Finished this last night, what did you think of it?
Hot, made my dick hurt a few times.
Now i'm addicted to gambling...
babbys first anime
Vice prez a cute, A CUTE!
Is this another niche hobby show with fan service or is there actual fucking involved?
Pretty good to shitpost in /bbg/.
I'd let her gamble my dick
i look forward to s2. I heard the s1 finale was differente from the manga, so I wonder how that's going to factor into the next season.
I bet its so tiny that it would be a gamble if she feels anything or not.
The odds would be like 1:150.
>being rude
What would I go with a big penis? It's not like I'm going to use it anytime soon
Main character looks too much like Alucard and it kills my boner.
It's a nonstop asspull train like all other gambling anime but it least it has good girls.
I like it because it's a normie gateway to Fukumoto.
I kept comparing it to Kaiji while watching
mearii a best girl
What do you mean "finished"? It's an ongoing.
Meh. In most shows where the MC is seemingly invincible, I turn to how good the side characters are instead, but even the ones in this series are kinda bland. It's nothing special, but I appreciate how it doesn't shy away from having it's girls make funny faces.
Also, I'm obsessed with Midari and I don't know why. How she's open about her gross habits is charming in a weird way.
Is there a worth watching anime on Netflix rn? I want something short with cute girls, pretty much
It was shit. I'll stick to Fukumoto for gamburu anime
Better than Kaiji