I don't get how the fuck this is so popular. I'm a major kyoani fan but this shit seems like it's targeting women...

I don't get how the fuck this is so popular. I'm a major kyoani fan but this shit seems like it's targeting women, actual middle-aged women who don't even watch anime. It's so dull and boring. Are people that blinded by its visuals?

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Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=plot twist

Fuck off.

This thread will piss off many VEGfags on this board. Inb4 the shitstorm.
I agree with you though

Butthurt triggerfag.

can you explain?

>Are people that blinded by its visuals?
Pretty much. Also it has "deep" themes that Westerners tend to like. It doesn't really pander to women, more like it panders to "deep"fags.

>"mama dying, daughter sad, pls cry"
>user cries like a fucking child

>so popular
It's a dead show, there are like 8 people watching it, the threads don't even reach bump limit.

>"what is love?"
>deep themes

Of course they cut most of their ties with otaku culture by now. They only pander to female audience with melodrama or fujotrash yaoi

it is actually boring. I want to like it since I'm a Kyoanifag but its an absolute chore to sit through some of their shows. This one included

The visuals are very good though.

>I don't get how the fuck this is so popular.
Is it really though? For every positive post about VEG there's about 20 mindless shitposts.

its not deep at all. its melodrama done right, like everything else kyoani does nowadays. episode 10 was a masterpiece, the best episode of any show this season by a long shot

Trigger is on an astroturfing campaign against kyoani, thats where the shitposts come from

>targeting women
The gender ratio is so lopsided in that studio with overwhelming female staff. Even their most of their recent adaptation sources are written by females(look at hibike, VEG and tsurune). The studio exclusively pander to female audience now and you know what that means when it comes to quality. Look at future kyoani lineup. Every fucking one of them is to either normalfag pandering or fujoshit pandering. Gone those good old days when we go masterpieces like k-on, haruhi, lucky star

What is this then?


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>Pretty much. Also it has "deep" themes that Westerners tend to like. It doesn't really pander to women, more like it panders to "deep"fags.

So KyoAnus captured the entire Evangelion crowd ?
There is a point where "too deep" is synonym for meaningless shit. And KyoAnus is way past that in Violetto's drama.

>been shitposting franxx threads all night with VEG images hoping for a thread like this to pop up
I knew it was only a matter of time.

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>"... Don't remind me that i am a fucking chimletard who cries over forced/shallow melodrama"

>dead threads
>flopping to idolshit
>2ch doesn't even talk about it

Except it's not?
Show me the proof of VGE being popular.

It's one of the most discussed shows on 2ch though.

>with quotation marks
Your reddit, or wherever it is you came from, is showing.

> what is love?

Something you will never experience

Lies. It’s nothing new though as LN adaptations never get much discussion.

>Post yfw violet shitposting is the only thing keeping DiTF threads alive.

Go back to MAL newfag. You don’t seem to know the advanced usage of textusage

Chuunibyou movie is the only stuff i am truly interested to watch this year. I am just forcing myself to watch this trash just cause i am used to be big kyoanifag

Have you really spend all your Saturday night doing that? I pity you, I really do, hope life gets better for you at some point.

Just don’t shitpost during my Sunday morning it’s too early to hide a shitposting war.

Yep. Its been a pretty productive night. I got this thread to spawn, and a trigger vs kyoani studiowar thread.

Triggerfags (Fraxx) vs Kyoanifags (VEG) is the latest studio war autism. People actually think being the "show of the season" means something when neither show is out breaking records.

Remember when people thought SHAFT was going to be a major player in this war?
They even had Fate.

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Why let ever garden?

Is trigger even part of the war anymore? Theyve been buried by kyoani

I’m don’t get how you can be proud of that, sounds kinda sad from here. Well I guess we really are different from Americans. Sleep tight user.

Why the fuck are you idiots so eager to start talking about a "war". None of that Sup Forums-tier shit belongs on Sup Forums. Just fucking kill yourselves.

Fuck outta here toxicfag. You don't need to brag how much of a better person you perceive yourself to be in these threads.

You shouldnt take Sup Forums too seriously and you should just have fun shitposting.

Neither of us are talking about wanting a war, we're talking about there being one. And an autistic one at that. It doesn't take anything more than having your eyes open and not being incredibly new to notice that not only is that what has happened and was what people were talking about before the season even started, but it's something that keeps happening over and over, almost every season.

Get your head out of your ass, Anonymous. You're not above anything.

No, (You) fuck off. We don't need you starting wars on Sup Forums just because you enjoy baiting for threads like this. Just watch what you enjoy and stop being such an entitled fuckwat.

Sounds like you are projecting here user. And good morning to you too, want some coffee?

Apparently it's too deep for the autists here

>not enjoying cute girls wearing old fashioned dresses and acting like proper ladies

You disgust me

>we should all just stick to our own echochambers
Sounds like reddit.

From the looks of things, it seems that the war is being forced by Sup Forums crossboarders and/or shitposters, while the sane VEG/DITF fans don't really care about the other show and just want to focus on their own show.

what time is it there

Seems 'bout right.

the absolute state of you two

godamn stone cold autists

Can't you at least be more clever than the average shitposter then? This is not productive, nor fun for most people who simply want to discuss the anime.
You can have debates, discussions with differing points of view without necessarily starting a war. Posts like the current anti-VEG shitposter does are neither productive nor interesting nor worth responding to. It's mindless noise.

