Emergency Stalker Report

>***,*23位/***,*22位 (**3,039 pt) [*,*75予約] 18/03/28 18/01 宇宙よりも遠い場所 1(イベントチケット優先販売申券) [Blu-ray]
>***,*42位/***,*46位 ◎ (**8,033 pt) [*,179予約] 18/03/28 18/01 ゆるキャン△ 1 [Blu-ray]
>***,*93位/***,*92位 (**2,051 pt) [*,**4予約] 18/03/14 18/01 続『刀剣乱舞-花丸-』 其の一 Blu-ray (初回生産限定版)(イベントチケット優先販売申し込み券付き)
>***,*97位/***,102位 ○ (**2,372 pt) [*,**3予約] 18/03/14 18/01 続『刀剣乱舞-花丸-』 其の一 DVD (初回生産限定版)(イベントチケット優先販売申し込み券付き)
>***,141位/***,151位 (**1,167 pt) [*,*21予約] 18/03/28 18/01 【Amazon.co.jp限定】からかい上手の高木さんVol.1(初回生産限定版)(全巻購入特典:描きおろし全巻収納BOX+オリジナル特典映像DVD引換シリアルコード付) [Blu-ray]
>***,212位/***,196位 (***,930 pt) [*,*30予約] 18/03/28 18/01 【Amazon.co.jp限定】 宇宙よりも遠い場所 1(第1巻早期予約特典:アニメ描き下ろし「キマリのA3クリアポスター」付)(全巻購入特典:アニメ描き下ろしイラスト使用B1布ポスター 引換シリアルコード)(イベントチケット優先販売申込券) [Blu-ray]
>***,226位/***,232位 (**2,042 pt) [*,**0予約] 18/04/04 18/01 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
>***,257位/***,271位 (**1,500 pt) [*,**1予約] 18/04/04 18/01 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン1 [Blu-ray]
>***,280位/***,272位 (**1,417 pt) [*,*15予約] 18/03/28 18/01 からかい上手の高木さん Vol.1(初回生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,311位/***,297位 (**1,641 pt) [*,*24予約] 18/03/28 18/01 「りゅうおうのおしごと! 」Blu-ray vol.1(初回限定版)

The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen. In other news, VEG is likely going to re-enter top100 this week.

Attached: top-main-v1.jpg (800x1050, 205K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares about those flops?

What the fuk is with the moonrunes?

Stalker threads are banned now though. Thank god.

>***,*23位/***,*22位 (**3,039 pt) [*,*75予約] 18/03/28 18/01 Sora Yuri
>***,*42位/***,*46位 ◎ (**8,033 pt) [*,179予約] 18/03/28 18/01 Yuri Camp
Is yuri officially saved?

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>>***,*23位/***,*22位 (**3,039 pt) [*,*75予約] 18/03/28 18/01 Sora Yuri
>>***,*42位/***,*46位 ◎ (**8,033 pt) [*,179予約] 18/03/28 18/01 Yuri Camp
Good, nips finally understood.

I haven't seen the latest episode, what happened to give Sora Yuri such a big boost? And why is Yuru Camp falling down in rank now? The two basically traded places.

Nothing. It's normal. The pt is what makes all the difference

Yorimoi is doing better now that they're finally in Antarctica.

>his show can't even sell out the event ticket BD

Attached: 1520974146363.png (472x420, 86K)

Sora Yori has been on a steady climb for like a month now, it's remained consistently top 100 - 200
Yuru Camp still outsells it by a lot, it's just that it's been a week since the last episode so it naturally falls in rank a little bit


Attached: hinata.png (907x667, 673K)

can someone tell me what i'm looking at? is stalker referring to the guy who translates manga?

fart on my dick salesteens

Actual sales -
5,935 BD - 400 DVD Hibike! Euphonium Movie: Todoketai Melody aka Recap Movie

Attached: --.jpg (540x545, 32K)

Sit tight, sora yorifags.
Pretentious Kyoanifags attacked Yuru camp calling it inferior and stuff just because it got #1.Expect to be attacked as well

Keep your sides prepared


>Christmas camping tomorrow all the girls.
It will be back to No. 1 in no time.

As you said yourself, it was in top 100-200 for a while, then after latest episode it climbs up to top 25 which is the first time it happened since the pre-order was registered on amazon. On the other hand, Yuru Camp drops out of top 50 after sitting in top 30 comfortably for few weeks now? Looks like Yuru Campers went on a trip to Antarctica if you catch my drift. Didn't think anyone can dethrone Yuru Camp at this point.

what's the event?

