Soul eater is a good anime.
Soul eater is a good anime
I would like to disagree but I respect your opinion.
It's a good manga and a mediocre anime.
That that post come with hipster glasses?
No, just realism glasses. The anime is worth watching to see some parts animated but ultimately it's an inferior way of experiencing the series. I don't understand the fascination anime-onlies have with only watching half of a series just because that's all the anime covers.
The series sucks, there's a reason people don't care about it anymore
Why do you feel like bringing up your bad taste is even necessary? According to you LN/manga fags the source material is “superior” almost without fail so why do you all feel the need to keep reminding eachother and yourself that?
I want people to experience the actual series and not base their judgements on inferior and/or incomplete versions of a series. Sup Forums is mostly an anime board which makes it impossible to talk about some series since so many people only watch the anime and so miss half the series or are exposed to shitty anime-original content.
I hate to break it to you but anime is better than manga and LNs. When you read a LN or manga you’re imagining 90% where as with the anime you’re getting much more including music and voice actors.
>anime is better because it moves and has sounds despite a good chunk of the time being butchered to shit
This is why we can't have nice things.
Soul Eater NOT was pretty good
Soul Eater is a good anime to that goth girl in your high school class who liked anime and Kingdom Hearts
Just because you’re not being force fed everything at once doesn’t mean anime is bad. A good manga will never compare to a good anime and anime if it wanted could replicate manga almost perfectly while a manga could never replicate an anime.
Too many implied couplings in this series. Even the good Witch's lantern partner was gay for her.
I’ve always found that ugly fat chicks like Evangelion.
Completely disagree. Well animated anime are few and far between (and anime whose art can match good manga art is even fewer) and good paneling will beat mediocre animation any day. If every anime was animated like Akira (another example of a great manga butchered to shit) this would be less of an issue but that isn't ever going to happen. Manga has its own set of things that anime can't (or can with difficulty) replicate (generally things relating to panel usage) and there will always be manga that will never get anime adaptations on top of the shit adaptations that are very common. Obviously there are anime original things as well, but they can and do also suffer from poor art and animation, but at least they're not awful hackjobs like anime adaptations can be but that people still defend, and even worse, enjoy.
>Well animated anime are few and far between
That’s probably because you stopped watching anime in 1996
>and anime whose art can match good manga art is even fewer
That’s because you’re comparing animation to single pictures. I hate to break it to you but there’s people on deviant art that can draw as good as the pictures in your favorite manga
more like NOT really
Soul Eater Not was the biggest letdown in anime history except for maybe that new series by Kyoani.
No, it actually was. The anime ends a few seasons early, so the last season is all-original. It's not bad until every character power-up makes an appearance in the last two episodes in sequence. It was not a great finale.
The manga ending was just as bad if not worse than the anime.
I wonder if it was being canned because it felt really rushed.
I want to kiss Tsubaki's back
it's good that it went for the harem end
Yeah I'm an anime-onlyfag for a lot of series but Soul Eater is definitely the wrong series to pick this argument about. The way the motion was drawn in the manga fights was one of the most iconic and interesting things about it. Along with missing half the story the anime doesn't do it justice.
That said I do really like the coloring and style of the anime.