I belong to you
Why he is so handsome?
Yes, you do.
Me? You? You? Me? Me? You? You?me? Ok me? Me? Me!
Harisake sou ni naru
Kono mune o kimi ni sashidashite
They really are meant to be
Literally who? And don't say "your wiife".
>short fuccboi with stupid spiky hair
If he wasn't the self-insert MC no one would be attracted to this cuck.
>self-insert MC
Indeed, that's what he is. Don't tell me you fell for the meme that some suffering and misfortune makes him any less of a self-insert.
Uncultured apes like him aren't handsome.
You are pretty bad at shitposting.
Concession accepted.
>In the hospital constantly
>tortured for millions of years
>dragged into conflicts all the time
>missed so much school that he's in critical danger of being held back (though AC is ded so I guess that doesnt matter anymore)
>Memories nuked twice, even his family are strangers to him
>poor as fuck, basically starving
>hasn't slept in days
>Most of the girls that like him are cunty lolis or tried to kill him at least once. Or both. The exceptions categorically get taken away somehow
If you self insert as Touma, you need to get a shrink.
Um, I see you're new here, but I'll tell you anyway - Purplefag knows only one word and it's a bit difficult to communicate with him.
Learn what a self insert is. For starters, if you could insert or relate to Touma in anyway, you wouldn't even have time to shitpost of Sup Forums or even have a computer for that matter since you'd be beyond poor
This, I would rather self-insert as Accel and Shiage rather than Touma.
Don't worry. These monkeys look past all the suffering and ignore it when they self insert.
Kill yourself.
Being Touma is suffering.
Also, any NT20 news yet?
June possibly
Don't bother. It's because Touma isn't a cute girl, otherwise he'd be all over it. I mean, lets look at Mikoto:
>canonically a "genius" with a super computer brain
>has cool, versatile power with no down sides aside from cats not liking her
>additionally one of only 7 espers with the prestigious Level 5 rank
>poster child of AC, respected by most normalfags (non underground) in AC
>attends prestigious school meant for elite girls only
>practically worshiped by ojous even with in the elite school, several would eat her muff on the spot if she asked
>if she wanted dick instead, she also has some foreign dude interested in her as well, she just doesnt want him
>obscenely rich, but totally down to earth and isn't snooty at all. She's so different from the other girls!
>Also can play violin to the point that it wows even elite ojou school
Her only "downside" is that she has a crush on someone who is oblivious, and is a loner, which aren't really bad traits. She can be sort of bratty/tsun and has a tendency to do everything herself too, which are arguably flaws, but really that's just a natural extension of being isolated as a Level 5 and not having many friends.
The only reason why I don't consider her a complete mary sue is because of the sister arc and recent developments in the novels. She finally had to struggle in sisters and face a situation she couldnt brute force, and in the recently she's getting power hungry which plays more into her own insecurities. But the point is outside of these threads, there isn't a word about her being a "self insert". But everyone bitches about Touma having an "OP ability" and "a harem of girls". Mikoto literally has a better win loss ratio than him and saves him multiple times compared to the ONE time he saved her. She also has an equivalent sized "harem", if not bigger. But no, she's fine because she has tits.
>Kyousuke: got an intense guilt complex over being unwillingly saved at the cost of thousands of lives
>also Kyouuke: fuck your decisions, Little Girl, I'm going to save you even if you tell me not to
Retardation or character development?
Saten love I, her fucking love I!
Mikoto a cute
Estelle is going to be relevant to the main plot very soon. I hope you are looking forward to it.
Tch, yuropoor hours are so slow, hope this thread doesn't transform into an abomination like the last few when casuals start posting.
Anyway, PV soon, NT20 soon, Nogi - Accel mango's new mangaka soon and Kakine is the TRUE NUMBER ONE LATENT ACCELFAG
Rakko is alive and will make her comeback soon.
Quad dubs are still pretty good so I'll believe
Stacked dwarven princesses soon lads
That’s only if we get an off by one
KamiKuro doujins soon lads
Every failure is a success
A small miscalculation, didn't see all of Sup Forums's shits to go for the get, causing a sudden post per second increase.
Shes not a Mary Sue at all.
She got to where she is from handwork and suffers on account of it.
Further, she despises the way Tokaiwadi functions and it's been implied shes been harassed.
Even further still, she rarely has free time and her best friends are in a completely other school.
