You may not like it but this is the objective way to rate this season.
Lots of shows started off well only to fall victim to repetition and stupid mistakes like cliche routes.
As expected of a winter season.
You may not like it but this is the objective way to rate this season.
Lots of shows started off well only to fall victim to repetition and stupid mistakes like cliche routes.
As expected of a winter season.
>Violet Evergarden as AOTS
>Fate as one of the worst shows of the season.
Tmat makes no sense; aren't both shows basically the same thing?
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
Move Yuru Camp all the way down into dogshit tier.
Where's Fate Cooking
Dude what the hell.
absolute shit taste
Somewhere near VEG
>Sorayori not in AOTS tier
Ah, so it's a shitpost thread. As expected of VEGfags.
>Not garbage
opinion discarded
you're literally 13 years old
There's no way in hell Sora Yori is above the good line after episode 11, now please go back to your circlejerk threads.
what a terrible thread
shame on you OP
>veg aots
S-sasuga beito
Whatever helps you sleep at night. At least I know where the brain-dead shitposting in those threads comes from.
It's alright.
>watching seasonal shit
>look at me guys I only watch old anime I'm so cool for not watching seasonal stuff on a board that revolves around seasonal anime
Will you faggots ever get tired of this routine?
Yes yes, everyone that does not put your teen melodrama as AOTS is clearly out there to get you.
Take a deep breath mate.
>putting the shogi lolis crap above literally anything
opinion discarded
I'm not too worried about you, since your frail arguments have been repeatedly shit on to the point where there is nothing I could possibly add.
Only VEGfags seem to be insecure enough to make these kinds of threads anyways.
A conversation started with "oh it's just shitposting, sasuga" does not deserve a single argument to begin with.
>Franxx in bad
>Slow Start in bad
>Fate in bad
>Pop Team Epic in dogshit and not in a seperate tier from this list
>Evershit AOTS
Plz, the only proper placement I see is Yuru Camp
Fate is trash
>special genetics depressed mc has a quirky dom girl appear from nowhere fall in love with him
>featuring NTR
She wants you to shooooooow her.
Seems like a moefag list
Seriously, why have evergarbage shills declared war on just about everything not post-2011 Kyoani? And they wonder why Sup Forums hates them now.
I really don't know what you're talking about.
>Antarctica is all the way in bad
>Even Darling and Babysitters is higher
Why? Did you even watch half of these past a couple minutes.
Yuru Camp over A Place Further Than The Universe
Evergarbage shills can't take the slightest bit of criticism and often resort to the "tell me what you like so I can shit on it" tactic. And they still think they own Sup Forums and any different opinions must be subhumans from ribbit and /vee/.
I did.
Darling went down the shitter fast and it's only above the dogshit line because there'll be some mecha stuff soon. Gakuen is very simple and sweet, it doesn't try to get something special from you; it's basically playing it very safe.
Sora Yori has been trying to make you care about teenage drama without setting it up and with too many comedy moments in between the interpersonal drama of the cast. It just doesn't work.
Better than OP to be honest.
>Sora Yori has been trying to make you care about teenage drama without setting it up and with too many comedy moments in between the interpersonal drama of the cast.
I haven't been watching it but it sounds exactly like your average Jukki Hanada show.
You're 12 and I fucked your dad.
good taste
>sorayori bad
Hey, it's the VEG defense force pushing their shittaste on others again.
>the premise determine whether something is good or not
Nice logic, brainlet
Aren't both shows basically the same thing?
I wasn't aware it was possible to have this bad of taste, but here you are.
literally yes but I can go further if you really want me to
>inconsistencies in 2018
nice work franxx
And the anus cult seriously wonders why they're hated on this board now.
Fuck off Kyoanus pieces of shit.
The premise is never the reason something is bad. It is always down to the execution.
The most cliché premise in the world can be made into a great show as long as its execution is great enough.
Huh? The tape simply doesn't go all the way up the clock, what you see in the paronamic view is the design of the clock, you can't see the tape on the close up cause the tape is below it, but you can still see the design.
Not him but you are correct. Sadly FranXX kept going for the cliche and predictable routes that nobody wanted to see after endless weeks of theory crafting and it dared air 2 fanservice episodes instead of compressing the world building in one.
a poor premise limits how good an execution can carry it.
a great premise can be good a decent execution, but a bad premise is still a bad show with decent.
If the premise is dogshit it just won't be good no matter how well they execute it.
This. Remember the fucking Emoji Movie.
>le k-kyoani does it again!!! ebin!!!
Didn't see it, but there is no reason it couldn't be good with a great writer and great director.
Mitstuboshi Colors is god tier
pls understand
>thread about the aots
>all discussion revolves around franxx
Trigger just can't stop winning. Have fun loosers.
That's obviously a reflect, perception nigga.
>because there'll be some mecha stuff soon
Literally 12 years old.
? ??? ????? ?? ? ?? ???
Nobody is talking about franxx besides you and one other guy
I almost want to deny that Grancrest is dogshit, but that last episode was truly terrible.
They did it again. About damn time too since their last good broadcast was Hibike.
Is that a problem?
You may be right, but it's still much harder for a good writer and director to overcome a bad premise than it is for a bad director and writer to ruin a good premise.
i will enjoy myself shitting on your favourite series as long as you keep talking about it.
VEG is a shallow, pretentious, and hilariously unoriginal series, and you liking it only reaffirms this board's awareness of the anus cult.
fuck off and die, moefag
it could never be good because the premise was too retarded.
Alrighty then.
I can't take anything that takes place in a country called Leidenschaft seriously. Or any of the other fucktarded placenames in that polished fecal matter.
One user once said Hibike was a better read than VEG, so I actually go and read VEG, turn out that it is super cliche and the writing is pretty rigid, and I think that user was right even though I haven't read all of Hibike yet.
Get fucked.
>steampunk europe
>with yakisoba by the way
still makes me laugh
hibike is fine. not anything special, but above average for sure, if a little bland.
VEG is just unadulterated shit.
kyoani is the only good animation studio
Sarcastic fringeheads did it better.
>asian characters exist
>but somehow yakisoba is a travesty
Please stop trying to create a confirmation bias inside my head about the people who shitpost endlessly about VEG.
Yeah I bet you filthy Gaijin know how to use a pair of chopsticks properly.
>ctrl + f Toji no miko
>zero results
>One of the best shows in this season don't ever get a mention.
Such is the state of Sup Forums
when do you think the japanese learnt how to stir fry, faggot?
Same year yuros created advanced prosthetic arms.
>There were asian people and merchants in Regency England
>They must have eaten noodles and Chinese dishes
>Wait that didn't happen
>start watching it because of Yukikaze
>dropped it because they look nothing like Shizuma Yoshinori's art in the anime
I would rate it around the same as Beatless, not garbage but pretty close to it.
Why is Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens near dogshit? It hasnt done anything special but its not bad with its edgey antics
toji no shit is garbage
The visual quality of this show has fallen of quite hard since the first couple of episodes.
that's the premise. we're allowed to suspend our disbelief for the premise.
eating a fucking 20th century food dish though, is just stupid.
That's okay. I have an image of the evergarbage defense force as uptight, holier than thou stuffed shirt types like Major Winchester from M*A*S*H.
>lush palm trees
Uh well it's better then OP at the least.
Forget about the yakisoba, they cook fish too. So unpleasant.
My $0.02:
>Enjoyable shows: Franxx, Sora Yori, Yuru Camp, Kokkoku
>Not enjoyable but still watch it because it is produced by kyoani: VEG
>Dropped: Beatless, Toji
>Didn't even bother to start watching: the rest