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>kyoanal shop

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This is hilarious.

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Sup Forums told me those sales don't count

>all 100 copies sold out


still better than the 10 copies sold by Franxx

>At a point some Anons got into an argument about this and now each side is obsessed over it even though there's nothing to prove and it doesn't really matter anyways.
Honestly I think this is hilarious.

People actually bought the Apocrypha blurays?

why even bring up franxx isn't that like double dead already?

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Even Devilman threads were more exciting than VEG and at least they discussed about the show.

Will it outsell Free?

oh baby, now we need a violet version

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They dont. You know what other show was also sold out there? FLOP dragon

Sales threads should be put in .

So since we don't know a damn thing, why have some people so readily branded Franxx an absolute flop, debate's over, nothing more to say?

No, not even close as this will sell 5k at best.

VEG has more points on amazon than what maidragon ended up selling in the end.

Sup Forumsedditors loves shitpost and console wars, they don't really care for VEG or Franxx its possible that some of them are not even watching any of this shows.

I don't know or care about sales but I think it's interesting how Anons discuss them.

I'm still suprised KyoAni didn't double down on fujo pandering shows after that sold as well as it did.
I just wish they'd give us more experimental shows like Nichijou and less shit like chu2byo or Free which barely feel different from any other seasonal anime aside from production values.

nichijou actually flopped

Don't you dare dissing Chu2 in my pressence user.

Feels good to have ordered.

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I know, which is why I've mostly given up on KyoAni as of late. Say what you will about VEG, but at least they tried something slightly different from their usual shit, which is more than I can say for literally every show since Nichijou.

>put 100 copies of them out
>they all sell somehow

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You cucked some random nip out of the event ticket, how does it feel?

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Well the point is for them to do more maidragon and less swimming regardless of the sales. I know that they are more prone to risk with that kind of approach but once in a while doesn't hurt them right.

But maidragon wasn't even good. Kanna couldn't carry the show alone.
If anything the risky stuff is a drama with gore and episodic stories like VEG, not cute dragon SOL.

chances are that nip liked NTR anyways.

Feels great.

Feels nice living in your head rent free. It smells like shit in here though.

Yuru Camp laughs at your cute sales.

what anime is that?

AOTS and this summer's number one cause of forest fires.

Never heard of it, stop being a hipster.

>outselling VEG
You're not very smart are you?

Are we in japan?

>kyoani is unique for having sho-

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It's still outselling VEG whether we're in Japan or not.


And you'll be countered with the physical shop argument. You just can't win when dealing with kyoautist.

Still the hipster choice and still not making more money, congratulations.

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>online shops
I know Ufotable has their own cinema and their own physical shop as well.

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Congrats competing against 5 other paid viewers.

Example No. 802701 of why Sup Forums hates kyorectum cultists now: incessant use of ad hominem attacks.

Just fuck off this board if you can't take criticism and have to start bait threads for attention. You are no longer welcome on Sup Forums.


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>reddit spacing
It's you who aren't welcome here anymore. please leave rebbit.

Make me.

>being this triggered

>>reddit spacing
Ironic considering this term is mostly used by Sup Forums.

not even a competition. not on netflix, not in china, nowhere.

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>Online shops

Shit thread desu

Devilman got you killed on Netflix
Yuru Yuri got you killed on Japan
Franxx got you killed on China

Your own threads die of inactivity




A simple google trend comparison kills the first statement.
A single look up on any popular jap softens the second.
A quick look at baidu kills the third statement.

Poor user.

>Yuru Yuri

that's what desperation does to you. Anti-VEG narrative is crumbling. the shills are out tin force for damage control.

Why can't the mods ban anus cultists from this board, at least temporarily? If threads like these are what they're going to contribute to this board, and we once banned shonen generals for basically the same reason, why should we continue to tolerate this shit? How is this contributing to post quality?

When you think no one would top KFfag's autism in stalker/sale threads, VEGfags came along.

>Re:ddit spacing
Not him but I have been here since 2007 and the spacing thing its not new so fuck off newfag you aren't fitting.

desperate anti-veg shill is desperate hahahahahaha

By the way, muh threads also happen to get more replies Jesus Christ user you couldn't have picked a worse time.

>Look at me, I've been here since 200X
kys newfag. you might be trying, but it ain't working.

>uses "kys"
>has the gall to call anyone newfag
gut yourself

>stage 2 newfag: the post

>3 movies confirmed on latest interview
Jesus Fucking Christ

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Oh, I forgot, all dem haterz are being paid by antichristplex, right? When's my check coming?

I stated a fact that everyone that its not a completly newfag knows. Also stop using "kys" you are shaming yourself even more.

>3 movies confirmed on latest interview
Wait what? Source faggot.

Not him but my man, do you not realize the legacy that Devilman left both in Japan and the mindblowing western recognition?

Yuru camp is the elephant in the room on the staler threads that you pretentious Kyoanifags kept on attacking, calling it "no artistic value"

I don't know about Franxx but I won't care about Chinese numebrs when the site also puts flops like Sakamoto on the top

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b-b-but it's shit!! i have been shitposting for months!

>b-b-but it's AOTY!! i have been shilling for years!

>still responding to the chink shill

I thought we already learned from the stalker threads.

Don't start moving the goalposts now.

why is she always making this face

You cultists seriously should be banned from here. You contribute nothing constructive, you shit on other shows more than you try to defend yours, and for all the "shill" talk I hear you do come across as astroturfers paid by the anus. You have outlived your usefulness on Sup Forums.

It is AOTY though?

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>His favorite anime is getting bullied by VEG
>His favorite studio looks like shit compared to KyoAni

But what if it's Yuru Camp? You know, the actual underdog that's outselling this vapid soap opera by about 3x? Now that's an embarrassment to kyorectum if ever there was one.

Yuru Camp is making cheap pennies compared to VEG, who gives a shit about your kirara.

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Where did I put sales in my post? Are you saying Sales == quality? In that case, idolshit is shitting on yuru camp. We should all just watch idolshit then right?

Japan, aparrently

Idolish is expected to drop hard due to the lack of tickets

Proof? YC is outselling vile ephebogarbage 3 to 1. Or is Amazon in on the whole anti-Kyoani conspiracy too?

>who gives a shit about your kirara
Remember K-On? Kyoanusfaggots sure remember.

Fake and Gay

Too bad they aren't that financially relevant anymore.

For God's sake stop replying to the chink shill.

Oh, but didn't you hear? The anus gods have tooted their message from on high; cute healing stories are now shit; washed-out bodice-rippers with laughable names are now kino.

How convenient of you to mention the only kirara that matters, the actual peak of an entire genre.
Thank you user.

>Kyoanusfaggots sure remember.
Not anymore. Nu-anifags are mostly shitters from sakugabooru and tumblr who's first experience with the studio was Free. As someone who hugely respected them around that time I want nothing to do with this current batch of cancerous retards and their husk of a studio.

And then they act like they own the board and everyone else is vermin from our bogeyman of the month. If we can evict shonenfags for "poor post quality", why not them?

Who cares about that shit. TBS and Pony Canyon are the ones who made most of the profit there.

Now when you have Koe no Katachi where KyoAni takes the lion share, where's your god damn nobody studio now?

Just ban all studiofags. Problem solved.