New Cardcaptor Sakura is great

>new Cardcaptor Sakura is great
>Precure is great again
Magical girl anime has been saved.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>new Cardcaptor Sakura is great
>Precure is great again
>Nanoha is back and just as badass as ever
You're absolutely right, magical girl anime HAS been saved.

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It hasn't been in any danger. Flip flap and twin angel were fucking great.

Muh dick

Is this a Precure thread or Sakura thread?

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Twin Angel is horrible. You have zero standards if you think that shit is good.

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We are living in mahou shojo Renaissance.

I also want to know

Next season it's going to be saved even more

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I got bored of this show's gag by the time I'd read the synopsis.

Make mascots great again.

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So how is that magical girl killing thing that is supposed to air next season?

>Get a dude mascot in vein of Tarte
>Also get a baby in vein of WAGA WA INFINITE

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Is Sato a confirmed Fresh fag?

I hope so.

Tomoyo needs to wear costumes moar desuwa.

That depends on the little girls. Clear Hen made shit ratings but airs on a premium channel so it's hard to tell. I don't know how Precure is doing

Oh no.

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The clear cards arc manga is fine, but I don't think that the anime is doing a good representation. The anime is going to have around 23-26 episodes, so we'll see if it gets better

The animation in the last episode of CCS was crazy good.

22 episodes total, I don't know if there will be a s2, but if there is it won't come out before 2020 cause the director is busy with Chihayafuru in 2019.

>Nanoha is back

I was hoping for a S2 after the manga finishes, so it can be more straightforward with the plot.

The anime is always going to be a bit different from the manga though

>more straightforward with the plot
Have you ever watched the original show? It's not plot centric at all. Why do clueless plotfags have to whine in every CCS thread?

True. The original show was more like "stuff happens and Sakura converts it into a card", the Clear arc is like that too, but we don't know where did the clear cards come from, we don't know who is Akiho, we don't know what will happen when "that time" comes, and that's the plot.

The not-plot of the Clear Card anime is shit though.

That's just your shitty vapid opinion.

The non-plot being good is your shitty opinion too

Reminder that Sakura and Syaoran are PURE!

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This time there's a plot and it feels like they might even compromise the character centric narrative because of it.

This crappy pairing ruins CCS for me.

shut up tomoyo/meilin

Go back to work, Touya


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Those cameltoes tho

Precure + CCS partnership thread?

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I can get behind that.

Fuck off with your shitty taste.

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How dare you, they both ship it. The bitter one is definitely Touya.

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More amazing is the fact that both can communicate fluenty in Kansai-ben

Where's Tarte?


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Precure has been great for the last three years but whatever.

Now we have to deal with garbage like Mahou Shoujo Site coming out next season, not like that's even real magical girl though.

>Mahou Shoujo Site
I bet it's going to be the flavor of the season

I wish this crossover didn't exist

I wish there was more.
I want a whole season of magical girl anime.
I want a whole board dedicated to magical girls

It's never enough.

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He means detonation.

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>Precure has been great for the last three years
Go Princess was great, but Kirakira and Maho were unbearable to be honest. Some of the blandest mahou shoujo I've ever seen.

Fuck off, Mahotard.

Are you comparing a gory battle royale with a magical girl gimmick to proper mahou shoujo series for little girls?
Stop being retarded.

You can always tell when /pc/ comes by to make everyone miserable in a thread about little girl shows.

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I'm saying that instead of all the great magical girls we could be getting we're instead getting an edgy magical girl in name only anime.

madoka already did this

Futagohime and Doremi are my favorite magical girl shows.

Huggto is looking pretty decent so far.

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>middle most likely has a very thick bush

Wtf, I love Precure now.

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Little girls seem to agree because Go followed the growing trend of Hacha among female viewers but Maho killed the momentum and Kira perfomed even wore

Futagohime was great. Except for Gyu.

Futagohime is patrician taste.
Did we ever get Gyu translated?

Feel free to try this bed!

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We just need a good ending for Madoka now

What about Cutie Honey


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If I can't be happy, no one can.

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Why are these two so cute?

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It wasn't a great movie
It was good, but not great

Reflection or Detonation?
I think more people are just happy to have _a_ movie, especially after Yukarin and King Record's deal.

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>we could be getting
But there are two really good ones airing.
>we're instead getting
Not true, because they're part of completely different market segments.

But it's not taking the place of a magical girl anime. It's a late-night anime and a completely different target audience.

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>Precure version of Sakura and Tomoyo
This is the collaboration I never knew I would want so much.


Saaya is now a full fledged drilling machine freak
I hope you're happy Toei

Don't forget the vegetables

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I need a Hugtto and Heartcatch crossover.

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I wonder if Yukari will change the tone of her character in Hugtto after she inevitably becomes the 4th cure.

A part of me hopes she doesn't

Gee I wonder why would you want that. Sorry but if you want to see Tamura Yukari and Mizuki Nana together in a magical girl anime, you'll just have to watch Nanoha

I want autistic alien robot, too.

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That's a great idea except
>In Nanoha
Bow to your new goddess, Fuuka. The wave of the future.

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Will Sakura ever learn what a father complex is?

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Go read some doujins

>father complex
It's the main reason why she was in love with Yukito.

None of them are pure enough.
It's the glasses, isn't it?

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Glasses and powers from Clow.

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I liked it. I bet you didn't even finish it. Easily had villain of the season. Infinitely better than edgeshit like keikaku or madoka.

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New doremi when

To be fair, he is the most based dad in anime.
When they animate 16.

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>implying he's not referring to Sakura there as the thing that's already broken after she fucked everything up