Why is it so fucking good?
Why is it so fucking good?
Jobgito the Comic
only the Asura art is good
It's a great story of you aren't an idiot that goes in judging it by professional standards. Fan works should all be judged by amateur standards in order to be fair, which some people aren't willing to do. It's as dumb as holding an amateur soccer player to the standards of a professional one.
Better than Super
>Piccolo taking out the Frost Demons
>Gohan trading blows with strengthened Cell
Good shit.
Salagir has actually read the manga
Reminder that Kakarot is immortal
Shit taste, multiverse is great
It's too much fan service with not enough of a story.
They're really just riding on the Vegito/Bra universe driving all interest in the series, but just following them isn't enough to keep the story going. We need an actual story, not just random villain antics every now and then mixed with fanservice fights.
Ultimate shit taste
Go back to Sup Forums
It's just enough story for an amateur work. The problem is that you're judging Multiverse by professional standards.
It's not, you're a shit taste fanboy, and likely a shill.
You're treating professional writers like they're gods. I've seen fans write good fiction before. The fundamental rules of storytelling aren't just thrown out the window the moment you're a fan. There aren't two sets of rules. I'm not judging the art, I'm not judging the release schedule, I'm judging the story, the thing both fans and professionals alike are just as capable of making.
Do you judge an amateur football player by the same standards as a professional? That's essentially what you're doing with Multiverse.
That's not the same thing.
Besides, even if I were to have two sets of standards Multiverse would still have a bad story. Even by the standards of fan works it's pretty non-existent. There's been 61 chapters but most of them have had nothing happening. Even when something does happen it generally doesn't lead anywhere.
How is it not the same thing?
Professional football players have millions of dollars spent on just their training while amateur football players do not.
Writers don't have anything similar.
Also this is like if an amateur football player tripped over his own shoelaces half a dozen times a match and when someone tried to call him out on it you went "but he's not a professional, you can't hold him to that standard." You're ignoring the fact that even on the standard of a fan work the story is bad. Even at your reduced standard this story is at best barely serviceable. It's hardly "so fucking good."
Writers are typically taught writing skillsss in various classes, so yeah, the comparison is fair.
and still garbage
You're still conveniently ignoring the fact that by ANY standard, whether it be professional or amateur, the story of Multiverse is bad.
Nappa roasting the absolute fuck out of Frieze was 11/10 shit.
>This electrical socket isn't up to code, could burn the fucking house down
>Yeah but the home owner did it himself with no trades experience so we can't blame him
Don't even let him start that stupid two standards debate again. I'm pretty sure he's not willing to admit that the story is bad because he's one of the team members making it. No one else would be that defensive over fucking Multiverse of all things.
Not him, but i remember there being some guy on Kanzenshuu who pretty much argued the same thing, and he ended up being a member of some translation group for multiverse. So yeah, dude's prolly connected
fuck off salagir nobody likes your shitty fanfic
The sad thing is that Multiverse doesn't have to be shit. The art is alright, the character designs aren't the worst (except the fifth form of Cold, that was bad), the characters themselves are somewhat interesting, some of the characters really play well off of each other, etc. It's an interesting universe they've established, but they're not doing anything with it. It's just boring at this point. What they need to do is wrap up this Babbidi shit, go on a quick hiatus, and brainstorm where they want this series to go. It feels directionless at the moment, and if they do actually have some grand plan then the pacing is the problem and they need to figure out a way to quicken it. I feel like with a good direction to go in and better writing Multiverse could actually be worth reading. They're closer than most fan projects get to being good, they're just not there yet.
Is it still going? Holy fucking shti it must be at least 7 years since it started.
>Edgelord Vegetto
>Mary sue Bra
Isn't it kind of pointless now that Super supercedes it?
Why don't they just kill the fucking flashbacks and hurry up and end it? I mean, they peaked years ago and got to meet Toriyama. That should've been enough.
