Boruto Thread

So Hako has a bunny doll, and Sumire wore a bunny suit in the latest ep. Hiw much deeper will the Kaguya relations go?

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I’m sure it was meant as just a clever little nod but I hope we get to see Sumire’s abilities expanded on, especially with Nue and the dimensions

Stupid sexy sweaty Sakura

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Hako is Kaguya. Sumire won't have any relation to her.

she has to turn out to be a villain at some point.

I can't believe that Sumire can carry the show even though she gets a bad episode

Kara or un-Kara related?

She's guaranteed to get more focus in the future.

Very cute

she's definitely not carrying the show

No, she is. Even Kodachi knows it.

What´s up, doc?

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If Hako is one of the Genin mentioned in the Ep 51 summary that is hanging out with Naruto, and Hako for a split-second sees him as Hagoromo or Asura at some point in the ep, I will freak out.

The ones that ropes in suckers are:
-Boruto's powerset, not the character itself
-Sarada being the token girl power, even though she as grating as her mom
-Mitsuki's power set, as he's set to be the creepy but nice yes man
-Sumire for the waifufags

She is if she’s one of the only characters that inspires speculation about the direction of the series

Top four coming through

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What about Kawaki?

This was a 10/10 episode.

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Top seven coming through

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This weeks episode was shit. I appreciate the attempt to develop Namida and Wasabi but Wasabi just came off as a short-tempered bitch and Namida didn't really get anything at all. Not to mention how completely uninteresting the mission was. Team 5 having to make a documentary is also stupid, but at least Iwabe's team had a dope ass snot jutsu and awesome life lessons from Udon and Naruto.

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>who's Kawakii?
>Will Boruto leave the village?
>What's oroch planning?
>Is Hako Kaguya?
>what's Kara up to?

plenty of speculation besides her. She's one of many.

>excluding Sumire
>including Shikamaru 2.0
>including useless faggot shota Denki
Fuck no

come on it was boring as fuck just because team waifu was in it doesn't make it 10/10. Nothing cool or interested happened.

Did you not like Shikamaru or just not like it being done twice?

what the fuck is Denki doing? God damn he makes me so mad. I get triggered every time I see that little nerd...

I was hoping for Hanabi to at least get as much screen time in her episode as Udon did in his team's.

One of those topics is a meme, another is often brought up when discussion Sumire anyways, the rest are just questions that nobody bothers having full discussions on because there’s not enough info

replace Denki with Iwabe and Chocho with Sumire (I like Cho and Denki but those two are much more skilled and worthy of being called top 7)

It was fucking better than Shikadai's garbage arc.

if only

why is Sumire's personality all over the place?
she's smug and outspoken in the manga but reserved and nervous in the anime.

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It depends on how you like the personalities. Iwabe and Denki are better than Wasabi and Namida, but at the same time, it's a team of goofy boys with Udon as their sensei, vs a team of cute girls with Hanabi as the sensei

Shikamaru’s great, his son being a carbon copy is just lazy

>who's Kawakii?
You mean:
>Is Iwabe Kawaki?

I agree, but that doesn't automatically mean it's bad.

I really wonder how they’ll play this off

definitely change Denki for Iwabe. Absolutely. Chocho can stay though, she's cool.

Either she changes when she becomes a scientist or it's different writers with different tastes for waifubait?

If Hako becomes an MC, maybe she'll have a secret crush on Denki like that one theory suggested but there'll be a running gag where she hits Denki in comical ways everytime he does something stupid.

No. She can have a crush on literally anyone else. Denki doesn't deserve to be loved.

Alright, faggots, lets do this:
1. Mitsuki
2. Boruto
3. Sumire
4. Chocho
5. Sarada
6. Inojin
7. Iwabe
8. Shikadai
9. Metal
10. Wasabi
11. Namida
12. Denki

Who really knows, but I would think that she came to terms with her feelings for Bort in the time gap between the anime and manga and is more assertive as a result.