Shes also not a complete genius, she started at level 1 and while to be a level 5 you need a pretty good brain, its not impossible to reach there through hard work and the curriculum favoring you.
An example of this is the sisters. They have the same brain power as her yet fail to exhibit level 5 powers.
>Also can play violin to the point that it wows even elite ojou school
Exaggeration. She can play the violin and other people are impressed by that. Its not that she is extremely skilled as much as she is skilled.
>obscenely rich
Shes really not. Shes rich, sure, but not rich enough to be in that diamond tower among other things.
I'd even go so far as to say she isn't even in the top 10,000 richest.
She only appears to be a Mary sue at first glance, but once you know how she got there and her extreme character flaws, she quickly loses that Mary sueness
Action Mary Sues magically pick up their powers with no effort, they magically know everything without trying. Mikoto ain't a Mary Sue for a thousand miles, otherwise
I don't self-insert as Mikoto, but I'd like to self-insert into Mikoto.
You say that, but you're looking at 4-7 hours of work everyday.
And that's not including the random crisises you get yourself involved in.
>She finally had to struggle in sisters and face a situation she couldnt brute force
Finally? That was the third volume and she was barely in the first one and compeltely gone from the second one.
>Shes really not. Shes rich, sure, but not rich enough to be in that diamond tower among other things.
I want to know how rich Kongou is. Could she build her own AC with the money her family has?
Mikoto has had 8-10ish years of hard work with work extending from 3-7 hours a day every day and just manages to be a level 5.
Touma does jack shit and barely does the work assigned to him and becomes a force that can stop magic gods.
Which one is the Mary Stu? I think its obvious.
>not a "complete" genius
>she's rich, but not mega billionare rich
>"she's not a mary sue because there are reasons and circumstance behind her supposed mary sue traits"
And why does none of that apply to Touma, yet applies to Mikoto? There are many reasons why Touma seems like generic harem protag but he really isn't. Yet everyone looks past that. The point is anyway that no matter how you slice it, Mikoto's life and circumstance are objectively better then Touma's in basically every way concievable, yet he's the mary sue? Nah dude. You don't self insert into Touma unless you're an extreme masochist starving poorfag terrorist fighter with bad grades.
I was including Railgun, but sure, "finally" was used wrong there. I meant that more towards her recent developments.
>pic unrelated
>Touma does jack shit
Nigger he doesnt even have time to sleep he's working so hard
>barely does the work assigned to him
>and becomes a force that can stop magic gods.
Speedreader please, he never beat a magic god
We don't know for sure how "hard" Mikoto actually worked other than what some people implied. Some other poor faggot could have been working 10 times harder but didn't get any help or resources because of the PL.
Pic highly related
Nope, Mikoto only got to Level 5 because she’s one of he chosen few that had the potential to get to Level 5 in a reasonable amount of time. If it would have taken her 20 years to hit Level 5, she wouldn’t have gotten priority and she’d be lower level.
Because Touma has done the absolute minimum in work since he got to academy city.
Further, his experience in fighting is limited to a couple months, now a billion but still, it was months when he was fighting people and winning over and over.
Mary Sues don't have to work at a skill, they just pick it up.
When did Touma learn persuasion? Perfect logic to see his opponents plan? The perfect movement in battle?
I could keep going all day on the random skills he picked up.
He is a Gary Stu when it comes to combat, a poor student with amnesia shouldn't be able to read a master plan from world class magicians among others.
And this last one I personally think is excused based on the story, but what work did he do for IB?
Absolutely nothing.
Hell, for amnesia him he did less than the previous him.
Mikoto had to work 8 or so years with extreme homework loads just to get in the top three of AC, whereas Touma just wakes up from amnesia and starts punching people Mikoto couldn't even stand next to without dying.
You have to be purposely ignorant to seriously suppose Mikoto is anywhere near the gary stu Touma is.
Mikoto and Touma will fuck and make the ultimate Mary sue child. Hamazura will bless the child with his luck aswell.
>hes working so hard!
So you mean to tell me pre amnesia touma who was taking remedial lessons was working hard?
Hes been a slacker in school long before he had to worry about fighting people.
>Speedreader please, he never beat a magic god
Ironically you're the speed reader, I said stop, not kill or defeat.
His willpower stopped Othinus.
We know how hard she worked, she has done an extreme amount of homework and work since she started Tokaiwadi. Every part of the series mentions this last I remembered.
