holy fucking shit this is bad. Was in the mood for some cyberpunk stuff so I saw this had a 8/10 rating and decided to give it a go.
Holy fucking shit this is bad...
Snowed in episode best episode.
It had potential, then the writers decided to go full retard.
it was like they binge watched every stereotypical sci fi like the matrix, blade runner, and ghost in the shell and decided to write a anime in between their philosophy & old literature 101 class.
How far in did you watch?
dropepd that shit around ep 11. even lain was was more fun.
This. I watched this because the designs looked cool and the mix of cyberpunk and goth chicks seemed right up my alley.
But it really was just cliche garbage. It's useful only as an example of how not to employ references and allusions. It endlessly tosses out names of philosophers or artists while never actually engaging with their ideas in any meaningful way in a sad attempt to come across as "deep".
wasn't bad at all. you're just a brainlet
This series is the poster child of shows that dumb people think are smart because it has surface references to a lot of philosophy names and terms.
Spotted the high IQ Rick and Morty fan.
not really, that would be evangelion
ep doesn't randomly namedrop, if you were read enough you'd realize that exactly why it mentions each philosopher etc
>i didn't like this show because it referenced philosophy i'm not familiar with
>well maybe you'd enjoy it more if you were familiar with said philosophy
>"ahahaha pickel rickkk"
what makes a good show babbling off philosophy different than a bad show babbling off philosophy?
re-l is hot as fuk
to that fucking mickey mouse episode.
Are you serious? Ergo Proxy is literally nothing but pseudointellectual gibberish and reference soup.
It was good pre-2010 riding off the wave of the matrix and edgy emo anime enthusiasm.
Most of the people into that edgy post 90s dystopian bleakness grew up.
I don't think that many people nowadays will view it the same.
my point is that if you don't understand the references you can't judge it. it's one thing to say you didn't like it and another to call it bad
you're not wrong buddy
but that's not an argument really. tell me what part of ergo proxy was gibberish, every dome had a theme that was well executed.
>thinks evangelion is like that
wow what an idiot
Engaging with the philosophy it brings up, not just name-dropping.
Despite what the desperate-to-seem-smart moron says, the show just brings up philosopher names as if those alone count as depth or engagement. For example, the city-state is ruled by a council of 4 people named Derrida, Lacan, Husserl and Berkeley. No actual use or discussion of any of their ideas, just the names.
That's enough to dazzle people like , but a good show would examine the ideas, not try to impress with references.
evangelion is like that. it's nothing more than a badly written string of references that don't have a cohesive narrative or thematic reason to be there
>let's make the explosions look like crosses wow how cool
>the robot is his mother and the cockpit is the womb guys wow aren't we deep
>what separates our own consciousness from the outside world is this thing called "absolute terror field" because interacting with people and showing our true self is terrifying get it?
utter garbage
exactly this. Writing a show that has intellectual references and explores philosophy is great. Writing a show where they try to see how many non related references they can fit into every episode without actually connecting the references to the plot or the characters is horrid.
Evangelion isn't like that though. Only people who don't understand it say that.
Worst thing about this show is it starts strong then goes in a completely different direction than what you're expecting.
To be fair
It's been at least ten years since I watched it, and I don't remember much other than it came across like something a conceited high schooler would write after reading an intro to western philosophy. I don't plan to re-watch it to see if that assessment still stands.
>No actual use or discussion of any of their ideas, just the names
>city is literal late-capitalist dystopia
>relativism is deconstructionism is prevalent in ruling ideology
>the ruling council is named after 2 neoliberal neoheideggerians and husserl
i'm not familiar with berkeley's work, but if you don't understand why they were named after neoheideggerians and husserl you're simply not familiar with their work. yes they don't elaborate on it, but they don't have to since they convey the dome's ideology through the story. it's just a wink to the audience that happens to be familiar with these people's work
>look ma, I can use wikipedia to sound smart
>le you simply don't understand it
ok buddy. you're like those faggots that make 3 hour presentations on the hidden meaning behind jackson pollock's walls of paint. it's easy to paste your own subjective interpretations on surrealist aesthetics, that doesn't mean the creator had a cohesive narrative in his mind
no argument so ye
>no argument
>attacks other poster for saying they don't understand Evangelion
>repeatedly declares that people criticizing Ergo Proxy's meaningless gibberish just don't understand it
So what you are saying is Eva is too deep for you.
I don't think anyone should be lecturing anyone on meaning if they can't even understand the meaning of a 20 year old anime.
