Dies Irae

New visual for the final episodes
Also, a white day thing got translated

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We are getting Original ending it seems

Why do you say that?

I hope they redeem themselves and give us nice looking episodes.

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I'm not even asking for top tier animation, just good enough with competent direction.

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I want to fuck Marie

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Kei a shit


Can someone tl;dr what did they change from the VN

No H scenes

>tfw nazi rape

I want to rape.

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Nothing about Pantheon?

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At least that form was in the VN. The mechas on the other hand.

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I didn't understand how Ren got that form in the VN.
It only showed up for a bit and wasn't even used again after Ren achieved Atziluth.

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>I didn't understand how Ren got that form in the VN
Marie was desperate and asked Mercurius for help. Mercurius did so by evoking his own blood that was flowing inside Ren, which allows Ren to siphon power directly from the Throne

Why would Ren use a Beri'ah after reaching Atziluth?

I just think its pretty random how Ren got super edgy form while he never got that form in the other routes.
Mercurius also doesn't even have bloody edgy form.

Because it's in Rea's route that shit gets fucked up as badly as it does.
Do you also complain about Shirou only using Archer's arm in HF and not getting his edgy "swords coming from inside me" thing in other routes?

Just slightly disappointed he went to normal look like after attaining Atziluth.
Kinda expect the Atziluth be slightly different like how Ren's Beriah evolved.

I don't understand your point
His Atziluth looks different in Rea's route. Pic related

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I meant his Atziluth during the fight vs 3 Commanders and Reinhard before they reached Mercurius's throne.

I thought that blood red Beriah is meant to foreshadow Ren's final form but that blood red form was given by Mercurius so it wouldn't make sense.

>I thought that blood red Beriah is meant to foreshadow Ren's final form
It kinda is in a way, but you're forgetting that Ren dumped Mercurius' blood that was flowing inside him before the finale.

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Rusalka route when? Was hoping the anime would go original with a Rusalka end