Sure, maybe somebody worked harder, I already acknowledged that by saying "with the curriculum favoring you".
But does that mean she didn't work hard?
Is the kid in MIT not a hard worker because someone in Africa works as hard as him with much lesser results? Of course not.
The hard work doesn't excuse the fact that she gets out of every single conflict with little to no consequences. Accelerator among others have paid for some of their choices whereas Mikoto can practically do whatever because nothing is going to happen to her. It's a chore to read and takes away any suspense from her scenes because you know how it's gonna turn out every time. I don't blame people for thinking she's an invincible mary sue.
>Touma gets seriously injured
>gets healed by Gekotadoc within a day or two
Such suspense.
>Because Touma has done the absolute minimum in work since he got to academy city.
He literally gets into brawls and saved random fags every other day
>Further, his experience in fighting is limited to a couple months, now a billion but still, it was months when he was fighting people and winning over and over.
He's been fighting most of his life you dumb faggot. As I said, his win loss ratio is worse than Mikoto so youre honestly arguing against yourself here. By You're dumbass logic Mikoto is a bigger offender because she is younger and has even less experience in an actual fight than Touma yet she wins more. Also Touma admits himself he can't win against multiple people at once and runs.
>Mary Sues don't have to work at a skill, they just pick it up.
Technically Mikoto just "picked up" her skill and she only got as far as Level 5 because she’s one of he chosen few that had the potential to get to Level 5 in a reasonable amount of time. Touma also improved in his fighting style over time but sure why not. Also, Touma has a stagnant power where as Mikoto's theoretical limit is ridiculous. But that's going into what can or cant be done with her computing power so I wont go there.
>When did Touma learn persuasion?
He says random shit. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. A lot of times it only works because he beats them up and they think about it later.
>Perfect logic to see his opponents plan? The perfect movement in battle?
He doesn't? Precog was a skill developed over time and he still gets fucked. Bad argument again because the same can be said about Mikoto's radar and or her kaiju shit, we never "see" her learn that, she starts with it. Feel free to tell me what other "skills" he has though.
>He is a Gary Stu when it comes to combat, a poor student with amnesia shouldn't be able to read a master plan from world class magicians among others.
He literally gets fucked all the time and many of his later wins require him to tag team. Unlike Mikoto. And amnesia has nothing to do with using logic and deductive reasoning.
>And this last one I personally think is excused based on the story, but what work did he do for IB?
What work did Mikoto do for getting a power? She worked to get her power stronger, and she can do way more shit than Touma does. Touma has no option in that his power is stagnant. He also has drawbacks with his power.
>Mikoto had to work 8 or so years with extreme homework loads
She didn't even know what fucking homework was like. In the date, she was like "oh so this is the homework I've heard about". Try again. And again, we were never shown how hard she actually worked, ever. One persons definition of hard work is different from an others. My definition is that Touma literally hasn't had time to fucking sleep for days on end.
>whereas Touma just wakes up from amnesia and starts punching people Mikoto couldn't even stand next to without dying.
And Mikoto can fuck up multiple thugs at once where as Touma would get fucked immediately. And she can hold off a saint for a little while but he cant. And Touma can die to a dirty hobo with a knife while she never would. Thats the entire point of his power you fucking retard. He can stand up to people like Accel but struggles against fucking Tsuchi. And unlike Mikoto he cant do much about it because he's limited in what he can do with IB.
>You have to be purposely ignorant to seriously suppose Mikoto is anywhere near the gary stu Touma is.
Nah, you just don't like to admit that you like Mikoto more because she has a vagina. I'm going to go ahead and say you're either trolling or a retard, so either way this is pointless.
Literal irreparable brain damage compared to nothing at all
>He's been fighting most of his life you dumb faggot
I don't think you read his post correctly. After the amnesia, all his previous fights shouldn't matter, since he's supposed to have forgotten everything.
>taking someone who can't format his own posts properly seriously
>So you mean to tell me pre amnesia touma who was taking remedial lessons was working hard?
How many people did he fight in the mean time? How many people did he save?
>Hes been a slacker in school long before he had to worry about fighting people.
He's BEEN fighting people since he came to AC, and being not so book smart isnt being a "slacker". You can argue that Mikoto just so happens to have a super barin where as Touma is struggling in a city designed for fucking mental prodigies, making him normal.
>His willpower stopped Othinus.
And? Mikoto's "will power" allowed her to get to Level 5. What is the difference? You're begrudging him for being determined? DO you want him to be a wishiwashy faggot? Does Mikoto give up in a fight?
