Why all the hate for Chimera Ant arc? Watching through it for the first time and I'm loving every bit of it...

Why all the hate for Chimera Ant arc? Watching through it for the first time and I'm loving every bit of it, I consider it to be better than the Yorkshin arc.

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Lasted way too long and half of the episodes weren't even needed.

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weekly fags pissed about ikalgo episodes.

It was, in my own opinion, the best arc I've ever read/watched.
On a slightly related note, Netero made me regain my love for fighting/martial arts and I started retraining my punches, shadowboxing and hitting the heavy bag I had in my garage. I still haven't stopped, and while I wasn't able to go back to the level of technique/speed/reflexes I had when I was younger my punches have never been stronger.

I can see the criticisms for it, but I still found it to be the best arc of HxH (not that it matters, seeing all of the arcs are stellar - even Greed Island).

End yourself, 2011 kid.

I watched both '99 and 2011, user. I liked '99 much more for the Yorkshin arc and the Hunter Exam arc. I felt that Greed Island was done better in the 2011 anime as well as Hisoka vs Gon in the Heaven's Arena arc

Netero revealing his power level alone makes it #1

>I felt that Greed Island was done better in the 2011 anime
Not really. They rushed past a ton of material, just for the sake of MTV-era kids.
>as well as Hisoka vs Gon in the Heaven's Arena arc
Here the Madhouse on the other hand showed their early signs of the lack of good adaptation skills. 1999 kept Hisoka's moves a secret, and thus made him seem like even a bigger and badder "final boss" in the end. 2011 just goes "did ya know about muh rubber and gum??", TWICE.

Finally, there's a couple things that practically ruin all of 2011: the stupid all-knowing narrator, endless recaps, and the CYMK color-palette hairs.

The Ant arc is universally loved, what are you talking about?

>the stupid all-knowing narrator
i like him

>the Madhouse
Paco detected, opinion disregarded

Reading this shit weekly through hiatuses was nauseating.

It's the main HxH arc I've seen discussed about if it's good or not and seems to be somewhat polarizing, most likely due to it's length.

It's my favorite shonen arc I've ever seen, personally. Massive payoffs with the story telling and the stakes felt real.

>there were better ways to handle the situation
>the whole shit happened because Netero wanted his epic fight
Worst filler of all time, and i'm including Bleach filler when I say this.

Yorkshin is more edgy, which is what most people here actually want, even Greed Island was better

no one here has good taste in anything.

people hate the chimera ant arc?

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Narrator-kun explaining everything to me like I'm some giga-autist was annoying as shit, and I mean I realize I am a bit autismo but god damn was it annoying to have that voice 24/7.

Ikalgo is the best, fuck off.

Works a thousand times better as a manga, where they don't have to stop time whenever the narrator chimes in

Episodes 111 and 112 might be my favorite episodes on ALL anime.

The tension is great.

No, but when you are considered the best arc in shonen history is normal for some brailet teens to watch the arc and force themselves to not like it just to think about how intelligent they are.

Ep 112 for me, is best directed episode I have ever seen in my life.

its like the most well loved arc of Hunter x Hunter, i love it and the only critisim i have is that Togashi over explains stuff, this is a manga, not a novel, use the medium to its advantage and stop over explaining stuff you can easily show

Hard to care about some shitty romance between a literal snot-nosed brat and some dickhead that's strong enough to fight the strongest human despite never having trained a day in his life.

>The Gyro episode.

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>The Ant arc is universally loved
>introduces retarded DBZ tier power level bullshit
Nope. Current manga arc is the best since Yorkshin.

>DBZ tier
Even without the poison, King almost died to a shitty tactical nuke.

Literally, the whole arc was filler, 100 episodes just to kill an old fart nobody even gave a shit about, they could have just kill him offscreen and then skip right into the election arc
>oh by the way, Netero died fighting some crazy shit in some irrelevant country and 5000 of these creatures were captured by the Hunter Ass-ociation
>oh yeah, Gon died but Killua took a needle out of his eye and powerup, by the way Killua now have a fairy godparent and revived Gon lmao

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The narration is exactly the same as in the manga

Talking shit about the imouto asspull is all fine and dandy but saying nobody gave a shit about Netero is a level of comically contrarian retardation I'd hoped no one would ever aspire to

But manga leaves rooms for your imagination, so when you read the narration your brain has something to work on, unlike in anime your brain is almost shutdown when the narration explains what already being shown, which makes you feel really bored.

That is what I want to say.

