Will you remember his smile?

Will you remember his smile?

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Everything reminds me of him

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Literally who

>le gay e-celeb
Fuck off with this faggot

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Deepfakes when?

He's straight tho

I cry myself to sleep every night thinking about him.

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>accident with Japanese truck



was as straight as Sir Michael Redgrave though!

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>posts VEG

Not to mention being a fucking phoneposter. Phones were a mistake

why is fried rice so good?

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Every day, I promise never forget aniki.

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Literally who is this gay man?
This is a board about anime and manga
not about your sexual orientation

I will and i hope he's sleeping tight.

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never cared much for him
but he's got a banner here so, yes I guess

Sleep tight, Aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki.

How could i forget Aniki's perfect smile?

No, because i'm the boss of this gym now!

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Sleep tight, aniki

Sleep tight, Aniki.


Press "S" to take a shit on his grave

Sleep tight Aniki

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Sleep tight, Aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki.


Sleep tight, Aniki

Why didn't we protect his smile?

More than just that, I'm sticking with my promise with /jp/ and working out just a little extra harder than before, for Aniki. I'm really going to miss him and the least I can do is tribute my muscles to his testament.

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I know for a fact that he would've stolen my waifu if they'd ever met, so no. I feel a lot better now.

Sleep tight, Aniki

Sleep tight, Aniki

Sleep tight, Aniki.

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Sleep tight, Aniki ;_;

> ホイ ホイ チャーハン
stop acting autistic, user. we all know who you really are

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Sleep tight, aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki.

I love to make it at home

Sleep tight, Aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki.

Already on page 9?! This isnot what Aniki wanted he wanted us all to not only improve ourselves but to love each other for what we are for we are our most loved being and we are the ones who will bring a big warm smile to our daily days no matter how grim they are or depressing we will always have our smiles and Aniki watching us from above alongside Zyzz, bros on the heaven.

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Sleep tight, Aniki

Sleep tight, aniki.

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gay fag who died, not Sup Forums related

kys redditors

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Replying to them only make them post more like that you know?

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Sleep tight, Aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki.

is mokou the touhou closest to aniki's coolness?


Sleep tight, Aniki.

sleep tight user!

Sleep tight, Aniki.

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Sleep tight, Aniki.

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Sleep tight, Aniki.

sleep tight, aniki

Sleep tight, Aniki.

Did they find the killer?

He's a homo and the world is better off without him

Sleep tight, Aniki.

Sleep tight, Aniki



Did you faggots know he had a son? This is him now.

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Sleep tight, Aniki

literally who?

>blocks your path


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Sleep tight, Aniki.

>not using catalog

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I've been too disheartened to look into just what exactly happened.

How the hell did this angel die?

shit this sucks not b/c i like this walking meme but how it happen

*During the evening of March 1, 2018, Herrington was involved in a car accident on California State Route 111 in Rancho Mirage. He was found trapped in the wreckage and was brought to a Palm Springs hospital where he died the next day.*

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Sleep tight, Aniki.


Since he made it to the hospital do you think they at least gave him something to dull the pain?

I have a feeling 95% of the people acting all "sad" over his death didn't even know who he was (or, at the very most, were just vaguely aware of existence of the NND meme) before his death.
Nobody opened any threads about gachimuchi before the Sup Forums red text thingy. Nobody ever made any posts alluding to it. No pics of it were ever posted, it was never photoshopped into the occasional "exploitable photoshop" thread. The most Sup Forums has shown any awareness of Aniki is /f/'s bullshit and the VERY occasional /wsr/ gachimuchi thread. Even Sup Forums and /jp/ have apparently forgotten about him.
And yet, upon his who-even-cares-anymore death, you start seeing these fucking threads pop up all over the place, from Sup Forums to Sup Forums to motherfucking Sup Forums of all places. Each and every one of those reeks of trying too hard.

This travesty happens every goddamn time something is "important enough" to warrant a sticky. It's virtually 1:1 what happened upon moot's departure in 2015. moot has been a non-entity for over two years by the time he officially resigned. Five years, if you ignore /q/ (as you rightfully should). And yet in every fucking board you had these whiny faggots making their little ";_;7" posts and shoveldumping shit from their reaction pic folders. Just... Why?

Id imagine the morons just showing up with no idea who or what the person did was due to wanting to feel involved in something They're the type of retards that follow trends and only watch seasonal shows

I didn't even know where could I find gachimuchi thread here
I was just watching random videos on bilibili and niconico

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Billyposting.


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>Putting the rip the skin guys instead of Aniki's best bro Kazuya.

Fucking secondaries.

Is the same.

atleast they are better than those who pretend to hate, because pretending to hate on the internet, specially here, is practically the same as actually hating
but hey, you cant know anything about who is behind every post, better is to just try and move on to greener pastures

Twitch shit, Billy's Vocaloid name is Ena Yugamine.

I think english audience doesn't appreciate Yuji enough

idk i would assume so

feels bad =/

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Did anyone investigate into what actually happened during the crash?

Sleep tight, Aniki

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Some days ago I started looking for info on Gachimuchi's actors, apparently Yuji is kind of a scumbag, he has VIH but tries to still book scenes (he does straight porn now) and hook up with girls.

fuck you

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