Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san

Special White Day strip

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>senpai arigato
So Senpai gave those for her? Neat.

A gift in return for her Valentine's chocolate.

Look at her being happy, secure in her belief that senpai is hers alone. I can't wait for Nagatoro to get cucked.

>This means she gave him the box at the end of the Valentines Day strip
NICE. Senpai's gift is also really cute.

Over the fucking line!

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Yeah, but in the Valentines chapter Nagatoro didn't give the chocolate to senpai, unless it implies she did give it to him offscreen..

Observe as the Nagatoro marks her territory.

>you have to suck ALL the lollipops

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Well, considering how relieved she was that senpai didn't get his 120% cocoa chocolate bar from another girl, I think that would be a given that Nagatoro wanted to give her chocolate to senpai anyway.

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>Naga: Wow!!
>Naga: Candies (heart)

>Naga: So~ cute~(heart)

>Naga: Thanks, Senpai~(heart)
>Sen: I-it's nothing... T-this is just thanks for you modeling for me...

>Sen: This have nothing today
>Sen: with White Day!

>Naga: Geez~
>Naga: You're just not honest, Senpai~

>Naga: By the way, did you you that there's meanings to what you give back on White Day?
>Sen: No... Like what...?

>Naga: A cookie is 'You're my friend'
>Naga: For macaron it's 'You're special to me'
>Naga: And a marshmallow means 'I hate you', or so I've heard.
>Sen: I-I see...

>Naga: ...and what about candy...?

>Naga: 'I love you'
>Naga: is the meaning.

My niggah

>Naga: Kya~
>Naga: I got a totally honmei candy from Senpai~
>Naga: Gross~(heart)
>Sen: Ha? T-that's not it!
>Sen: I didn't know it have that meaning!

>Naga: You sure~?
>Naga: You weren't thinking about using this chance to confess?
>Sen: I wasn't!!

>Sen: Give it back!
>Sen: I'll go buy something else!!
>Sen: A marshmellow!!

like the bathing ova wasn't enough!
and i'm astonished none of you ever made an edit like this before
best girl is here, too

Attached: sweating senpai.png (300x300, 75K)

>Naga: Delishious~(heart)

>Naga: Senpai, could you lower your hand a bit~
>Sen: Hold it yourself...
So when is she going to lick him.

>This have nothing today
You mean "This has nothing to do", right?

Whoops, yeah, that's what I meant.



Why is this allowed?

thank you kind sir

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>First people were like "man I hope the NTR chapter gets adapted"
>Now it's "I want Nagatoro to get cucked"

Can you make up your minds?

Nagatoro wants it bad but is very obtuse about it, so it would be funny if someone swoops in and takes Senpai away.


When she realizes she's about to be cucked, of course; no reason to show any signs of weakness while she's best girl.

>so it would be funny if someone swoops in and takes Senpai away.
and then she realizes it?
it's an overused cliche

They're both twists on the classic NTR bit. The original pixiv chapter is Nagatoro pretending she's decided to date someone else to fuck with Senpai. People mostly want it adapted because it's the one time Senpai has put his foot down with her.

People wanting to see Nagatoro being afraid of being NTR'd has to do with seeing smug girls get the smug wiped off their faces, much like why people want the original fakeout NTR to begin with. It's mostly about wanting Nagatoro to have to take things seriously for once. Also because male:netorare is the best tag.

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Man, who would've though I'd have an opportunity to use this again so soon?

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whats' that from

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Nagatoro is not for lewd. Only bully.

She's brown, mischievous and not too tall or short; she was made for lewd.

Holy shit.

Delet this

That's one shiny tip.

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So, who usually does the typesetting for these? Just some user?

Well, shit

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Promo for the volume release.

Now that I think about it, we've gotten two volume half chapter omakes, and two short stories recently. 774 is working his ass off on this.

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Cute, thanks. Did the Valentine get translated? Haven't been following the threads lately.

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my dick

well, he did skip this week's chapter to have time for it all. still amazing though.

When's the next actual chapter coming out?

It's been translated, you can find it in the usual places.


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Nagatoro is flirting. Flirting.

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Will she confess before senpai graduates and she spends a whole year away from him?

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Where can I find the bath omake? Mamgadex doesnt have it.

I've seen lewd things in my life, but none compared.

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How long before this slut gets friend zoned

Hory shet

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>Senpai graduates
>Nagatoro drop by his uni everyday to mess with him

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Dunno when I'll be back or how long the thread will last, but here's a template. You guys know what to do.

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because a just god clearly exists.

This warms my heart and my dick

This would have worked a lot better if he didn't use her design for so many hmanga already.

good thing I can't remember any of those

she already realized it(I think)
she just doesn't know how to make Senpai jump her bones

When's the Nagatoro chimp/pig rape doujin coming?

Jesus best use of censorship since that Sesame Street Count song.

Jesus, this is literally a more lewd Takagi

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This really can only end in sex. There's no way else.

It'll end in marriage
now imagine if he releases a series of doujins after it's over

>>Sen: A marshmellow!!

yeah but she'll probably blue ball him 50 times first

>Sen: A marshmellow!!

I wish I was as disgusting as Senpai.

You just wish you had a brown skinned loli to bully your worthless ass

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what's that pic in the 4th layer? it looks like a dude with a mustache

I just had to.

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Surprised cat reaction image

> Gross~(heart)

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vanilla doujins when I need it

Why do I get the feeling that Nagatoro masturbates to Senpai every day when she gets home?


Except Takagi didn't lose her shit at least once in every chapter, she was always in complete control of the situation and five steps ahead of everyone. Nagatoro only gets to bully senpai because he's the most beta character in existence, Takagi would break him in an afternoon, assuming she'd even take interest in him, which she probably wouldn't because she knows she doesn't have to reach for the lowest hanging fruit.

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There is actually no fucking way that she doesn't

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She's just that kind of girl. While Senpai is studying, she just happens to be in the bath and just happens to call him while taking a bath and teasing him that he's doing lewd stuff. It would seem like she was thinking lewd things about senpai while in the bath and then called him up.

God i'm so glad for this chapter

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And that's why Nagatoro is actually interesting and not boring ass shit like Takagi.

Problaly because that's what prevents her from raping him.

You just have to wait for the payoff, rather than it happening at the end of every chapter

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Considering how close is Nagatoro coming to senpai it's weird she still doesn't know his name

Senpai accidentally sending a dick pic when?

This would be perfect if Senpai was adjusting his glasses instead of wiping sweat

>Comparing straight-faced teasing with spicy heavy flirting.
I mean its fine if she teases her classmate and sometimes cowardly hints about her true feelings, but its not interesting at all. Takagi would be fine as oneshot.

Are you sure?

>That cat face
They should nickname her Nyaagatoro.

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