
Will "NARANCIA TRAP XDD" become a meme when part 5 gets adapted?

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of course, he's even voiced by a female in EoH

Narancia trap xd has been happening here for at least 6 years, but it'll definitely get worse

Yeah, but it only ever stuck to retards shitposting. When part 5 comes out, it'll flood YouTube and the comment sections of ANY pop culture song that's referenced in part 5.

Why is /jojo/ so scared?

There are people who think he's a trap? How?


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Are you still scared?

Maybe “Traps btfo” will become a thing too after he dies

Why have some idiots started to think JoJo is full of "ambushes not traps XD"? Narancia doesn't even pass as a cute tomboy girl, Buccellati stops looking girly after his fight with Giorno, Abbacchio isn't girly enough to be confused with a woman, Doppio is very clearly male, and Melone is a very homosexual-looking guy. Fuck that normalfag "trap" meme.

The ambulance got to him first

>the anime will make a flood of trap doujins flood in

Narancia sounds like a girls name so most will probably just think he's a girl

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Are you still scared?

The outfits and longer hair probably plays a big part in it, along with fanart commonly portraying most characters as more feminine looking and a lot of people in general just really liking traps.

I can't think of any character in Jojo that I've thought was a different gender than their actual one.

His face is really cute and feminine, even by part 5 standards. Many of his mannerisms are also quite feminine.

You're right. Even Giorno has "Giovanna" as his last name, which is feminine-sounding on purpose.

time for more king crimson memes

If anything, I'd say that introduction Bruno was an actual semen demon.

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haha it just works haha

>tfw you realize Bruno is a man after 3 pages and you're still hoping he's actually a girl

haha it just works haha

Who are your favorites?

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Ghiaccio is pretty great, interesting personality, cool stand design, and a great fight.

I wish there were more characters with glasses though.

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I'm actually glad there aren't more guys with glasses in JoJo because they're not appealing in Araki's style.

Will people squeal over characters they find cute and likeable? Yes. Yes they will.
Though Narancia is clearly a twink and not a trap, so just rag on trap fags for their confirmed homosexuality.

I think they are. I like Ghia's look.

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The first time I read it (shit scans) I liked Mista the most, but now Diavolo, Bruno, and Abbacchio are my favorites.

Post your
>favorite part 1 minor villain
>top 2 part 2 minor villains
>top 3 part 3 minor villains
>top 4 part 4 minor villains
>top 5 part 5 minor villains
>top 6 part 6 minor villains
>top 7 part 7 minor villains
>top 8 part 8 minor villains



1-6: None, only part 7 has good minor villains
7: All of them
8: None, only part 7 has good minor villains


>can't even name part 7 villains because of how forgettable they are

read again

He wanted more villains but I gave him my favorite from each part. I don't have enough time to think of 8 jojolion villains

>Eisidisi, Santana
>Hol Horse, Vanilla Ice, Steely Dan
>Hazamada, Stray Cat, Akira, Keicho
>Ghiaccio, Doppio, Secco, Cioccolata, Risotto
>Rikiel, Donatello Versus, Ungalo, Gwess, Miu Miu, Sports Maxx
>Blackmore, Diego, Magenta Magenta, Dr. Ferdinand, Pork Pie Hat Kid, Ringo Roadagain, Oyecomova

Hazamada is my favorite of all the minor villains, though!

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>Wamu, Esidisi
>Enya, Vanilla Ice, N'Doul
>Yuya, Akira, Stray Cat, Terunosuke
>Prosciutto, Risotto, Secco, Cioccolata, Formaggio
>Rykiel, Miu Miu, Versace, Jongalli A, Sports Maxx, Lang Wrangler
>Magenta Magenta, Diego, Blackmore, Axl Ro, Sandman, Ringo, 11 Men

>no doppio

>nobody saying stroheim

Doppio is main villain.

Gappy makes me happy

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I wannabe Trish's bf

Look at Araki's top ten characters, what the fuck is shigecci doing there?

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he's a good display of stylized proportions

The goth cop

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I agree with all these except Joutaurou. Jo2uke or pucci should've been in there.

