Dragon Ball

You've heard this many times before, right?
> "My favorite saga is the Android/Cell saga"

> "Oh yeah? Well mine is the Red Ribbon saga (or Piccolo saga)"
> "DB is better than DBZ btw, and it's the best series in the franchise"

Are these people (at least Americans where DBZ aired first) telling the truth?

Or are they just pretending to have "patrician tastes" by claiming the less popular prequel is better than it's more popular sequel?

when in reality, DBZ isn't a sequel. Both DB + DBZ are called DB in the manga

Attached: Kaette Kita Son Goku.jpg (665x1024, 286K)

>going from an adventure with a boy and his gifted martial art skills to a Michael bay mess with screaming and explosions
>b-but the masses like it!
Well yeah, it's the masses lol

Its been 3 years since when you first heard that dragonball was comming back.

And now here we are

DBZ is very difficult to re-watch. Watched about 50 episodes of the Saiyan Saga (blue box DVD set)...and it felt like nothing was happening.

Then I see clips of the Namek Spirit Bomb or the SS3 transformation taking 10 minutes...and all the fights with stalling, staring, and long yelling scenes...

I have to say:
DBZ (first watch) > DB > DBZ (rewatch)

And as for DB as a whole:
DB Kai > DB > DBZ > DBS > DBGT

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What difference does it make? Early dragon ball is good either way.

I can't help but think they are trying to be edgy contrarians

well, at least they're watching it. A contrarian db fan is better than one that won't bother to watch the beginning at all.


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I did watch the beginning, or was that not targeted at me?

it wasn't

>people complain about DBZ and DBS being "the goku show" because goku does everything and everyone else is useless
>but they praise the red ribbon arc even though it was literally "goku does everything with no help whatsoever from his friends: the arc"

Dragon Ball Recut

>Americans where DBZ aired first
Is this true? There was no DB to burgers?


I rewatched Z only once, but seen multiple Namek episode dozen of times, then saw Kai and I have to say it is almost impossible to enjoy anything before and after Goku-Vegeta and Picollo A17 fights. Could watch Dragon ball every day tho.

no, dragon ball aired first but only the first 13 episodes. Apparently nobody gave a shit. Probably because they were heavily edited.

DB finally aired on Toonami while DBZ was already on the Buu Saga

There were attempts to air DB first, but they failed.

Why is Baby so retarded?

He basically possessed everyone EXCEPT Goku

His signature ability is literally to possess anyone without much trouble and he completely forgets about it when he’s fighting the strongest man in the universe

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heh heh

>people complain about DBZ and DBS being "the goku show" because goku does everything and everyone else is useless
Yeah this shit right here the DB part was all Goku every arc, every chapter.

The DBZ part is actually a ton less Goku and more of a Gohan/Piccolo/Vegeta show.

Why though
The filler in OG DB is good

> DBZ was Goku Time

Goku was very absent in:
> The Saiyan Saga
Dead and in Snake Way

> The Namek Saga
Training in space, arrives in Namek, then quickly goes to the healing chamber for like 50 episodes monologuing his thoughts

> Android Saga
Sick in bed

> Cell Saga
Training in the RoSaT, then resting whle getting rocks thrown at him by Krillin

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>people complain about GT being "goku time" because goku does everything and everyone else is useless


Freezer > Saiyans > Piccolo > RR >> Cell > Buu = any budokai