They need to kill Vegito. Bra is powerful, but she's hardly the most powerful fighter there. Vegito on the other hand is. He's too good. He easily thwarted the plans of both Super Buu and Ginyu. He needs to die to shake up the scene.
The fact that he decided to stretch it like this and a at such a slow pace is really fucking embarassing.
Props to the original artist for realizing that it was the worlds slowest sinking ship and getting out of it.
It has a mix of really good parts and really shitty boring parts
If frenchfag and Asura are to be trusted, they know where they're going. According to Asura, the outline he'd been given translates to way Over 2000 pages, we're probably like halfway there lmao.
Besides, i don't think the tournament is going to get back from this - if there's going to be a story, it's gonna start "soon".
They need to rush that outline. If there is an outline it's a problem that we're at page 1500 or so yet it doesn't even seem like we've started. It's just been random antics. This Babbidi shit doesn't even feel like a long-lasting arc. They'll figure a way to reverse it and go back to normal. I know there's a chance they won't but I won't fool myself with false hope like that.
>Over 2000 pages
What the fuck.
Who the fuck is that one on top? with the black hood?
You sound gay.
Multiverse is after Z.
There's a few OCs based on nothing, luckily they don't spend much time around
>tournament where literally nothing happens for ages and when something happens it gets quickly swept under the rug with some asspull
Literally the same shit as ToP Super
Not really. Fiction writers just do it on their own more often than not. Additionally, a lot of them started or peaked during their teens or early twenties. Which implies an utter lack of need for education beyond the standard. Journalists and the like need to take classes, of course. But any guy can go write and self-publish a book if he really wants to.
did i break a nerve?
I don't really think it can be reversed by this point. The Control Center got nuked, audience is getting butchered left, right and center. The Bird organizers for murderized, and the kais are getting assraped.
The fatso is already under scrutiny for being butt buddies with Buu, if he tried to swipe it under a rug, he'd have a revolt on his hands too.
You mad?
The actual multiverse in better than Dragon Ball Super's though. I feel like the tournament is a bit of waste and that it should have ended ages ago.
Reading about various what if scenarios like Turtle Master Krilllin and Super Saiyan Pan's universe would be more entertaining.
Evil organizer dude.
He's got a majin mark in this Babidi takeover arc
This is absolutely retarded. People read manga to enjoy it, why should you lower your standards just because it's not "professional"?
The art is literally its only shitty aspect. It doesn't convey movement at all, and all the characters looks off.
Nah, Asura isn't perfect but his art is fine, as you said it doesn't convey movement as well as Toriyama's but it's still pretty good and full of details.
The real problem is usually the writing. Dialogues feel off, some characters act OOC and good plotlines get dropped for bad ones.
even that's going to shit. shame
I wonder if we'll get the usual filler after the current chapter, or a hiatus.
From what I've heard, they are running low on fillers because some artists never finished their chapters
Vegeta's cousin is cute
Vegetto universe wank sucks and Bra is a total cunt.
Would have no problem if they were a side universe and not the main one though.
fuck off salagir you French cuck
>The fundamental rules of storytelling aren't just thrown out the window the moment you're a fan. There aren't two sets of rules. I'm not judging the art, I'm not judging the release schedule, I'm judging the story, the thing both fans and professionals alike are just as capable of making.
I like you and honestly wouldn't mind marrying my sister off to you.
If Salacuck has any semblance of common sense - they'll get horrifyingly BTFO sooner, or later.
why isn't samir 34 drawing this?
I hope Uub beats both Goku and Vegeta and we get a finale between him and Bra
Gokufags and Vegefags deserve to be eternally butthurt
Goku beats Uub, and Bra
Because you are a spic
Pan is endearing and Bra is memorable.
>Bra is memorable
Maybe memorable shit
I dont like how some of the universes are just bad guys winning. Like wheres the universe where Vegeta ended up on earth instead of Goku? (similar to dragon ball sai)
Plus the whole bra/vegito favoritism