>late-capitalist dystopia
this is your brain on marxism
>yes they don't elaborate on it
Okay, I'm glad you're conceding the point.
>>le you simply don't understand it
that's your entire argument, faggot
>Starts off like its going to be a masterpiece
>goes full shit tier shonen "muh Proxies" Proxy of death etc
"referencing" literature/philosophy doesn't mean anything if its just tropeshit with 2deep4u clickbait themes are slapped on without engaging them on a level deeper than parroting shit they read on wikipedia.
Texhnolyze has similar atmosphere but its executed much better.
It would make me less mad if it didn't bait you into thinking it was good in the first little bit
Can somebody remind me why I dropped this one?
to me it had a strangely comfy feel. I especially liked the episode they spent in some sort of boat, i can't remember but i really liked that. i tried rewatching the anime though and couldn't make it past the first episode. You have to have the naive mind of a 12 year old to enjoy the show, honestly.
back in the day I too fell for the meme.
It's literally Fairy Tail with edgy theme and less attractive waifus
Seriously. "It's not gibberish, you guys just don't get it!"
Looks like Ergo Proxy is clearly out of your depth, children. Run along now.
because its 2deep4u high iq bullshit.
except for the fact that i explained already the meaning behind ergo proxy's philosophy. evangelion's creator admitted you're free to interpret it however you want and that they used religious imagery cause it "looked cool".
eva is shit. explain the use of religious symbolism and all the freudian crap like i did with the neoheideggerian namedropping and i'll humor you with a response
didn't say otherwise. it's not an anime about deriddas shitty works, it's simply a reference to give you an idea of where prevalent ideology is based within the dome
this is your brain on having read 0 books in your life
except it isn't, i already explained the example of the namedropping of 3 of the 4 philosophers im familiar with
Are you responding to yourself now?
Fairy Tail had better music too.
If you're a suburban retard or don't watch rick and morty, you'll never understand ergo proxy.
It's spelled humour.
>high iq
nothing to do with "iq", simply your familiarity with neoliberal postmodernism.
not me
First post I made in thread, or was that too deep for you too, my good child? :)
>neoliberal postmodernism.
>You're like those faggots that make 3 hour presentations on the hidden meaning behind jackson pollock's walls of paint. it's easy to paste your own subjective interpretations on surrealist aesthetics, that doesn't mean the creator had a cohesive narrative in his mind
As you yourself say, just because you can cobble together something out of the gibberish doesn't make it any less gibberish, it just makes you pathetic.
That's exactly the trick of these kinds of shows:
>sprinkle meaningless intellectual references throughout
>fans come up with bullshit justifications
>nod sagely, say that's what you meant
>all the people in this thread that are falling for all the pretentious bait.
Its like half of you idiots have never been on this site before.
>eva is shit. explain the use of religious symbolism and all the freudian crap like i did with the neoheideggerian namedropping and i'll humor you with a response
There are endless articles and essays that do just that, and have been since the show aired. The show's fan base is infamous for it. They're doing exactly what you're doing here.
We're just bored and desperate for even this small bit of human interaction
>creators create a deep complex story and setting
>psuedointellectuals too stupid to get it don't understand it
>ride it off as badly written
I see this all the time.
>big words scare me
i agree, i'm simply saying that ergo proxy's namedropping inside gerdau isn't random, but meant to give you a hint on where the ruling ideology is based.
i agree with you user, all i'm saying is for ergo proxy specifically, the "namedropping" has a sense in it and it's not just le intellectual reference. 2 of the philosophers referenced are postmodernists who were the west academia's answer to dialectical materialism, one of them is a peer of heidegger and the 4th is an idealist whose works i'm not familiar with. but what they're trying to tell you is basically "these are the philosophers we hold on the highest esteem in romdeau", so you get an idea of the "ideals" the citizens hold. it's nowhere near evangelion's level of tryhardness
again, when something is abstract enough you can paste on it a thousand meanings. what i'm saying is that the creator didn't have a clear intention as to why he inserted these references, other than to mystify the story and have people argue over it. i remember reading an interview where they stated that half the shit they included they did because it "looked cool".
>>ride it off as badly written
It must truly be hard being such a superior mind.
Here is a question. How good is a work, that to enjoy it, you need to be familiar with other obscure works and ideas it references? Even if those made sense, were clever and much telling in EP, IMHO a good show will explain everything that the viewer needs to know to enjoy it. Otherwise it's just catering to a particular group of people.
