Does she have kids to feed?
Mitsuboshi Colors
Yes, because she's hot, unlike the colors.
Some would disagree
I want to give lottery-chan a child
sugoi sugoi
My wife Nono and I have a wonderful family.
Suddenly this show became really disgusting.
>they talk about poop all the time
Pan or Onigiri?
Bread filled with rice
I can go all day about how you're waifu is shit but that doesn't mean I want to picture the real thing.
That would just add to her debts.
I would obviously help her take care of the child
>Koto-chan-sama will never threaten you
>Onigiri doesn't greet with yoohoo
Pan is infinitely better
Yes, her children with me.
I want to go balls deep in Sacchan.
Would eat her pan
>Yui opens the Sup Forums catalog
nono's pan
nono pan
no pan
no no
Well duh. It says so right on the bakery door. Sasaki nopan.
She will when I'm done with her.
You don't have to! Someone's always there bumping it to the front page!
I want to make a baby with this kid.
Whoops forgot my pic メーン
Cute but please post Sat-chan instead.
Like this?
That's more like it. Keep it up.
She's average
nice catchu
Super average?
Leader please stop browsing Sup Forums.
How else is she supposed to find lolicons for Saito to arrest then?
How is average Sacchan so cute?
She's cute in an average way.