What is it about traps that makes people who claim to be straight go crazy? They are males that look like females...

What is it about traps that makes people who claim to be straight go crazy? They are males that look like females, so wanting to have sex with them makes you gay.
Yet "straight" people are still lusting "boy pucci" while screaming that it's not gay to fuck a man.

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They aren't actually straight. Not sure why you asked when you already knew the answer.

It's all a giant joke that apparently went over your head. No one, them included, actually think they're straight.

There are straight people who vehemently defend themselves for being attracted to a trap in the first place, and they're entirely in the right. But there's no defense for wanting to fuck boy assholes after the fact.

Yo dude, if you draw a woman and call it a dude it's not gay.
If you draw a cat and call it a dog, it's still a cat.

I liked Boku no Pico and I'm straight.

when you're new to the internet and fall for the trap that a trap is, that is, that started looking to a feminine body and 4 pics later you see has a dick, normalfag doubt thoughts arise. Then there is the next level, when the presence of the dick intensifies their boner instead of ruining it. So they think:
>Oh ye gods, my virility is ruined!
>But what if... I were to call it feminine dick and disguise it as straight? Delightfully devilish, user

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Only bottoms are gay.

Here is a remedy for it: it's called "counter meme"

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There are “straight” guys fucking other guys in prison right now. Sexual orientation is a meme.

I always thought it was a little gay if you are fully aware that it's a man posing as a woman. But at the end of the day, fetishes always will be hard to understand so don't get attached with labeling yourself.

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It's only gay to fuck something that looks like a man (even if that thing is biologically female). If a trap looks like a girl with her clothes off then it's straight.

and what do you do when the dick is out and visible?

Dudes will pitch it to anyone that is remotely cute or who they can imagine is cute. Taking anything is when it becomes gay.

Those are some wide hips for a guy.

Being attracted to traps is far more straight than being attracted to tomboys.

Some people are degenerates. It's not a complicated question.

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What attracts us to the other sex is the secondary, not primary sexual characteristics. In other words, the dick doesn't matter. If primary sexual characteristics mattered you would fuck Trump if he had a pussy.

>They are males that look like females, so wanting to have sex with them makes you gay.
That's not how it works, and this has been explained to your organization many times now. But you're here to push propaganda so it's not like you're going to listen.

If you fuck a girl while she's wearing a strapon you become a homo. Fact.

This is a meme.
No one calls themselves "straight" unless offered some kinky shit, those who say that out loud are like sluts pretending to be honest, like Tohsaka Rin.

Yeah, I had too shrink the original image of it.

Traps are literally gay it's just ppl don't have the willpower not to fap. Low key sick just go find some other fetish that isn't gay.

He sees my dick.

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