>We know how hard she worked, she has done an extreme amount of homework and work since she started Tokaiwadi.
She has literally not done homework, we never saw how hard she worked.
>But does that mean she didn't work hard?
Does that mean that Touma isn't working hard by literally getting dragged into world wide conflicts across the globe and being so busy that he doesn't get to sleep?
>Is the kid in MIT not a hard worker because someone in Africa works as hard as him with much lesser results? Of course not.
I agree, so why are you arguing against that with Touma? Touma, the kid in Africa, is a slacker because Mikoto the MIT got more results?
Are comparing Raildex to other fanbases now? HOHOHO
>he's supposed to have forgotten everything
Just the memories actually. It's explicitly stated that his knowledge of how to do stuff was unaffected, which I'm pretty sure would also cover any sort of fighting experience.
What the hell does that have to do with higher decision making and logic? Him having his memories wouldn't have done anything to help him fight against magicians.
That was such a bad shitpost I actually laughed. Congratulations, I feel dumb now.
denki kong BTFO
Neither are a Mary Sue/Gary Stu, you biased faggots.
The guy believes that Mikoto did "lots of homework" when it's explicitly stated she never did homework and was fascinated by Touma's homework. Don't even bother.
That's what I was saying in my first post, >I don't consider her a complete mary sue is because of the sister arc and recent developments in the novels.
What I'm saying is that it baffles me that Touma gets flack for being a self insert when Mikoto's life is literally better in every way and she's much closer to something you could self insert into, yet nobody says anything about her outside of here. That said, I still wouldn't want to insert as Mikoto because the Sisters arc is actually horrific.
Hamazura however is.
The only problem I would have with being Hamazura is the initial trauma of seeing Frenda being dragged around, and it would suck pretty bad for awhile running away from Mugino I guess. But yea, Hamazura is more self insert worthy. Not to downplay the death of someone or anything, but other than that he has a good life
Only literal masochists can self insert as Hamazura.
Your entire post is based on ignorance and statements made by yourself without any common support.
It can take years of hard work to fully be able to read someone. Years to reach the levels of deduction Touma has.
Yet he picks it up within months of having amnesia.
Some psych students would do worse than him.
I could keep going, but I'm now going to respond to a more condensed one of your posts:
>How many people did he fight in the mean time? How many people did he save?
Considering he never heard of magic, probably not many. At least not nearly as many as he has saved now.
>and being not so book smart isnt being a "slacker".
You completely lost the point.
>And? Mikoto's "will power" allowed her to get to Level 5. What is the difference? You're begrudging him for being determined? DO you want him to be a wishiwashy faggot? Does Mikoto give up in a fight?
Actually yes, she does.
Which proves even her, someone which you
indirectly say has extreme will power to get to level 5, has less than Touma.
>She has literally not done homework, we never saw how hard she worked.
Completely false.
We hear all about how she wishes she didn't have so much work so she could be with that idiot more.
She bitchs about it to Touma.
She says she gets stuck in Tokaiwadi on acount of work.
She spends time everyday likely working on ALL of her languages, learning Violin, and other classes homework.
Actually, lets do a little calculation here:
>French, English, Italian, Russian
French takes anywhere from 500-1000 hours for her.
English takes about the same, considering we assume she took another romance language before.
Russian takes about 700-1200 hoursish
Italian takes about 400-900 hours based on her experience
And all of those languages? They are extremely hard for a Japanese person to learn.
So much so many japs who spend most of their childhood in English classes are just barely able to speak it. Its not even fair to say they can speak it.
So its already hilariously giving her the benefit of the doubt to assume she ONLY spent this much time on language.
And thats only one of the things shes been learning in her time.
So this claim of yours is laughably false.
The rest of your rant is, again, laughably false to the point where responding is impossible because I have no clue what you're saying.
What the hell is:
>Touma, the kid in Africa, is a slacker because Mikoto the MIT got more results
Why are you people looking at it as if it has some deep meaning into it? This is Sup Forums. People self-insert into the male MC-s all the time. Their tragic stories mean fuck all, when your waifu/favourite girl is into them. If anything the tragic story shit makes you look cooler and more sympathetic. Do you honestly think anyone here can actually fathom how much suffering some of the characters go through?
Furthermore, I think Touma has some reason for his nature being as such.
But his nature is undeniable.