You can't justify the fighting noises in the 99 version. That alone makes the Hisoka v Gon fight better in the 11 version

>I consider it to be better than the Yorkshin arc
That is a bad move anton

People either love it or hate it. The correct opinion is that the manga arc is a masterpiece but it's not quite suited to an anime adaption due to the length (feels a lot shorter when you read it) and the narration (unobtrusive and atmospheric in text, obnoxious when spoken aloud). The good parts are good enough to shine through and make it worthwhile for many, but it's understandable if other people find it a drag.

Kill yourself Ikalgo was great and so were Knuckle, Shoot, Palm, Meleoron, Morel, and Knov

lol fuck off grandpa

shut it faggot

i'm not even going to read the thread to not get upset by reading shit opinions about the best arc ever in a manga

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it's shit

but the whole series is shit, so meh

Of course it's better than Yorkshin arc, that arc was fucking terrible.

I read it when it was coming out and I found it okay-ish. Then when the anime reached that part everyone was hyping it so I started watching the arc and dropped it. Shit was boring and the animation was bad. Maybe I just grew up.

imagine being this much of a brainlet

well, people on Sup Forums fail for pseudo snoozefest like Pupun and Biscuit hammer so what can you expect

>You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.

The existence of omnipresent narrator who has to explain every detail. If you need so much exposition, it means that you are a mediocre storyteller, at best.

brainlet argument

You're a brainlet if you believe that this is remotely good.

Not an argument, retard.

Did you get to the part with the narrator?
I mean, come on. I'll admit that Hunter x Hunter was pretty good before that, but you're not seriously going to defend that, are you?
Those 10 seconds that took like 4 episodes to get through were some bullshit I'd expect straight out of Dragonball, but at least Toriyama can write good enough fights to distract from his shit pacing. Togashit doesn't know how to write a good fight so he just pads out entire episodes with a narrator.
Ever heard of "show, don't tell"? This is an action shonen. Who could possibly think it was a good idea to linger on every single movement and explain the character's intentions behind that movement and everyone else's reaction? Did Togashit really think anyone cared about that? That anyone would be moved when the coward guy overcomes his cowardice because he saw how cool and awesome and brave MC-kun was? Or that we'd care about a character who had literally no personality when he finally starts to become a character, and that we'd care so much that we wouldn't mind the constant interruptions in the action?
Togashit is a hack, and you're a hack for liking HxH.

Way too fucking long.

Quit hxh because I was getting tired of it. Good thing I did too or i'd be stuck in the eternal wait for new chapters like the rest of the poor bastards here

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>hehe I added shit as a suffix/prefix I'm so clever

how else would you explain 20 episodes worth of content that happened in 10 seconds

I laugh because people are complaining about a narrator in a media that highly makes use of internal dialogues that may aswell be a narrator

Imagine having the brain the size of a pea

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The narration got out of hand in the ant arc for sure. It was the longest and weakest arc of the series even with its few redeeming moments.

Just write the fight well enough that you don't need narration. Instead of explaining how a character feels, just show it with body language and facial expressions. Or since this is shonen, where fights are everything, use fighting style as a language. The coward guy being more bold in his attacks. The cardboard cutout guy starting out straight faced, but cracking some smiles and ultimately sparing his opponents. This is a visual medium. If Togashi wanted to use words and shit, he should've written a book.
And more importantly, have it happen in more than 10 seconds, and have it happen in real time so we don't need to watch what could've been an exciting fight in slow motion.
The insistence that it all happened over such a short period of time is what really gets me. Togashi could've just had a more reasonable timeframe and it wouldn't have bothered me so much, but the fact that the ant king dealt with the loss of the chess loli, the person who first taught him to love and the person who he has the most complicated feelings for, in under a second breaks my suspension of disbelief and makes their final scene together a lot less impactful.

It's either children or whiny contr/a/rians who never read a comic outside the typical spiel, not just talking A/M. They jumble up what "show don't tell" more often than not means and treat it as gospel.

>in a media that highly makes use of internal dialogues that may aswell be a narrato

Are you retarded, perhaps?

>Just write the fight well enough that you don't need narration.
How worthlessly vague. That doesn't tell him anything and treating the inclusion of the narrator as a negative misses the point of its inclusion.

>Instead of explaining how a character feels, just show it with body language and facial expressions.
In an arc filled to the brim with character expressions and body expression? And it's never outright told to the reader how the character's feel, you see it in conjunction with the art.

>The coward guy being more bold in his attacks.
I see you never watched or read the arc at all.

