He's a better character than Kaiji. In fact he's the best character I've seen.
He's a better character than Kaiji. In fact he's the best character I've seen
Fuck no, he's Gary Stu as fuck, a funny one to see at least.
>baiting anime-onlies
good work
t. animeonly who didn't get his character thanks to Madhouse changes and low attention span
Wait, isn´t that just Kaiji with white hair?
It's Akagi, also known as Kaiji Blanco.
It's Kaiji blanco
dats rasis
What's this anime-only meme? Akagi's character is well portrayed in it, his philosophy and thought process are the same as in the manga.
But yeah, I prefer him over Kaiji. Perfectly encapsulate what a gambler is all about.
He's slightly edgier in the anime, and they cut a few of his humanizing scenes and features, so it's more likely for some people to think he's a nihilistic asshole like Johan instead of a guy who embraces life genuinely in his way
Kaiji is stuck on what could be compared to edgy kid Akagi stage of development. ...for 50 volumes of his 2d life
New tonegawa anime info is out
Broadcast will start July 2018
Tonegawa will be voiced by Morikawa Toshiyuki (Griffith from Berserk 1997, Yoshikage Kira from Jojo)
Is Akagi autistic?
Shit, this's going to be hype.
Just a loner, but the opposite of an autist otherwise since everything he does demonstrates a great knowledge of people and how they think
He was the greatest tripfag in Sup Forums history
I can't believe this moralfag Kenshiro won
This faggot animated never
I mean, yes.
stare intently at shitty panchiko machine recordings user, what can I say tonegawa spinoff might cause a stirrup though never say never
>soundtrack is gonna suck
We are good. The weedman never did a soundtrack for a comedy series so no reason to baww in this particular case.
>action, dramas, thrillers, historical
When's he getting out bros?
I miss him.
Old Akagi in Ten is the best Akagi.
>that death sequence
what do you care? it's not like he will get to write music for an anime ever again
All Akagis are perfect except the 13 yo
I like all Akagi's, but I remember Old Akagi the best mostly due to this page.
It really made me think
>In February 2017, Takeshobo started to display eight different posters at 15 major railway stations on the Yamanote Line in Tokyo to announce the series planned conclusion on February 1, 2018.[10] However, the series editor said it did not mean the manga would really reach its conclusion but that it would continue irregularly. To announce it one year before the ending was in fact a marketing strategy to attract the readers who quit reading the series and those whose did not read it yet.[3] A shinsōban three-on-one edition featuring new cover illustrations started to be published on February 15, 2017,[11] and marked the start of what the editor called their one-year "grace period" as part of their tactic to attract readers.[3][12][13] The 17th and last volume of this edition was published on July 19, 2017.[14]
>However, the series editor said it did not mean the manga would really reach its conclusion but that it would continue irregularly.
Wait, so we'll get more chapters?
Akagi has dozens of great quotes
anyone know for how much weed did the soundtrack guy get busted?
it's not how it works in Japan
weed for use and distribution was confirmed -> so you help foreign mafia gaining strength here -> you faggot sold our country to chinks, rot in jail forever
But could Akagi beat Schwarzenegger after he has had his daily dose?
What's the difference?
Eop here, found your article, google translate seemingly confirms that. But it was a monthly as it is. Rarer issues than once a month? That's not enough for Zero anyway, for what purpose?
Kaiji is a true human bean going through hell to survive, Akagi is an entire philosophy with a beginning and an end
Imagine Washizu Mahjong all over again but instead of being monthly it's every third month.
ah yes, regret... regret!
How can you say he's the best character when Washizu-sama is in the very same series?
Scatter in the wind!
Do you think they'll meet again on the other side?
>Kept you waiting uh?
>Let's resume the match
They'll probably meet in Akagi 2 anyway
Kaiji is the buzzword definition of autistic, = just a 20 something manchild
Akagi is armchair psychologist definition of autistic, = just an introvert who saw some shit
Both are really good with understanding people, although Kaiji usually needs to stick his head out of his ass for this.
Both grew up during pretty shitty times of the Japanese history.
He's out but will likely never work in the industry again outside of obscure stuff under a pseudonym.
1.5 grams
No, they just have draconic no tolerance policies on drugs. He was busted only for possession and got 5 years, he was ratted out by an acquaintance who got busted themselves for possession because they got some from him but he was prosecuted just for possession not selling.
I prefer Kaiji because he's more sympathetic (and pathetic) and feels all too human with how many faults he has along with how unfortunate he is. Akagi is great especially as he grew older, but he always felt different from a regular person to the point others even point it out.
