ITT: Characters that are /fa/ as fuck.
Attached: 1t.png (1920x1080, 1.73M)
Attached: lin.png (231x890, 190K)
Attached: 1499765506837.png (1280x1396, 1M)
Attached: yu_yu_hakusho2.jpg (480x480, 35K)
Attached: 67516370_p0.jpg (955x1267, 196K)
Attached: fsdghfcgncfg.jpg (1024x576, 50K)
/fa/ incarnate
Attached: dfhfdgh.png (720x540, 644K)
Attached: 1455105135434.jpg (480x640, 70K)
Lelouch gets me all hot and bothered
Attached: 41BF8530-15AD-493B-A371-A2320B5A95B9.jpg (2079x2614, 1.54M)
all of them
Attached: utena character sheet 02.jpg (1280x1856, 255K)
Attached: 1516233432801.jpg (3658x2329, 569K)
Attached: zdlbiubasnojffbj12231.png (500x667, 302K)
Attached: sdfgsd97f8w.jpg (1280x720, 172K)
Attached: me fashion.jpg (1280x882, 283K)
Attached: ohwowiamsoveryupsetwow.jpg (728x1093, 132K)
say what you will but the abh are aesthetic as fuck
Attached: 7.jpg (1123x1600, 684K)
Attached: Snufkin.gif (499x374, 968K)
Attached: 1516324538901.png (503x720, 334K)
taisho fashion was pretty /fa/
Attached: fgbn4th7dr5.png (540x651, 567K)
Attached: JOJO-v06-c54-p018.png (669x1100, 103K)
Conan is always /fa/ as fuck