I want a senpai ending, Sup Forums
I want a senpai ending, Sup Forums
Well, its too bad that author will go for the bland black haired boring girl as is the custom in harems. Unless mc gets nobody.
Senpai or Sensei ending.
I don't care about the rest.
Chocoate end best end
but user, senpai end is confirmed.
since when Ogata has black hair?
Give me the fucking sensei end. Every sensei in my.shows always gets shafted. THIS IS THE ONE BOYS.
That manga is doomed..
They will never have perfect ending..
Should I read Yuuna or Bokuben?
The type of girl to suddenly stop rubbing your dick when you're about to climax, go home and suddenly come back to attack you again in the middle of the night when you're in REM sleep.
Depends what you're looking for.
Yuuna is akin to To Love-Ru, while Bokuben is more like Nisekoi.
Well I want a Fumino end.
>implying it won't end with an open ending
>Ashumi is cute
>Perfect, peppy, Pixie Maid
>>>But she'll never win ;_;
Doujin when?
No chance at all. The way harems work mean sit will be rizu or fumino (probably fumino is my guess)
Sensei's nice, but her delusional fans make her less appealing.
Not even the best Sensei. Best Sensei in my opinion is the one from oregairu.
What’s the appeal if it’s just a Nisekoi and TLR rip-off?
It's not?
Ghostits is the dedicated fanservice harem manga + Kogarashi being a bro, and Moeyuki's less annoying as a protagonist than Raku.
Really, it's not as if Nisekoi and TLR were pinnacles of writing either. You can find the same set-up in a lot of stories predating them, and there'll definitely be more stories with the same basic plot in the future. To-Love-Ru's pretty notable in its super interesting-ness, so it gets a pass though.
Unless sensei win, this manga is just shittier and blander Nisekoi
>why is something hard poking my head
Futa doujins when?
A sensei end is acceptable as well.
Tell me a reason why sensei should win and don't say it was because they never win in other manga.
Because no one will 'win'. It will end with Nariyuki being happy that girls have achieved their dreams while he decides to open his own cram school instead.
>open his own cram school
>Asumi becomes a teacher
well, for starters, they are already married, they aren't aware of it just yet
Because they compliment each other, moeyuki cleans the nest and sensei feeds him.
This. It's surprising how underwhelming the main girls are in comparison.
Because she's the best girl.
The others are bedwetters.
I get it, you guys are just contrarian.
Tell me why fumino should win anons?
good job, i expect this image to show in every thread
Oh you.
It's obvious Lit is going to win. She's already grooming Yuki to be the perfect bride and they have the best chemistry hands down. She's not my favorite looking girl (senpai wins that department) but she is best character. You have to be a delusional shipping fucking loser to not see this.
>You have to be a delusional shipping fucking loser
But we all are.
God damn I finally caught up and let me just say that Fumino is absolutely the best girl in this series.
Fumino cannot win because i killed her and rape her
>What's the appeal
Moeyuki is cuter than any of the girls.
Moeyuki you irresponsible bastard, you better marry Fumino for raping her!
>all these faggots voting for the girls and not the best one Moeyuki
Filthy mongrels all of them.
Because she can easily stomp any girls in bokuben.
Nisekoi was a romance pretending to be a love triangle that turned into a terrible harem. It had this whole fake love plot, rivaling families, established crushes, locket MacGuffin, but it all got sidelined for the sake of shitting out shenanigans of the week, while developments were constantly cockblocked in the most infuriating ways possible. Then near the end Komi remembered this garbage actually had some plot, wrote a rejection boss rush, shat out some cliched drama when everyone and their dog already knew that this clown show can only end with Chitoge's victory, kicked Onodera in the ass one last time with the cuck cake and ended the series the very moment Raku and Chitoge kissed, without even bothering to show a glimpse of their life as a couple.
Bokuben on the other hand never really pretended that studying plot is anything more than just an excuse for harem romcom shenanigans. There is no pre-established romantic conflict the series is expected to follow. You get cute girls being cute, moe MC being moe and romantic developments are just an added value, not something the series has promised to deliver. Also characters are more likable than in Nisekoi, interactions are better and the vibe of the manga is more relaxing.
Senpai is best girl but from a narrative perspective it's clear that /lit/ should win since she's had the best build to a romance. Which is fine by me because she's a very close second in my rankings. Though /sci/ could win too with her while trying to understanding emotions shtick and because she was one of the original 2. Sup Forums has far less of a chance since she started being madly in love with him so there's no room for romantic growth on her part. Sensei has no chance since their build has mostly been sexual situations and him being her tard wrangler with little emotionally intimate moments. Sempai has great chemistry and a lot in common with moeyuki but her teasing nature makes her immediately undercut all her moments and the fake boyfriend set-up is screaming for the rise to be found out and a come clean moment.
Don't worry, I made the right choice as well.
Same desu
Though saying all that there's always the off chance of a curveball with the whole /lit/ and /sci/ realize their feelings too late angle.
She's rich
i want to call my communist friends and raids Fumino house, while they plunder i rape Fumino and kill her father. She becomes poor and accept by Nariyuki, this is the only way for her to win
Because it's either her boat or the nice boat.
Every time i see this picture it gets shittier. Stop adding crap to it you bastard
I-Is she alright lads?
There are exactly two versions of this picture, not counting different texts.
Nice trips, but I agree. Maybe it's because the Mangaka itself is pretty moe
Which chapter was that?
Jesus christ
You saw sensei's butt.
What do?
Wow. So that's the secret.
Eat it.
>People actually think anybody in a shounen manga over the age of 16 is gonna win.
Don't do this to yourselvs guys.
Name one manga that isn't a seinen where sensei route wins.
I'll wait.
Gotoubun? More like just gotoubokuben
I don't remember exactly, but it's the one after the Fumino hotel visit.
>Name one manga that isn't a seinen where sensei route wins.
>I'll wait.
Why? I said that sensei never win in other manga.
kill her
The way you structured that sentence made it look like you thought sensei route wins a lot.
>you can sleepover with them if you want
What did they mean by this?
some secret DNA^2 reference where his mom wants to make supermoe individuals from his superior genes
Whats the name of the manga?
Yugari no Benkyou wa Hanayome
Go-Benkyou-sama no Yuuna
We never learn
Boku no Nisekoi
Please Teacher
Watashi no Kyouikugakari ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
go toubun is better
But do you like both?
At least post the best girl Nino
Becky let herself go from such a child prodigy beggining
>Superior DNA
They looks most alike
>the ending will be about when moeyuki went together to same university with his choosen girl
pls make it happen author-san
But Mafuyu already graduated.
that's why we know she will do the jobbing one
That Gotoubun is even popular, shows that Otakus have really low standards. A fucking manga gets published with the same premise half a year later and everyone is fine with it. This is plain stealing.
>yfw the author will try to pull off pic related for the ending
>H-hi user!
Should've said "go to bokuben"
I want to brush his hair.
except the oneshot came out before bokuben existed
Small breasts are beautiful and :> faces are very cute, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping with your friends' love interest while holding hands!