Why aren't you allowed to fuck her?
Why aren't you allowed to fuck her?
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She's not real.
She is your oneesama, you sick fuck
I hate her.
Sup Forums.org/rules#a
>Japanese visual novels should be posted in /jp/, and Western on /vg/.
>hating the best girl
>hating the smug
We're not allowed? Since when?
>Game art
Gotta love how Fate gets a free pass on Sup Forums when the OP isn't even remotely related to manga or anime.
Because she's a lesbian.
She is for my daughter, Miyu.
Quit crying newfag
Sisters are for cuddling, not dicking.
She is Shirous stepsister so its totally fine, plus Ilya canonically wants it too
Ilya or Prilya?
This is extremely important.
Easily worst girl. I wanted to scream at baka Shirou for letting a devil stay with him.
but she is so cute user
Thats how they get you. It was the one thing he did that was too stupid for me.
Shes an angel too
She's a devil in the shape of an angel.
Even better, that said Ilya isnt really evil. She just doesnt know any better
I get that but I cant go with thinking that any kid would just be okay with the shit she did and wanted to do just because she was too young to know otherwise. I was pissed everyone was just okay with her so fast.
Well, Shirou is Shirou and Saber herself probably has some pull towards Irisviels and Kiritsugus child
t.smelly anus
>Kaiji is going to end in this volume
Wow, really? Gonna end with One Poker? I havent read it in a bit. Thats bittersweet. Season 3 when?
Its not confirmed but the stakes are pretty much serie ending
Reminder that China Dress is god-tier.
How is wanting sex from Ilya not anime/manga?
If there is anyone browsing Sup Forums right this minute and he doesn't want to impregnate Illya/kuro/miyu then I don't want to see what he would want to impregnate.
why would I want to impregnate Illya when caster exists?
mommys out
Prismaverse Ilya is nice in her own way, but nothing could ever beat the original.
I don't want to impregnate them because that would be pedophilia, user.
Also I just don't find them sexy.
she overshadowed literally everyone else way too much
>because that would be pedophilia
Because were not pedophile
But the speech bubble says おのれー
There is no law saying a replication can't beat the original
>Finally, a chance to use this image!
What a moron you are, Zasshu. Of course the original cannot be defeated by a mere fake.