>This is a visual medium. If Togashi wanted to use words and shit, he should've written a book.
Silliest thing I ever read and I have seen this a lot. This is basically saying that manga, or hell, comics in general are glorified picture books. People never seem to understand that there always a balance between what you show and what you tell, a story only told through imagery is usually meant to be up for interpretation instead of being precisely what the author wants you to see. And without proper context or any connection, you're left with a jumbled mess where everything you see can mean anything you want and then you don't have much of a story after that or at least a story the author wants to present.

>The insistence that it all happened over such a short period of time is what really gets me. Togashi could've just had a more reasonable timeframe and it wouldn't have bothered me so much, but the fact that the ant king dealt with the loss of the chess loli, the person who first taught him to love and the person who he has the most complicated feelings for, in under a second.
That's an exaggeration. You ruined it for yourself.

Chimera Ant definitely suffers from from the hiatuses, but the overall emotional arc of the story is pretty clear. Has some real standout moments for me like Neterou's training.

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I can at least agree to disagree on the rest of them but
>That's an exaggeration. You ruined it for yourself.
I wasn't exaggerating. I know different things were happening at once, so if it all played out in real time, it would be a bit more reasonable than 4 episodes fast forwarded to 10 seconds. But I'm saying that if we just look at the events that happen to one set of characters, it's way too fast.
Within 10 seconds, the invasion starts, Pitou sees Zeno's dragon dive, he jumps at them, Netero slaps him away, Komugi gets hit with one of the dragons, Meruem finds her, he sees that she's injured, Netero and Zeno find the room Meruem is in, they choose not to attack him, Meruem processes his priorities, Pitou arrives, Meruem tells Pitou to heal Komugi, Meruem registers that Zeno and Netero didn't attack him and returns the favor by slowly walking between them and not attacking them, Zeno and Netero freeze in fear and then get over it, they walk out onto the balcony, and Netero sees Gon and points to the room they were just in to signal that that's where Pitou is.
These events all happen sequentially, and one of them is a major character beat. And it all happens in 10 seconds.

It's my second favourite, I still think the Yorknew arc is overall better paced, with a story that benefits from coming directly from the previous development of a main character, while also having more interesting villains.

Chimera ant arc just dragged on for too long IMO, and never felt quite as impactful to the world since they made it very clear that they were isolated, but it did a good job to tease what was beyond their "world".

The perception of passage of time in these scenes is very different when you compare the anime to the manga. In the manga, you can practically control it as you read it along. You can judge which scene would take a second or two at length. And would have to mind that back in Yorknew that these characters are fast enough to move and react in fractions of a second. They factored that in when they tried to capture Chrollo.

Now the anime is guilty of adapting those portions of the manga 1:1 instead of doing things differently as an adaption which leads to it dragging its feet much like the 5 minutes with Freeza in DBZ.

Too much focus on uneeded things (that fucking octopus) terribly long and drawn out useless narration, and an anti climactic fight with Gon.

The narrator really killed it for me. A character makes a shocked expression and the narrator has top explain that to me like a fucking idiot the character is shocked. I FUCKING GET IT.

If a leaf fell it would talk about gravity beiong the reason it fell and go onto Isaac Newton's childhood that led to him discovering it. Fucking awful

Some parts were really good especially the first half

>The perception of passage of time in these scenes is very different when you compare the anime to the manga. In the manga, you can practically control it as you read it along. You can judge which scene would take a second or two at length.
That's why I broke it down by events. Even if it's not as blatant in the manga, more than 10 seconds worth of things happen.

Exactly as insightful as the comments you find on anime streaming sites

it's the arc for fans of the battling aspect of HXH, which is why you think it's better than Yorkshin, but you are objectively wrong.

Yeah, and the time it take for the narrator to dictate those things for you in the anime could be a fraction of the time it takes you to read the bubbles. And I don't think it goes by sequentially, it's more what these characters are reacting to within that time frame such as two different events going at the same time.

The constant narration, inner monologues and character focus shifts that happen far too often and for far too much time.

HxH always had issues with 'Show Don't Tell' and going into lengthy infodumps, but the third act of this arc takes it to a whole new level.

This is the only correct answer

Tell me a single fight that does this successfully

except the part I liked the most about the Arc was Meruem and Komugi's relationship. Yorkshin was just boring.

In the anime, the pacing is literally 33% slower per ep compared to previous arcs, which was fine until the climax, which reaches namek levels of slow.

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I think the arc has some of the more powerful moments of the entire show, but it is SO dragged out it's crazy. I remember just wanting to move on to the next arc over several episodes.

Just an aside, one of the things I appreciate about Gon is that he really gave no fucks about Killua being an assassin.

If you like cliche melodrama it isnt bad, but i thought it dragged on way too long. Even the last battle which i fucking loved, was way too long