Why haven't you fallen into despair yet, Sup Forums?
Why haven't you fallen into despair yet, Sup Forums?
>30 yo virgin
>Can't leave this place
I'm already in despair
Sonia loves despair and I love Sonia!!!
Thanks for the spoilers Sup Forums
My spoilers are your spoilers
It's okay, the game keeps crashing whenever it tries to run a cutscene that happens in between the second and third trial, so I will probably never get around to finishing it anyway.
I summoned Edmond Dantes in Fate/GO
Get the fuck back to /drg/.
Same here.
I have fallen into despair though.
I usually like characters like this but the entire series is so fucking dumb I just can't like her.
I've never had a cute girl personally show me why it's so great.
I am despair, living in a shitty life that feels like purgatory, nothing changes, always the same boring shit.
A little more than a year ago, and I've never looked back.
I'm in despair because of how popular this franchise is.
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That's my secret. I'm always in despair.
Despair doesn't work on me
I've gotten along with the despair.
Because i still have hope!! and xanax
Why hasn't the creator just made a spin off where Junko isn't evil?
He'd make million off waifufags.
>where Junko isn't evil?
That would be fuckin shit. The whole appeal of Junko is precisely because she is an evil bitch.
user thats what Ryoko is for. Junko without despair is a forgetful Baka
You need hope to fall into despair
And I hate her for it.
Why can't I just forget her and DIE
No it's her giant breasts and twin tails are you stupid?
What kind of edgy kid do you need to be where being evil is a positive trait for a character?
>Hurr Durr only edgy kids like villains
I seriously hope you aren't this retarded.
I am the despair
>the two games where Junko isn't directly part of them have immensely better plots than the ones with her
What did Kodak mean by this
Two? The only game Junko has no part in is DRV3
I want to fall into dis pair.
I want Makoto to fill Junko's despairhole with his hope
Franxx is giving my life meaning right now.
UDG. Shirokuma doesn't really act like her despite having her AI until the very end and Kurokuma is also mostly inconsequential.
i prefer it when she had red hair and was forgetful.
I miss Ryoko too. She was adorably dopey
Just meet and help each other.
her existence makes you wonder about junko and the fact the main heroine turned out to be junko without the memories was an interesting twist (though they should of saved that for one of the games).
I've learned to get along with the feeling.
She is a cute. Wish there was more.
That's because most people overlooked DR0 and just played the games.
wtf I love multiple personality disorder now
>Edge kid resorts to ad hominem
Why am I not surprised?
am i a faggot for liking junko more when it's actually mukoro?
Best girl
>The pot calling the kettle black.
In other news, water is wet.
The twist wouldn't have worked in a game, it only worked because 0 was a prologue.
No, that just means you like Mukuro.
Literally what was this bitch's issue? Go be despairing alone.
If I hadn't fell into despair I wouldn't be posting here.
Junko loves Naegi!
true endgame right here
You said it, bro.
Poor girl. Bad luck gave her the wrong sibling.
I like Mukuro but only when she's dressed up as Junko. What does that make me?
normally this would be a crack ship but know junko it is most likely canon especially with how the AI version of her acting when seeing him in 2 and the fact naegi almost cucked her childhood friend when she was a forgetful baka.
I literally can't stop loving Junko
Loving Junko is like loving Double Bacon Whoppers: yeah, you're having a great time right now but you're also perfectly aware of the fact that it's going to fucking kill you.
You like Mukuro's personality but Junko's look
>Junko will never dominate and mindbreak you into being her boot-licking pet.
>You will never rehabilitate Junko
DR1 execution themes BEST execution themes
>you will never show Junko the despair of being a stay at home mom
stop placing your self-worth on fucking women and you'll be free
you could be a 34 year old wizard if you start today
*Just meet and DICK each other.
And that's a bad thing?