How come when there's sexual between a boy and a woman that there's not a big shitstorm...

How come when there's sexual between a boy and a woman that there's not a big shitstorm, but there is when it's between a girl and a man?
In Maidragon, Shouta-kun is constantly being sexually harassed by Lucoa. It's a woman doing the bad here. No shitstorm.
In Kodomo no Jikan, Aoki-sensei is constantly being sexually teased by Kokonoe. It's a girl doing the bad here. Huge fucking shitstorm.

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Nobody cares when a woman is a pedo. It's just how it is.

Why would anyone on Sup Forums care either way?

Double standards. Both are a problem in real life, both are hot in 2D.

Wasnt the problem in Kodomo no Jikan that it showed an underage girl in sexual situations, but then in Maid Dragon the boy is never really sexualized, he just has a big titty woman fawning over him.
Or maybe /ss/ just is the superior fetish but I dont have the numbers for that.

It's not like a woman could actually hurt a boy if they engaged in congress, mentally or physically. It's the opposite with male pedos. Unless the girl is the one seeking a relationship, things will end badly for her. It's why the only likeable male pedos in fiction are the ones who get seduced by the girls. Male pedos who actively seek children are monsters. On the other hand, women who do it are just teaching the boys about life.

toxic matriarchy denying male pedophiles their lolis

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People like to assume that a if a young boy has sex with a beautiful adult woman he will feel lots of pleasure and will have a beautiful memories of how he became a man, while a girl having sex will feel pain and traumatic memories

The impression that a womans sexual aggression is significantly less than a mans. Also physical. Unless the woman is literally a stupid mongrel or insanely savage individual, physically its unlikely she would hurt a boy attempting to do the deed.

The opposite case with men. A girl could be extremely physically hurt and traumatized by the act as her body is small and undeveloped. Also there is an element of truth in that men are more aggressive sexually.

A man with big tits chasing a little girl?
Sounds like most of Sup Forums.


it really makes you think

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what happen just now?


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It's okay when women do it.

attractive pedophilic women are god's gift to mankind.

unattractive pedophilic men aren't.

attractive ones should still get a pass though

well it's not like this is wrong.
the cock is much more destructive in nature than the vagine

>boys lose anything by being """raped"""
only the ones that don't deserve to be in the gene pool

>my super hot multimedia teacher never raped me
It's not fair bros.

take initative

It's 15 years too late now.

no it isn't.

Conservatives think sex is a sinful act done by men to women, and feminists are too stupid to realize that it’s a conservative belief so they do too.

But I'm no longer a teenager or even a shota. It'd never work.

Maidragon wasn't a drama series unlike kodomo no jikan

KnJ also posits that little girls can knowingly "seduce" older men and bear partial blame (which is a common excuse for pedophiles) while Shouta is a passive party.

>Unless the woman is literally a stupid mongrel or insanely savage individual, physically its unlikely she would hurt a boy attempting to do the deed.

That isn't true at all though, since female pedophiles usually do immense amounts of physical and mental damage to their victims. The kid almost always end up as fucked up individuals when they grow up because of it.

feminists don't think of it as sinful but as an act of rape. To them everything is rape.

Welcome to the timeline of matriarchy.

>Hurr durr why do we treat different things differently?

I think Tumblr would be more your speed, faggot

Maidragon is oneshota.

Kodomo no Jikan is lolicon fantasy.

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What's the difference between oneshota and a shotacon fantasy?

Objectively false.

Little boys don't have rights, little girls does

Dudes usually get the "you had sex, what's the problem" response, mostly from other dudes

Does Shouta ever shows any signs of actually liking Lucoa?

Tight cunnys are the pinnacle of perfection

GATE got away with it just fine

>Kodomo no Jikan is lolicon fantasy.
Well done, Jason, you finally got it right.

Left doesn't look like it'd be much fun or either party, even if it's not physically damaging like right.

You are just as retarded as them.
Nobody is talking about full penetration, technically boys can't even penetrate properly either anyways.
Stop using that as if that were the case.

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(No and Fuck you)

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Because it's a form of true love~
Boys love cuddling with older women so much that they cry from joy

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What did she mean by this?

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this is one of the most forced memes on Sup Forums, even more so than keit-ai

>happy ending

Women privilege.

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>ywn be married at 9 to a handsome man
why even live ?

>Male pedos who actively seek children are monsters.
But what about Blade? He was one of the most liked protagonists on year when Needless was airing.

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There is no real explanation as to why left isn't equally weird.

You are so fucking retarded it's actually amazing you can post.

wew lad

Cruz Schild was the protagonist

Retards and pedophiles will deny this truth


>Male pedos who actively seek children are monsters
>women who do it are just teaching the boys about life.

We wuz fight for 2d shotas right Sup Forumsnons!

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fuck, just realize how hard I got baited

I do love how stuff like this triggers pedos.

kodomo no jikan was much more blatantly sexual and maid dragon was only played for laughs. not really a fair comparison.

this, at least in mass theory
>that one user that had an ass infection from his friend's mom shoving a pinecone up his ass

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because women are more empathic t,men alot of the time lack this,boys do not since life hasn't beaten it out of them yet.

No way...

No that would be \ll\

Well, I'll be damned.

>Things you can only do with boys in America

can't really see this happening in more cultured places

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that looks awfully gay to be a boy

Calm down their Nabokov.

Our gay society is loliphobic.

Is the manga lewder than the anime?

but locua isnt trying to be sexual with him....

>only played for laughs
Ah, the irony of child abuse

They make prosthetic dick sleeves user. Also the G-spot isn't always deep in.