Why is 2D so pleasurable to look at?
Why is 2D so pleasurable to look at?
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>no facial hair, no acne, pimples or any of that disgusting shit
>big eyes
>small noses
>small mouths
>thin eyebrows
>shiny hair
Because they're 2D and 3D is ugly. It's that simple.
>Perfect proportions/measurements
>Entire buildings of career professionals trying to find a way to cater to your every preference and desire
>Every movement required purposeful animation to be as appealing as possible
You tell me
Monogatari basically mastered it in their character designs, fan service, etc.
It is the pinnacle of 2D pandering and I unironically love it
Hachikuji, Nadeko and Tsukihi are a lot taller than I expected.
Did anyone else hate 3D, even as a child? When I was a kid the only live action thing on television I wasn't physically repulsed by was Power Rangers, and that had half the episode consist of the actors covered by suits fighting monsters.
あららららぎ is just a turbo manlet
Your brain fills the blanks
>Araragi is shorter than his imouto
Shamefur dispray
Plenty of cute, childlike features that induce positive emotion.
It's like watching kids play. It's relaxing to the primal brain since it means there's nothing bad happening at the moment.
it's an ideally perfect refuge from the ugliness and misery of real life in the third dimension
Especially because most of the simplifications make a face MUCH easier to draw.
This guy gets it
It's good.
It's cute.
They are abstraction from reality and the abstraction can be as real if not more real than reality itself.
anime girls are an idealization of real girls
it's that simple
This show looks stupid and pedophilic.
Fact: my waifu is the most pleasurable to look at.
youre retarded and also fucking disgusting
Because you are a paedophile?
And you’re disgusting filth that defends a show that sexualizes children in such a manner. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
try watching the show for once. not everything with kids in it has to be about giving them the D, you retarded fuck
Like Rugrats?
Are you me? I remember being 10 and saying to my older cousin "wouldn't it be cooler if real life looked like DBZ?" or some shit. He just laughed and called me gay. That was the day I learned to hide my power level.
2D won't be perfect till we can smell it.
>Araragi is fucking 5'4
My fucking god. I get that he's japanese but I'm at least 5'11. How can I self-insert
>1999 + 19
>smellevision still doesn't exist
>sees kid character
>immediately assumes that its related to pedophilia
How does the pedo closet feels?
>thin eyebrows
ur a shit
What would be the best anime to watch with this technology? My vote goes for Haifuri.
Ange Vierge.
Any sports anime where the girls get sweaty.
looking at attractive things is pleasurable in 3D, just 2D is more attractive than 3D
Escapism and fantasy. Nothing wrong with liking fictional and real women, but preferences are preferences.
Spooky is even shorter than him, by like a head or so. She smol
Listen my child, not ALL 2D is pleasurable to look at. When you're as old I am, you'll start to see and learn about the true horrors of 2D in the real world. In this world there are 2D that originate from the darkess corners of the world from the darkess of hearts. 2D so hideous that no human eyes should ever have the misfortune of seeing. The darkness, of course I speak of is called western art That is why we must do all that we can to draw back the great evil.
He's 17 though and nip authors loves giving huge growth spurt to their MCs at the end.
>western animation industry has been dead since the 90's
>99% of porn is horrible deviantart-tier shit
>no acne, pimples
I find acne and pimples on 2D to be cute. Having a flaw on an otherwise perfect being makes them even more perfect in my eyes.
99% of western shit on sadpanda needs to be eradicated.
Me. I only wanted to watch Pokemon, Digimon, and Scooby Doo as a kid rather than any live action stuff. Only ever wanted to see Pixar movies rather than stuff like Superheroes too.
It's cute.
Because anything remotely displeasurable can be removed easily. With 3d, it takes large changes to remove one flaw, and with real it can be downright impossible, but with 2d it's easy.
i don't see that, maybe it's you who see it that way.
2D girls know what we like. And we can stare them all we want.
Why would you leave 1%?
>ctr-f supernormal
srsly u fags?
>draw things to be cute and appealing
>"wh-why is 2D so cute and appealing???"
im always disappointed by 3D action scene. the movement will never be as clean and perfect as in 2D
i mean, look at this shit
also disgustingly short female legs
So do you plan on staying a virgin for life?
>you plan
not planning or wishing it but i'm starting to slowly accept my fate
also i think 3d women are cute but the legs are almost always too short
my solution? mandatory high heels
Because drawings are pure expression. A drawing will only contain as much information as is necessary to express an idea or mood, and only information that serves that purpose. The cohesion can be considered a kind of harmony that makes it fundamentally pleasing to the brain.
The anime industry is showing symptoms of what happened to the western cartoon industry so many years ago
How do I self-insert as a 6'3 gaijin
Did he get any taller by Hanamonogatari? It's hard to tell. All I can see is that he got longer hair.
This is a ~147cm tall car, there's a chance
Don't know why NEETs make such a big deal out of sex, there's so many more things to life
>thin eyebrows
I like sweat