Taskette 02-sama!
Darling in the Franxx
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Post best girl
OP posted her
This is why you don’t trust an oni
>it's not a milkman episode
It's a dark day today.
the spider captures its prey
She'll be back
because she forgot her mirror
He gets a chance to get one of the action episodes.
There is no web there though
At this rate we will have Fatty episode before him. Fuck this.
every episode has a little bit of Kokoro lusting after his cock at least
Calm down. Every side character will get their own episode. Zorome in 10, Futoshi or Mitsuru in 11 and 12, then we're over to the girl's side. Ichigo gets an episode, then Miku, then Ikuno and Kokoro.
I wish that was me being ambushed.
who was Hiro talking to?
I hurt myself today
I-i can ambush you if this is what you really want
Mitsuru is so smart!
Episode 12 is an action episode. Episode 11 is an action episode as well if we believe leak user. Episode 7 was narrated by Ichigo already.
But exploration of the city gives the opportunity for interactions. I just hope it won't be another Kokoro lusting after him in silence, just so he can ignore her while looking for a place to take some pills. They repeat stuff to often in this show, just like with zoomed and his papa admiration, just like with goro and his feelings(I'm just glad it slowly moved on). It would be also cool if Milkman talked to anybody other than Kokoro and Ikuno
He can't keep getting away with it
You really don't believe that, do you? We are at side character standalone episodes now. Goro, now Zorome. They're not just gonna stop there.
>create character of the year
>barely give him screen time
For what purpose?
>Kokoro's gonna be wondering if ADULTs fall in love and make babies like the book suggests
I adore those hats.
these girls are meant for anal, Hiro is so lucky to have a harem
this artist can't get away with making me question my sexuality
has the PV came out for the next episode yet?
Fatoshi is the only one who has made her blush, Mitsuru btfo
>young man ready to create offsprings
Does not compute.
What's the minimum IQ required to enjoy this masterpiece?
wet panties
>yfw Zorome falls in love with qt adult cake
Higher than yours
>I've never directly spoken with an ADULT.
>But they are always looking after us.
>If we do our best, they praise us and even give us rewards.
>If I continue fighting for them, I'm sure that someday I can also become an ADULT.
>I've been dreaming forever for this day to come.
>Episode 10 - The Eternal City
But his harem is two girls and then boys.
Animators on twitter talked about episode 12 and I don't believe that Milkman, Kokoro, Futoshi or Ikuno are going to get action heavy episodes. Ichigo and Miku already had their episodes (7 and 8), it's defined by whoever is monologuing.
I'm tired of side character episodes.
>side character
>I don't believe that Milkman, Kokoro, Futoshi or Ikuno are going to get action heavy episodes
Why not, Genista and Chlorophytum had the least screentime of all Franxxes
>two girls
If thats what you believe, but they all want Hiro cock
Zorome isn't a side character you asshat he's part of the main cast.
>girls standing closer to Hachi
They want that buzzcut chad
Suuure he is.
Something is missing
Well, at least it's Zorome. Out of the 8 other kid characters, Zorome is the only one I give a shit about because he's the only one whose characterisation has something that can be relevant to the plot and not just teenage romance nonsense. His worship of the adults has potential to be interesting. Hope they do something with it and it leads to something.
Spotted the underage
You probably think Suzaku was a side character as well.
Hachi will pilot an even more giant Franxx with all the girls as his pistils. He's the true alpha male
Made for mating press.
I'm done. The bloated cast killed the show.
at least we get to learn more about this city they are protecting and pretty much guaranteed Hiro/02 will split off from the group here like they always do, could be interesting.
I know he was.
Retarded MC self-inserts.
Zerome is just an one-dimensional comic relief side character
See you this Saturday
>liking teenage melodrama and romance
>calling others underage
holy shit
>Zorome btfo
>Mitsucuck btfo
Are we watching the same show?
>it's Zorome learning about sex-tourism and prostitution episode
Mitsuru has TWO girlfriends.
retarded one-dimensional side character self-inserts.
That's the reason. We all knew that Goro would have to confess sooner or later and that Satan would have to learn about adults because they were built up for these episodes. Milkman and Kokoro get less screentime than Delphinium and Argentea pairs and Fatoshi and Ikuno are so irrelevant they aren't even proper supporting characters. I don't see the latter two getting important episodes when Ichigo and Miku had a beach and a bath episodes.
We're going full Nier this Saturday aren't we?
Mitsuru is not melted enough to care yet.
yeah, we'll have the generic SoL episode of the week with another bland one-dimensional side character
>ywn use Kokoro's thighs as a lap pillow
>ywn have her stroke your hair lovingly
>ywn have her whisper sweet nothing into your ear
Just fuck my shit up
so close
Oh it's the hirofaggot that shits up every fucking thread. I can smell your foul stench wafting off every shit post you make.
Anal is sodomy. Vaginal sex with your 100% monogamous wife whom you are happily married to is the only way to have sex.
Yeah just like last week right?
>ywn have Miku's head on your lap
>ywn stroke her hair lovingly
>ywn moan while she's sucking the life out of your dick
He was phoneposting on the 02 thread.
Episode 7: Ichigo episode
Episode 8: Miku episode
Episode 9: Goro episode
Episode 10: Zorome episode
Episode 11: Kokoro episode
Episode 12: Mitsuru episode
Episode 13: Ikuno episode
Episode 14: Futoshi episode
Episode 15: Nana episode
Episode 16: Hachi episode
Episode 17: APE/PAPA 1st member episode
Episode 18: APE/PAPA 2nd member episode
Episode 19: APE/PAPA 3rd member episode
Episode 20: APE/PAPA 4th member episode
Episode 21: APE/PAPA 5th member episode
Episode 22: APE/PAPA 6th member episode
Episode 23: APE/PAPA 7th member episode
Episode 24: Return to the plot and 02 episode and finale
There, spoiled the episode outlines for you.
It'll be lovely when they defeat a LWA tier villain in the last three episodes
Where is the 9'alpha episode?
He seemed like he might be an interesting character, so he doesn't get one. Same with the Doc.
Nothing says kino like forcing a character on screen and making them interact with people.
Leaker-kun, you'll be in trouble now
I want to dock my cockpit into her rear bay
Episode 14 confirmed to be episode of the year
My main problem with the show as it is is that none of the characters have any agency. 02 has some baggage but acts like an oblivious retard at the same time and the rest couldn't stop being one note clichés
What did user mean by this?
By god, I hope you're right.
Oh it's the beta guy that self-insert into female and shits up every fucking thread. I can smell your foul stench wafting off every shit post you make characters
Probably a form of kissing.
He's a klaxosaur
Now I wish there was a klaxosaur hybrid male, like 02, who blatantly hits on the girls and make them embarassed every second.