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You know it's funny when the VEGfags now have to add disclaimers before their proclamations of how good it is now because if they don't they get btfo
>WOW the twist was so predictable but I cried anyway!!!!
the absolute state of faggots who cry over twists you see coming from the 5th minute of the episode

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Jokes on you, I had guessed the entire plot of the episode from the first 3 minutes and I still think it was a good episode.
Also, what twist?

>500 replies in 3 days
This proves his point.

>Are people that blinded by its visuals?
Yup, it's all the animation and brand name. No one cares about the novel without the animation, it's actual dog shit tier writing.

The one where she dies?
Why is this even a question?

Nearly 10am.

>ctrl+f pander
>9 results
It's not pandering to anyone. Something isn't pandering because you don't like it.

>This is not productive, nor fun for most people who simply want to discuss the anime.
I'm not even sure what you're angry about anymore.
All I was bringing up in was my surprise that SHAFT never showed up to the party.

I suppose you could say it was a roundabout way to inquire exactly what the hell happened to Fate/EXTRA, which is an anime I do not watch.

>The award we just created to award this series by the way
I will never stop laughing

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Is that even a twist?

What part of that point was a twist?
Sounds like you're not experienced with drama instead. It was obvious she was dying.

I don't think you understand a word you're saying, Anonymous.

Just because it's obvious doesn't make it not a twist, retard

Everything panders to some certain audience. Projects don't get started without having certain target audience in mind

Oops I've forgotten
It's not the first time

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Define "pander".

target a certain demographic and appeal to their desires

Pandering does not mean making something with a certain audience in mind. It means that you are cynically making something against your will or because you are trying to exploit people. This is incredibly rare in Japan.

The award was not created for VEG, Anonymous. The competition was held for several before VEG was given the prize, Anonymous.

Anonymous, don't you know that it's against the law to tell lies on the internet?

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No, I don't have brain damage. I said nothing that could indicate I do. Why did you even bother posting this?

I was mistaken.
Doesn't change the fact that Kyoani has an awards system to hype up their own shows

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You know, i love VEG, but don't need to be delusional, please.

>Are people that blinded by its visuals?
Literally yes because of how washed out it is.

Pander != appeal
When you write a love story, you are not pandering to people who enjoy romance. When you write a comedy, you are not pandering to people who like to laugh.

Do you always look at everything through such a cynical worldview, or are you doing so simply because you are most likely a teenager?

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What the fuck are you trying to say?

That's basically what I said.

Even the little girl knew about it. It's not a twist, it's a matter of downplaying an issue. In fact, how it was done was a show of subtlety. Had they thrown in the faces that the lady was dying, the subsequent letters would have had less impact. Showing the episode from the point of view of the little girl who knows about the truth but decides to ignore it and to spend as much time as possible with her mother.
A twist is something that turns the story over its head to create a shock aspect, which is exactly what we don't want here. Here, the episode played the drama aspect straightforward and smoothly, and any person with a little bit of experience with narrative media could have guessed the entire episode from the get-go


VEG is tanking harder than Maid Dragon as hard as that is

>cynically making something against your will
>trying to exploit people
>gratify or indulge
>the same thing

You must have great legs to make the mental leap it takes to believe that definition is the same as .

That dictionary definition matches what I said. What are you trying to do here?

How is trying to exploit someone the same as gratifying or indulging them?
Are you fucking slow?

Stop putting your own definitions on things, you're embarrassing yourself

Overhyped due to the animation.

Not an argument.

>a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others.
That's exploitation, ya dink.

Because the definition is describing exploitation. Are you fucking slow?

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=plot twist
Do your English homework, you idiot.
The mother dying wasn't a plot twist, it was something very in line with the ins and outs of dramatic storytelling and fitting perfectly the overall atmosphere and narrative of the anime.

You don't have to profit from pandering to someone, retard. They're not linked completely.

>What does x mean
>It means x
>Why does it mean x?
>Because that's its definition

Incredible. I concede I've made a mistake in my word choice.
It was a predictable PLOT EVENT that everyone saw coming from the 5th minute of the episode.
Boy you sure proved me wrong.

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What are you talking about?

>You don't have to profit from pandering to someone, retard. They're not linked completely.
Actually, I just grabbed a different definition for that greentext.

What's your point then? Everybody and their moms saw it coming, that doesn't give it less impact due to how it was delievered with the point of view of a young girl and the letters.
It's basic drama that was done like this for now hundreds of years and it's in line with the classic stories of the genre. That doesn't make it bad. Not everything has to come out of left field in order to be good.
If anything, the fact that you're rambling on and on about plot twists and predictability makes me think you are just an idiot who feeds on shock value.

How you've done nothing but contradict yourself when you separated pandering from making something with a certain audience in mind.
How are you going to exploit people if you're not targeting a certain audience? everyone has different areas of exploitation.

Its still better than any pandering moe shit and FRANXX.

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Pandering does not mean making something with a certain audience in mind, it means exploiting people. Exploiting people means targeting a certain audience. This is not a contradiction, you are just not very clever.

>making something with a certain audience in mind
>this is not the same as targeting a certain audience
Please reread your post and try again

>That doesn't give it less impact
Do you still get jumpscared by horror movies?
Do you find each battle shounen as interesting as the last?
Do you find each shoujo romance as engaging as the last?
Are you fucking stupid?