Ultimately, everyone loves rooting for the underdog which is why you see more people prefer Kaiji unless they are old school Akagi fans.
>Akagi gets a letter 5 years after the end of the previous series
Does anyone have the page where Washizu turns around to see Akagi with a shotgun?
Yes they will meet and Washizu is going to contribute to Akagi becoming the part of the underworld. It just can't be helped, no matter how you folks hate the old fuck who killed your fake akagi waifu. Actual Akagi would be killed in a few years without the support like this.
You root for Kaiji/Kurosawa/Gai, admire Akagi and want to fuck Zero
Washizu was better off dead. Chapter 296 was a masterpiece
>reads people like a book
He's as far from autistic as he can be you retard.
>1.5 grams
you're kidding right
holy fuck one joint can ruin your life
Someone hates Washizu? How is that even possible? He's way more moe than Fake Akagi was.
Delete this FUCKING thread.
>wasn't written by fkmt
Doubting it'll be good.
All fucking Japan mafia hates this fat troll and wants him dead, Akagi wouldn't survive without Washizu (and give us Ten).
lol if you think it the joint needs to even exist for cops to ruin your life
>Akagi wouldn't survive without Washizu
Akagi survived Washizu, that's more than anything else in the world
what do you mean
are you implying that cops set him up
I want Washizu dead because I love him
Cops aren't scum actively trying to fuck your life up everyone just like in the US mate.
Giving him Akagiless chapters was a good decision and now with the very possible continuation there's hope for more.
What about Ten?
Zero tolerance is zero tolerance. Asia was fucking destroyed by opium before and there was a big influence by Christians in 20th century Japan when they came into the modern era of thinking.
Literally 90 dollars worth of drug paraphernalia (he had a pipe to smoke it too) got him 5 years.
Who the fuck likes fake Akagi? Fuck that piece of shit.
This is bad, they are going to infect people they donate to with terrible taste
>What about Ten?
Root and admire. He's an underdog but also a strong man who proved his worth
Fuck you, even Akagi felt bad for him
He is important, it's what would happen to the real one if not for plot armor, and exactly what Ten was afraid of in case of Hiroyuki. Although that one also had his plot armor and ended up wasting 9 years of his life. gg, Ten-san
kazuya is best boy
I think you're right user, no way Akagi could just go around doing what he wanted unless there was someone big behind him. Although iirc he was ruling the underworld or whatever for a pretty short time. I wonder what happened.
He didn't win. Akagi changed Sup Forums board culture forever in that Kenshiro and moralfags could never be discussed in peace again. Even these days on Sup Forums whenever anyone tries to make a thread about the new HoktuoxYakuza game Akagi's followers appear to ruin it. So basically Akagi fulfilled the purpose Sup Forums created him for all those years ago.
Yeah but moralfaggotry happened I miss the edgy times because I'm dark and have a wicked sense of humor like Akagi
I chuckle before every ron everyone is too scared to play me now they saw my genius
>blacklisted over a joint
Why bother? I guess you could say it'd look bad for a company to hire a pothead but do otaku even care about that stuff? All I care about is that's it's cutting into my enjoyment of anime which is far more important.
It's not otaku they have to worry about but business partners, particularly sponsors, and public opinion. It literally would be a scandal of "can you believe this production company would consort with a convicted drug addict???"
>muh waifufags
You really don't think people would prefer Washizu dead for any other reason?
>muh beautiful tragic deaths
fkmt mecha when
>good taste is for fags
user pls
There is nothing I wouldn't watch if it was done in fkmt's writing and style
Fkmt threads are at least 25% fujo anyway
This thread needs weird Washizus.
would you let her drain your blood?
It's inevitable I'm so crap at dominoes I was told I'm retarded on purpose.
Isn't is based on his Tonegawa manga?
He's not the writer for that.
>Bad at Dominoes
gochu user
you know he means mahjong, right?
The Tonegawa manga is still good from the few scanlations I've seen. And, it is popular in Japan
I just thought he genuinely meant himself. Speaking of dominoes though I want to see Kaiji or Akagi play dominoes because it's a game where cheating flourishes.
I was just saying it's not written by FKMT.
Disappointing they didn't get the same VA for Tonegawa, though.
Don't worry about it user, everyone is pretty shit in the beginning; I'm bad at math too to boot. It gets a lot better, you just have to work hard.
>normal noses
Normal for anime, at least on Kaiji and Akagi.
yeah but they still stand out enough compared to other noses
it's fine
>winky hyodo