>west academia's answer to dialectical materialism
>dialectical materialism
>not from western academia
Ooh, so close, user.
You don't need to be a liberal arts psuediintellectual to understand eva.
The eva community is full of stupid dictating fags that say things like its impossible for the scientists mother to be in eva 00.
i meant bourgeoisie western academia, mainly french
Exactly. The intellectual wannabe in this thread aside, a good show gets its ideas across through the show itself. If you understand what its trying to convey and can connect it to other works or thinkers, good for you. If not, you should still get enjoyment out of it.
A bad show like Ergo Proxy is lazy and just namedrops instead of doing the hard work.
I'll give you a classic example the movie Prometheus theres an entire back story universe of Greek mythology in that movie.
It was written off as too complex for American audiences because it didn't spell it out.
What can I say the world is full of literal autists that can't understand meaning or are ignorant.
Heh, no you didn't. You hit the limit of what your few minutes on Wikipedia gave you. You were doing so well, to.
You're lazy and write off Ergo's Proxy's deep intellectualism as just namedrops so you don't have to delve deep into the philosophical memes behind the show.
I'm glad quads weren't wasted on someone who actually though Prometheus has any value.
>>le you simply don't understand it
And we've come full circle.
but you don't really need to understand why the statues are named lacan and derrida to enjoy the story.
i did, i simply didn't use the word bourgeoisie so i wouldn't trigger autists like this user and end up derailing the threat
but it does get the ideas across. it has public propaganda vehicles shouting commodity fetishism slogans on the streets, it's not like it namedrops 4 philosophers and lets you figure out the rest
it's really not much worse than any other anime in this genre
>it's not like it namedrops 4 philosophers and lets you figure out the rest
It literally does just that.
People not understanding Prometheus similar to people not understanding Eva.
For instances years later few people understood the reboots were a sequel and not a reboot despite obvious clues and literal voicelines spelling it out.
Couldn't even finish the first episode.
True, since the start of this was simply "wah I don't understand it, it sucks"
No, the start of this was that it's nonsensical pseudo-intellectual gibberish. Your response was the classic "you just don't get it'.
>calls out the fact that you're referencing marxist concepts
>you reflexively call him an autist
I guess this really IS your brain on marxism
no it doesn't user. the city is well characterized even without understanding that minor reference
but this show does have marxist themes, the fact that you don't agree with them doesn't make the show bad. i don't like paranoia agent's themes either, but i concede the fact that it's a well executed story.
plus in all fairness, you are an autist most likely as are all Sup Forumsacks here
Nothing says "wah I don't understand it, it sucks" more than "it's nonsensical pseudo-intellectual gibberish"
Why would anyone expect cyberpunk out of Ergo Proxy? Cyberpunk is not even interesting.
Says the guy ranting about how Eva is nonsensical pseudo-intellectual gibberish.
Pick a position, user.
not the same user
Because Ergo Proxy is cyberpunk.
>Cyberpunk is not even interesting.
It's okay to be wrong, user. And it's admirable that you admit it so publicly.
But it's true that it's easy to do cyberpunk badly.
sometimes i wish moot didn't do away with the idea of in thread ID's
>Eva is just a meaningless mash-up of religious symbolism, psychoanalysis, and other ideas
>laughs at people who say you just don't understand
>Ergo Proxy is just a bunch of pseudo-intellectual gibberish
>No, you just don't understand
Yeah, totally different, user.
>this is red and this is also red
>no, only one of those things are red
>no it's either all things are red or no things are red
Yes, exactly. Be consistent. Either "you just don't get it" is a valid argument, or it's not. You can't have it both ways.
crunchyfags mad it doesn't have cheese pizza or twinkies in it
>2 things cannot have different properties
user are you rusing me or are you serious?
If you think Eva is meaningless and Ergo proxy is better.
Lets be honest you are retarded or trolling. Since Ergo proxy whether its good or not was one of those post-eva hype train series trying to capture the magic of eva.
You've been trolling us this entire time with this 2deep4u nonsense, you tell me.
i'm not trolling you at all. i explained why ergo proxy namedropped the philosophers since it was the subject of a post above. like i said, i read the creator himself said in an interview that eva's symbolism had no meaning. if anyone here cares to tell me the meaning behind the explosions looking like crosses i'm happy to listen
this thread reminds me of when people say sao is bad which is really funny because they clearly dont get it kek