Just FUCK already!
Completely false speed reader.
What do you call her reading economics books?
What do you call her asking Maika to get manga for her on acount of her workload?
Do you actually think Mikoto does no work at all after school ends?
That is such a level of speed reading and stupidity I don't even know how to take it.
Do you really suppose she heads to her dorm and sits there for hours doing nothing?
Reread the series, this is fucking worse than MP levels of ignorance.
>Mikoto never knew Toumas name XD
>Her friends? Yeah because of this one sentence they aren't friends
>Homework? Mikoto? Nah, she just sits in her room all day staring at the window
>CLONES AND GEKOTA? Never in a million years!
This is getting old.
Are people just pretending to be retarded or purposefully choosing flawed arguments just to argue because they are bored?
You sound really upset especially since that last one got resolved pretty peacefully
>People bitching about Mikoto in Dream Ranker and saying Touma handled it better
>Actually Mikoto is a Mary Sue
Format your posts better and we'll talk "new line for every sentence"-san,
Just noticing a trend of basic facts being questioned for no real reason.
>Your entire post is based on ignorance and statements made by yourself without any common support.
Says the guy contradicting canon about his own waifu.
>It can take years of hard work to fully be able to read someone.
He makes a simple guess based on a loose framework of what knowledge he has on magic. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. Often times he comes to a conclusion that is essentially the same result even though he doesn't know exactly how it works.
>Years to reach the levels of deduction Touma has.
It really doesn't. It's called cold reading. If you are a little observant you can make rapid educated guesses and work from there. You don't need to understand the exact motivations or whatever of someone to guess what's going through their mind. If the opponent is lifting their hand and an attack comes from above, you can guess that you need to block high when he does it again. Fuck dude, people do the same shit in fighting games all the time. People will block a move that comes out in less than 8 frames (average human reaction speed) because they mad a split second decision based on what the guy has been doing in the past 40 seconds of a match. It's a skill that you can pick up easily. Watch this:
>I could keep going, but I'm now going to respond to a more condensed one of your posts:
You can't. You just want to add more credence to your post. Now that I said this, you will try to come up with a few more "reason" to prove how wrong I am. Now that I said THAT, you will hesitate because I just put you in a logical trap. If you don't respond, I win, and the longer you take to answer only adds to my assumption. You'll probably just use an ad hominem or regurgitate another failed point.
>Considering he never heard of magic, probably not many. At least not nearly as many as he has saved now.
He was fighting espers and thugs and definitely saved at least Misaki, and this seemed normal to him.
>You completely lost the point.
What point? If he's missing classes because he is busy literally helping people, how is he a "slacker"? Just because Mikoto can easily fix 99% of her problems with a zap or doesn't run into thugs every day doesn't mean he's slacking. He's working with less. It only starts balancing out once the opponent is obscenely powerful to actually put Mikoto in check.
>indirectly say has extreme will power to get to level 5, has less than Touma.
Never said that though? You are. And again, why are you begrudging a character for being determined? Touma tried to fucking kill himself before the fight with Othinus for fuck sake.
>Completely false.
A literal canon statement from Mikoto's mouth contradicts you.
>She spends time everyday likely working on ALL of her languages, learning Violin
>French, English, Italian, Russian language calculation
When do we see this, ever? In fact, it's more likely that Mikoto has extreme high aptitude since level 5s are mental prodigies. Did you know that there was a functional Savant that learned Icelandic in a week and then went on a talk show and was able to speak it semi-fluently? Do you comprehend the benefits of having near perfect recall, which she probably has as well? Not to mention that once you've learned some languages, it usually comes easier on the next language to learn since there are similarities in some languages with grammar and such. Hell, who even said she was fluent? She might just have an operating diction in those languages, which is even easier. English is very easy to get your point across for example, but hard to become fluent in. There are plenty of ways she could have crunched that. She's canonically a prodigy.
>Touma, the kid in Africa, is a slacker because Mikoto the MIT got more results
You said: Is the kid in MIT not a hard worker because someone in Africa works as hard as him with much lesser results?
>"as hard as him, with lesser results
>He doesn't know
>He makes a simple guess based on a loose framework of what knowledge he has on magic. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. Often times he comes to a conclusion that is essentially the same result even though he doesn't know exactly how it works.
Something he knows so well that he has a near 100% chance of successfully guessing.
Those priests? Yeah, fucking retards, lets let Touma be a genius in magic.