It's from 2000.

Stroheim wasn't a villian

oh okay

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I'm gay

what happened last thread? dear god

I'm gay for Koichi

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Everything I touch
with tenderness, alas,
melts like a candle.


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Attention whore spams thread to get attention. Did it last thread too by attacking Kakfag.

Posting this until I get a kind translatorfag to show me mercy

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I thought he was when I saw JJBA:ASB gameplay before reading part 5, can you really blame any of us?

Last last thread, I mean.

Narancia is not even vaguely a trap?
Don't understand this meme.

ah i see. i just wont say anything about them to reduce the risk of them going off again.

That's for the best.

Mista is such a fucking bro.

>normie friend just read Part 5
>mention how I thought Narancia was a girl for a relatively long time
>he seems confused and always knew Narancia was a guy
It probably won't be a meme outside of Sup Forums.

Don't open this image.

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Part 5 anime never ever.

Good. I don't want le epic animeonly army to ruin my favorite part.

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Why not three slices though?


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>having the worst part as your favorite


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why Does One Person Play In the lives of Others? who Gets to Educate us about This or that? Someone does not have the right to dictate whether or not your posts May be shitposts, Everyone here appreciates what you did crappyfag. Unjust is what I call this, it Puzzles me that someone would go to such lengths to go against your Posting~ Infact, One might say that they are stealing the lifeblood of these threads. but shitposting will find its way, one way or another.

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I want Diavolo to rape me.

white album when?

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Abbacchio looked really girly during his first appearance, but after that Araki started drawing him differently.

You'd be surprised though, some game site referred to Buccellati as a 'sexy lady', people can and do get confused. And Araki's not so good at differentiating features either, like that cover where Johnny, Gyro and Lucy all have the same face, or how Yasuho and Gappy have nigh-identical features.


>And Araki's not so good at differentiating features either, like that cover where Johnny, Gyro and Lucy all have the same face, or how Yasuho and Gappy have nigh-identical features.
Well duh, the sameface problem began in SBR. we're talking part 5.

>It probably won't be a meme outside of Sup Forums.
I wish I would be as optimistic (or blissfully ignorant) as you.

I love part 5 but let's not pretend it didn't suffer from sameface issues too.

>I love part 5
no you don't

Anyone here know enough Japanese to write and send Araki a letter asking him to do another top 10? I mean, it has been 18 years after all. It would be interesting to see how much this list has changed over the years, especially with the addition of parts 6, 7, and 8.

>Jo2uke or pucci should've been in there.

It's the author's favorite characters, the characters that "should" be there are the ones he likes

Though early Kira looks so sleezy

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>the characters that "should" be there are the ones he likes
And Araki looked Pucci and Gappy. The list is pre-SO and we all know if he did that list again Gappy would be top 5.


Araki admitted Pucci was a poorly written mistake, he'd probably have Valentine there though.

Wasn't there someone who wanted to write a letter to him? Did he ever do it?

What are the chances there won't be an animated part 5?

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Yeah, I vaguely remember someone wanting to write a letter too. But I don’t think they actually went through with it. That’s why I’m kinda hoping that someone who actually knows moonrunes can write one, or at very least properly translate a letter that we write.

He may well have, but Araki probably didn't respond. He gets tons of fan-letters and has expressed regret for being unable to reply to most of them.

lick my eyeball

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how did jospeh ruse cruise straizo with the mirror gag? does araki expect me to believe that a vampire has no reflection, including his clothes?

give me your mustang

I’m a Gappyfag myself and you’ve got me genuinely interested now. I had no clue Araki liked Gappy this much, much less him having a chance of being in Araki’s top five. Why does Araki like him so much? Did he ever give an official reason?

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I didn't even know Narancia was a dude until I came here and made the mistake of mentioning calling him a girl.

I got a few dozen replies with a bunch of gay porn featuring him.

Good times

Probably because Josuke is still his favorite Jojo to this day (he confirmed it at one of those events last year) and Gappy is an AU version of him. I don't think he's said anything about Gappy himself though.

ganbatte user
i've been silently watching your struggle
as i dont know jap