>Hinata episode
>surge in sales
What a coincidence.

And once they start with their chink and Netflix monies is impossible to stop them.

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I think I actually enjoy Sora Yori a bit more, but Yuru Camp has much bigger meme potential and is getting a lot more exposure. It's all over pixiv.

How come yuribait always boosts preorders?

Meanwhile VEG has china and netflix money. Biggest success of the season hands down.

Yuru Camp still did better than anyone expected, and given the results it'll definitely get a season two.
I'm happy for that. It's the best anime I've watched in a long time.

>it's yet another "good guys (Yuru Camp and Sora Yori) defeat the bad guys" episode
Feels pretty good desu.

Attached: zz2018031206h19m47s093.jpg (1920x1080, 419K)

Not enough materials

>2 hours and 30 minutes
>almost 30 replies

Where are the two idiots?
Already on the depression stage?

Attached: 1454445499970.png (410x398, 177K)

hahahahaha no


>5,935 BD - 400 DVD Hibike! Euphonium Movie: Todoketai Melody aka Recap Movie

Damn. Hibike is really solid huh.

When we're two seasons in, you'd expect a huge drop off already but the sales are still healthy.

6k for a movie is pathetic, recap or not

>recap or not
That's where you're wrong

How many were up for preorder? like 50?

Bitch other production committee would kill for that kind of steady sales.

The sooner you accept it the less it'll hurt.
Netflix bought it up, it's making at least a million dollars weekly in China and the BD with the event ticket sold out in a month.
Meanwhile sora yori's BD with event ticket is sitting on 3k points and still not sold out.

Let that sink in.

Keep on ignoring the elephant in the OP, I'm sure it does not exist

Let me repeat that user's statement but with different words. There is no anime this season that is making more money than VEG.

Stop replying to the chink shill.

>what VEGetable shills actually believe

Fate exists

Games belong on Sup Forums.

That was a good 30 post thread

>two of my three favourite shows are doing great in sales
Ramen Daisuki should be up there too but oh well.

Attached: 1520879393298.png (658x729, 799K)

She was made to advertise Ramen houses. Sales do notmatter to it


>GuP still flopping even when it's near release


>VEG is likely going to re-enter top100 this week.
After how good episode 10 was, for sure.

Attached: Ann.png (1280x720, 697K)

japs are soulless creatures

>Keep on ignoring the elephant in the OP
That's VEG. Where were you when 3 movies got confirmed?
The chink is right also i'm from the UK & i also love VEG we have good taste over here.

hentai belongs on /h/

Attached: 1519716312423.jpg (800x600, 136K)

sad but true

Don't forget that /u/ won this winter cup and they will host the summer cup. Summer will have more yuri anime as well. Truly the year of yuri.

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Sora yori is not yuri.

stalker threads died when Franxxfags and Shaftfags realized both of their shows were going to flop so theres no point in arguing with them against Kyoani. The rest of the shows dont have cancerous fanbases so theres no shitflinging between Yuru Camp and Antarctica

Sora Yora is not yuri you fucking sociopath

Sora Yori & Yuru Camp are not Yuri for fuck's sake.
Shirase is canonically enjo kosai & Aoi canonically has a boyfriend

Explain this and pic related then, you retarded fucks.

Attached: 1520958188655.jpg (1280x720, 460K)

Nice bait, hetfags from KyoAni and Trigger threads.

Bilibili is going to host official streaming for ramen daisuki koizumi san this friday 1930CST/2030JST live.bilibili.com/live/544641.html
They have also uploaded their AJ2018 exhibition page which include list of anime they invested in.
List of anime include: Citrus, Ramen Koizumi, Urahara, Hyakuren Haou, Island

Attached: 4A22928F-3490-4183-82BA-4B4637064E2D.jpg (1279x720, 189K)

>Explain this
What? You don't understand friendship?

I knew it the girls are aliens and they just need to go to Antarctica to mate with other similiar girls cause only in that cold environment they can impregnate each other.