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I think it does, just shows lack of creativity. Though I’ll admit it would be much better if not for the fact that we’ve seen it already.

brainlet Ryogi was much better than this shit episode

Assistant-kun better deliver more fanservice in the future.

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Her yandere side is developing

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It's mostly Ikemoto's drawing.

Fuck off and stop trying to make her a character she isn't. Nothing has indicated her having deep romantic feelings or a Yandere side.

Sarada's personality in all over the place too. She acts different in both the anime, Gaiden, and manga.

This episode ruined Wasabi for a lot of people huh? I'd have Iwabe and Sarada switch places. Otherwise, agree.

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listing our favorites in order?

1. Boruto
2. Sarada
3. Shikadai
4. Mitsuki
5. Iwabe
6. Chocho
7. Metal
8. Namida
9. Sumire
10. Wasabi
11. Inojin
12. Denki

Calm the fuck down, no need to be so fragile

Kill yourself

Does this team deserve their own arc?

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We don't say that to eachother on here. Apologize to him.

Hopefully she'll realize Sarada has feelings too and will support her instead of trying to compete and cockblock her. Act as a wingman towards Sarada.

they deserve more than this garbage episode

1. Sarada
2. Boruto
3. Sumire
4. Mitsuki
5. Shikadai
6. Inojin
7. Wasabi
8. Metal
9. Namida
10. Chocho
11. Iwabe
12. Denki

>Nothing has indicated her having deep romantic feelings

Did we read the same manga?

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she great in Gaiden, OK in the manga and kinda shit (literally Sakura 2.0 personailty) in the anime

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Hopefully not, but I'll respect your opinion.

Why would I read Ikeshit

The yandere thing is just a joke.

Sumire is reserved and gets flustered but it was never crippling. So in the manga, she's come into terms with her feelings for Bort and let Salad know she'll try to compete for it

god damn I wish the Anime would adopt the Manga's designs for them 2.

Because (You)

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she was a bitch

will we ever see EdgySumire again?
she looked so cool when she was trying to nuke Konoha.

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absolutely not from what we just saw. If anything they should become less relevant.

Not while there’s still cute hawawa to enjoy

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That face makes her look like a Bleach character.

Fuck that, all’s fair

1. Mitsuki
2. Sarada
3. Sumire
4. Iwabe
5. ChoCho
6. Inojin
7. Boruto
8. Shikadai
9. Wasabi
10. Namida
11. Metal
12. Denki

Based on that, everybody should be irrelevant, it was just one episode

Let's settle this the right way. Who'd win in a fight. Sarada or Sumire?

Difference between being written by Kodachi and being written by SP. Same with Sarada.

It's a very basic episode for kids, but at the same time it solidified their personalities moving forward. Like... I'd watch a filler arc with them because their power level is low enough to sell actual danger

Hawawa episode, we had 3 entire threads in less than 24 hours.

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her role should change from romantic rival to supportive wing man. Suits her better.

more fanart

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If you’re a BoruSarafag, sure

probably not

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>Let's settle this the right way
There is no right way to settle this

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Sarada but only by a little. Sharingan is too strong.

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I sure hope so.

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This episode was made due to Sumire's international popularity and it kind of shows in terms of quality. They should be given more chances to shine properly with a fully planned script.

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Decent taste

Stop posting the same thing over and over please and thank you

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I disagree. Move onto the next team. Then the next. Give each team a 1 off episode just to get the audience to know them better. Only teams that should be given extra focus are Team 7 because they're the main characters so that's obvious and the new inoshikacho for similar reasons. They're the kids of the original cast. Splash some Team Udon too but not as much as those other 2. Those should be the 3 focused teams which means 12 kids. Konoha 12.

Sumire if she lets Nue go all out.
Else, Salad.

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Hawawa is too strong!

no. It suits her personality better. I agree with that other user, the sudden personality change is weird. Go back to the cute shy girl.

Another user posted that image first, so I deleted my post and reposted.