Berserk was mediocrea at best

Let's be honest for a moment here, Berserk was and still is not special the story is stupid ans generic and the only redeeming factor was the 2016 anime, if it were not for the anime this shitty series would have never continued

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>animefag has a shitty opinion
Not surprised.


>Edgelord prefering shitty manga over it's >superior animated version
Your Weeb skill has leveled up now you can suck more jap dick.

>the anime being any less edgy than the manga
Manga > anime 99% of the time and it isn't even close with Berserk, especially with the new anime.

Is this copied and pasted from somewhere?

It's just low-tier bait.

Kid, this site is for adults not 13 old edgelords, >OY blood and gore is sooooo coool waaaaw main hero is so AWESOME
When the truth breaks your safe space bubble just call it baitand rinse your Weeb hands

You do realize that you're apparently saying that the manga is edgy while the anime is not right? You're the one that brought up the word edgy.

Out of all the words in the dictionary you decided to use the most immature one to describe a medicore manga and then you expect me to follow suit, Kid let me explain something to you. The word edgy should not be used to complement a dark or cool series because it make you look like an adolescent whose sole propose in life is to shoot his school.

The first post mentioning the word edgy was which was either you or someone else but certainly not me. I only used it to point out how weird it is that someone would consider the manga edgy but not the anime.

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I need called the manga edgy it's too shitty to be called edgy anyways,I was calling user "Edgelord"

Typically you're called an edgelord because you like edgy things. Why am I an edgelord for rightly calling an animefag out on him being retarded?

That's the problem, you think the manga is edgy which makes you an edgelord and and a bad one at that, even an edgelord knows that the manga is too a shitty to be edgy for them, but you know when you grow up a little and reach the age of 16 you might finally understand my words.

>you think the manga is edgy
I said nothing of the sort. I just called you a retard for being an animefag.

Berzerk was superb. Then it began petering out after the eclipse. Then it became borderline battle-shoujin.

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No no don't get me wrong I would have prefered the manga too, IF it was worth it but it's not.
How could the writer turn a 13 years old wet dream of a series to a MLP tier series in a few chapters it is truly magical how braindead are the fans of this shitty japanese version of My little pony.

Even if you think the manga is bad the anime is worse. I haven't read the manga in like 40 chapters and probably won't bother catching up at least until it's done.

This is some really shit bait.
However, the manga hasn't been good since conviction. So that means that about only half the manga so far is worth reading and the other half is just nice art.
Definitely not shit because of the amazing art, but definitely not a great manga as a whole.

Nope because the animation and music is too good I forgot about the shitty story.
You and I both know that the series has turned 180 degrees it was medicore at first but when he started the whole My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic bullshit he really killed the series and proceeded to dance and piss on it's grave.
>Oy Vey he has gone berserk let me jump on his back to make him come back.
>With the power of friendship we can defeat all EVIL
Such a fun story for little kids I might even read it to my son before bed but I don't want him to have shitty taste when he grows up.

I don't know who the bigger wanker is, the OP or the people responding to him earnestly

>anime only fag who wasn't even a twinkle in his father's eye when the manga started has a hot take!
what stupid shit will he say next?!

There you go.

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I seem to have touched asore spot there buddy, if telling the truth how it is makes me an animefag so be it but deep down you know the series 'was' medicore at best but turned south after he turned it into some power-rangers totally Spies let's beat evil with our friendship bullshit.
Cry me a river kid no one thinks you're cool because you like some shitty manga grow up and learn to use your undeveloped brain.

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Recommend us a good manga or anime, please fampai.

Who let Sup Forums in

Guts and Zodd teaming up was godlike