>You can't. You just want to add more credence to your post. Now that I said this, you will try to come up with a few more "reason" to prove how wrong I am. Now that I said THAT, you will hesitate because I just put you in a logical trap. If you don't respond, I win, and the longer you take to answer only adds to my assumption. You'll probably just use an ad hominem or regurgitate another failed point.
No. I genuinely have no idea how to respond, when you practice throwing shit all over the place, I have no clue where to start.
A logical argument requires an agreed upon foundation, by both parties, of which is not had here.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this spiel you put out?
And your guess showcases your greatest problem, the belief you are infallibly right. Some wisdom, be aware of your own ignorance, for no matter who you are it is always greater than your knowledge.
>It really doesn't. It's called cold reading.
Again, he is up against world class magicians.
Why is a 16 year old bad student fresh out of a coma able to outclass them in mental game?
>He was fighting espers and thugs and definitely saved at least Misaki, and this seemed normal to him.
This is my point all over again.
You aren't addressing the point.
The point isn't that he does not fight, the point is that he was not in world ending conflicts.
He had no clue what magic was, that should be a significant showing that he never reached the levels he has now.
>What do you call her reading economics books?
>What do you call her asking Maika to get manga for her on acount of her workload?
Her not wanting to go somewhere. Never said anything about "homework" to my knowledge, feel free to provide a quote
>Do you actually think Mikoto does no work at all after school ends?
Not much, no. We see her hanging out with Judgement, reading manga, spend an entire day impersonating a Judgement member and bitching to Uiharu and Kuroko, electrocute thugs, participate in several investigations for judgement in her free time, the current arc with Jailbreakers, stalk Touma, hang out with Misaki, stalk Touma some more, help Touma with random shit, buy dream ranker stuff while wonder around, obsessing over Gekota, spend hours of time playing with random kids and getting a gekota pin, etc. Whens the last time you've seen her study at any point in the series. I mean maybe she does, but we never see it comparatively and the timeline is pretty fucking mapped out. If she was that busy, half of Railgun shouldnt even be happening. So she must have a fucking time machine or gets done with her "mountains of work" in like 30 minutes, which in and of itself is bullshit if true.
>Do you really suppose she heads to her dorm and sits there for hours doing nothing?
She wanders around and does other shit, as shown in canon material.
>Reread the series
You first
>all it took was this little driveby shitpost to determine the course of the whole thread
Bravo, Raildex.
In the end, he was right all along.
I'll admit being Hamazura would be pretty cool, especially now that he has Aneri and may be able to use the processor suit. Kamachi really just enjoys shitting on Touma. He memed that Kyousuke was born unlucky but Blood Sign is basically just his relationship problems exemplified into a story.
>this thread
Never change Raildexmonkeys
Based Jannu poster.
Based Jeanneposter, grace us with more Jannu lewds please.
Look behind you.
>fate jannu
>Something he knows so well that he has a near 100% chance of successfully guessing.
But he doesn't and gets fucked up by it. The first fucking novel has him fucking up against Kanzaki, the second novel has him fucking up for a while against Izzard. Why do you think he magically comes up with a perfect solution instantly with no consequences?
>Those priests? Yeah, fucking retards, lets let Touma be a genius in magic.
Nigger what the fuck are they supposed to do against a random nip with a negating arm that came out of no where? They didnt plan against him. They try to work around the arm and sometimes they are pretty fucking successful.
>No. I genuinely have no idea how to respond, when you practice throwing shit all over the place, I have no clue where to start.
>the belief you are infallibly right.
Nope, nice projection though. I have stated multiple times canon fucking backing and you are making exaggerations and assumptions about her workload and """homework""". Post all the times we see her studying and working her ass off. If you manage to post anything, I'll bury you in all the shit she does in canon where she is just wandering around and doing anything besides homework.
>Again, he is up against world class magicians.
Agnese, Oriana, etc are world class? Also, are you saying the "world class magicians" have prior knowledge of Touma? Because they don't til recently. What does that have to do with literally anything? By your definition these magicians should be totally rendered incapable of countering or deducting Touma's hand because they don't know what it does for absolute certain. But they do. His opponents work around it on the fly just like he does. Why does Touma have to be a retard without basic cognitive thought but magic characters are "masterminds"?
>Why is a 16 year old bad student fresh out of a coma able to outclass them in mental game?
Why would a memory wipe have any bearing on deductive reasoning?