Slavs and Commies in Animu

can we have a slav/commie thread?

partly thanks to yuru camp Δ (anyone else call it "delta"?) we got an influx of adidas wearing squats I need to collect and since my work PC and home PC are not perfectly synched and its fridey anyways, it's a good time to sync and add a bit.

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Disgusting thread.

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cease your resistance mongrel

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t. mutt

Somebody should tell the nips, we don't use "хорошо" as often as they think we do.

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idi na moj huj

I wish.

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> idi na moj huj
Nobody says that.


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squat down and do the role, Oleg

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Everything good you have in your life is thanks to fear of commie uprising.

>Still better solution than any right wing policy.

I just did.

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Like what. Jews?

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profoundly upsetting thread, commonism is racist and sexist

What dumb RSL students say is irrelevant.

Like anything related to your rights as worker and human being, because otherwise the big company moneybags would think of you as disposable trash.
Or did you actually believe they would ever give you a chance to have even a good payment because they are so nice?
Also, jews don't like Soviet Union, because they where kicked out by Stalin.

Ja Pierdole

Oh, those silly russian anons.

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itt: mutt trying to sound intelligent but fails miserably

>my little bluecap throwing me into a pogram can't be this corrupt

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Why did you submit this post to Sup Forums - Anime & Manga?

Post the slavs

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Post cute freedom lovers

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>[screams internally]

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I expected sqatting anime girls not this shit

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>tfw started learning russian online because of that one song from garupan

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slav'sya, moya simpatichnaya i krasivaya zhena Чино!

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I wish I were as blind as you.

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Their pronunciation was absolute trash

You mean being actually educated on the matter and not by brainwashing media owned by corporate moneybags?

It was fine for the most part, much better then it's usually is.

You are spewing absolutely ignorant shit while claiming to be "educated". Keep drinking commie filth cool aid.

Visha from Youjo Senki is from !NotRussia, but considering she is a refugee because of the communist revolution, I doubt she is a communist.

Attached: Nordon III.jpg (471x1249, 130K)

I actually referred to the jew part.
>Sup Forums

Fuck off commies.

Facebook link:


Kill commies and rape slav girls. I would watch that.

america o'clock getting into full swing

commie menace is literally the only reason nazi nutjobs are ever allowed near the command seats