Who cares. More importanly

***,259位 (**2,044pt) VEG 1 (a)
***,293位 (**1,502pt) VEG 1
***,393位 (**1,527pt) VEG 2 (a)
***,399位 (**1,481pt) VEG 3 (a)
***,459位 (**1,033pt) VEG 2
***,531位 (**1,429pt) VEG 4 (a)
***,604位 (***,966pt) VEG 3
***,611位 (***,957pt) VEG 4
------------Flop line-----------------------
***,680位 (**1,349pt) Franxx 1 (a)
**1,360位 (***,952pt) Franxx 2 (a)
**1,412位 (***,888pt) Franxx 3 (a)
**1,453位 (***,849pt) Franxx 1
**1,719位 (***,866pt) Franxx 4 (a)
**6,358位 (***,606pt) Franxx 2
**7,077位 (***,538pt) Franxx 3
**7,113位 (***,504pt) Franxx 4

ITT: franxx fags false flagging as Yora/Yuri fags

poor franxxfags

Attached: 1519547194345.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

As someone who wanted to like both VEG and Franxx, it does me well to see this.

>Franxx falls below VEG on Stalker rankings
>Suddenly Stalker threads start to reappear
This is too fucking funny.

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It has been below for weeks now, get your head out of your own ass.
The second BD of VEG having more points than the first one of FranXX should raise some alarm inside your little head.

Actually I take that back, even the 4th BD of VEG has more. I'd neck myself in shame if I were you.

both Bilibili and CR got screwed with it
doing ok in China
>Ramen Daisuki
popular as well (also censored)
>Master of Ragnarok
had to pick the worst isekai

Stalker threads got banned because of FranXX' abysmal sales. FranXX has been below VEG since episode 6 of FranXX. At this point, I'm surprised there are still franxxfags here, by now I thought Sup Forums would've given up and just leave already.

What is sad is that "madoka" episode of Extra apparently did not save it. One would expect Madoka fans jump on Inu Curry art.

>Franxx is the sole reason these /vg/ tier generals banned
I highly doubt that.
If it was it would mean the show was good for something.
Thanks for reminding me to report this thread.

Violet everflop is not going to be profitable with those numbers.

It paid for itself before it even aired.

I forgot it was goyflix-sponsored.
technically not a flop then.

Even if you don't consider the sponsors they have already broken even.

Daily stalker threads and dessigned shitpost stalker threads are banned, weekly stalker threads are allowed as ever has been.

100 exactly you were close, just ignore that shitposter.

>4th BD of VEG has more

Attached: 02 CRYING.png (655x640, 660K)

episode 6 of franxx

>VEG is likely going to re-enter top100 this week.
I love how /v- I mean Sup Forums want this show to fail so bad but didn't.

Relative to expectations, it already has.

Hinata episode, Nips love her, as do we all.

Attached: 67442588_p0.jpg (960x1358, 850K)

>3 movies got confirmed?
Did you really fell for that? I wish VEG wasn't a Kyoani show, We truly Kyoani fnas are being mocked in the entire board thanks to people like you fucking faggot.

>Did you really fell for that?
I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one who started that shit.

These sales charts have always made no sense to me. If someone liked the last episode they saw, wouldn't they buy the volume containing that episode instead of the first one?

Whenever kyoani is involved in the discussion I just assume all stated opinions are the opposite of those claimed. Franxxfags are actually huge kyoani fans and VEGfags vehemently hate it.
At this point I'm probably right more often than not.

kill yourself

Just looking at the Lez and the Blue Ball thread you can see how different the tone of those with the one in VEG thread.

I wonder if these threads and any stalker posting should be banished to /biz/ or /jp/.
Nothing about these threads is about the artistic merit or entertainment value of any of the series discussed, it's nothing more than shitposting and corporate shilling.
Not to mention the cancerous regulars of these generals shitpost and stoke retarded fanbase wars across the board lowering the quality of discussion in general.

Yeah it's really annoying when you're not allowed to enjoy more than one show each season. It's almost like the people who shitpost about shows they don't watch probably only pick up less than five shows a season.

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Even worse, they only watch the livestream thread.

Yey Veg in top 200

***,179位 (**2,045pt) [*,**0予約] 2018年04月04日 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]

Will it reach top 100 this week?

Normalfags bringing consolewars, don't mind them I'm enjoying 35 shows this season and I don't give a fuck about their wars, just checking this threads to see how are all the shows doing overall.

How am I suppose to shitpost now about VEG flopping?

>Relative to expectations
You mean the unrealistic expectations people gained by listening to flaseflaggers?