Kai told him to transform as if he was going SS.
> Eh, you're getting ahead of yourself. The "long awaited enemy" tied to Saiyan and Freeza history might as well be a legendary super saiyan, not Freeza -again-.
More evidence points to Freeza
1) Freeza winning the tournament
2) Freeza thus obtaining the Super DBs
3) Freeza expressing interest in overthrowing the gods
> Promotional "cliff-notes" manga that was announced AFTER the anime, and rarely ever used in merch/games
> "canon"
Never ever
How does he keep winning?
We're talking about people who can take planet destroying blasts though. Something like a sword would be limited by its own durability at that point. People assume that they're ki enhanced, but Toriyama actually didn't bother outright saying or confirming that at any point.
I agree that the shot was poorly drawn though, lacking impact.
No, he clearly lost the form. In Volume F and in Toriyama's designs for RoF, Gohan has very different hair.
>He powers up to SS1 instead instead of Mystic in the anime which isn't a problem or "contradictory".
The issue is that he first notices that he lost power while fighting, not when attempting to power up to form he can't access anymore.
Then when he power ups to a SSJ1 he beats someone stated to be stronger than Ultimate Gohan, which makes absolutely no sense if you treat Ultimate as a lost form like the anime did later. Also, even his weakened base was stronger than Piccolo, which again makes little sense with ultimate as a transformation. They were clearly writing him back then like Ultimate was a generic power boost and he had weakened and couldn't handle the power anymore due to lack of training, but not like he had lost a transformation.
>When Gohan was done with the Elder Kai's ritual, the Elder Kai told him to transform as if he was going SS.
Yeah, but afterwards he just had the "ultimate look" all the time, even after falling unconscious, dying and waking up. It wasn't a on/off switch after getting it for the first time;
The difference in appearance from pre-ritual to post-ritual in the Buu Saga also was different from Base to Ultimate in the ToP arc (Not only hair style, his eye outlines also changed).
Basically, the treatment of the form is fairly inconsistent.
>2) Freeza thus obtaining the Super DBs
It's the best fighter in the tournament that receives them. It's not know what's the criteria for that, the idea that it's the last man standing is just an assumption at this point.
All of those points are wrong, used to be right but now is wrong, or misleading
This one in particular
> Toyotaro is Toriyama's chosen successor
Is completely wrong, and I've seen this being used in arguments...surprisingly a lot of times
He wasn't "chosen by Toriyama" and Toriyama isn't teaching Toyo or grooming him to be his successor.
Shueisha simply hired Toyo and asked Toriyama to help him.
>Question: How was chosen as the successor of Akira Toriyama?
>Toyotaro: I introduced myself to Shueisha saying that I wanted to draw Dragon Ball Super, and they gave me the chance to draw the video game series and after three months I was asked to draw two pages of Dragon Ball Super and from there everything started, and I was very happy.
El Hermano
Will Cell become the next villain after Freiza?
Anime cockroaches BTFO
>I agree that the shot was poorly drawn though, lacking impact.
I agree that Toriyama doesn't give a shit about explaining it (or Trunks' sword).
But at least his sword vs Freeza showed more impact than the arrow that pierced a GoD.
> Then when he power ups to a SSJ1 he beats someone stated to be stronger than Ultimate Gohan, which makes absolutely no sense if you treat Ultimate as a lost form like the anime did later.
I generally don't think or care too much about the re-tellings since I consider the movies as the ultimate canon for the first 2 arcs.
But anyway, this is explained when they treat Mystic as a transformation like SS. Base Gohan apparently is stronger, and SS is apparently stronger than what Mystic used to be.
Which is dumb, but the blame partly goes to Toriyama who made Gohan "lose" Mystic in RoF like if it was a transformation. It's a retcon that HE created.
> Interview before Trunks arc even started
>desperate damage control
> Toriyama says something ages ago
> Before Shueisha's DB Room and even before the Trunks arc
> Thinks it's relevant
How did we go from this... THIS? THIS???
are we going mainstream?
Even in the ToP, there was only 1 good story board artist.
It says a lot when the majority of Toei's storyboarders can't beat Toyo's tracing.
Reminder SSB Evolution is toei exclusive
Something Something APOLOGIZE etc
Toppo will NOT transform into a GoD
Frieza doesn't give goku energy in the outline, which means all the stamina bs in the anime is anime exclusive
>an asspull was made by toei
How shocking
Toei fucked up with kkx20 and goku wasn't supposed to be 20 times vegeta without UI so he needed something
no hes not, nothing you post proves it, the only thing you got there and that he was involved in the caracterization of some of characters, giving tips on how they should behave. He doesn't write the episodes nor is he involved with it. While in the manga he oversees each chapter and gives his okay before publishing. Totally different worlds.
>A normal-looking arrow, shot by a normal looking bow, pierced a God of Destruction
I can't believe you are so retarded to make such a remark. Holy shit, I'm surprised you are able to use a computer.
>Kefla may be Toei-only
That's a good thing, faggot.
Not really. Trunks doesn't always have Ki visible when he uses his sword.
That's irrelevant as they can just use more ki in the weapon. Their strength comes from ki anyway.
>two annoying brats
>they fuse and become best girl
Yeah, must be horrible not having that.
UI omen might be a toei exclusive
Now toeishills are saying DBS is better as movies, when before they were praising the anime
Is there any group more transparent and hypocritical than Toeishills?
The first appearance of trunks had him infuse his sword with ki to fight goku.
Goddamnit, I wish Toriyama had kept the army of ki absorbing androids thing and just had 17 and 18 as far more powerful but unstable side projects that were released and not destroyed permanently shelved because of Trunks meddling in the past.
Why do people keep praising Toriyama?
He's now worse than Yamamuro at drawing, he's lazy as fuck, and DBS proves that he can't write for shit either.
toeishills change color everyday, its normal.
DBS as a whole has overstayed it's welcome.
The ToP is already the embodiment of creative bankrupcy, I can't imagine how fucking stupid whatever trash Toriyama will shit out next will be after making Goku Blanco an unironic thing.
its dragon ball you mongoloid. stop trying to introduce real world logic and physics into it.
Reminder that you can change the HTML code?
No, I want the series to continue until Super Saiyan 5 becomes a thing.
Lets see Dragon Ball and Toriyama lose the little dignity they have left.
I take solace in that hopefully it means more Kale
Merged zamasu was such a chump in manga
>o my giga zamas
I want snu snu with kale.
In the manga m zamasu wasn't even stronger than 100% blue goku
Thats a pathetic villain
>anime ends in 2 weeks
That means these threads will be gone in 3 weeks.
Hell, they are already halfway dead.
You will not be missed, DBSpics.
At least he had good fights
>good fights
>Implying Toei won't drag this out as long as possible by delaying the final episode another 3 weeks
Fuck are you on about, unironically looks hype
yet he was more terrifying than bio zamasu who cried like little bitch and lost to trunks.
cant wait for when toryiama decides to bring future trunks back
will be really funny seeing toei trying to cram all that convoluted time travel shit in a 1 hour movie