While I agree with you, there actually is a reason for all of it - otherwise, logically speaking, it wouldn't have happened, no? There must be a reason, however shallow and stupid.
>leaving fucking Asuka a teenager after a timelapse of 15 fucking years
>And no there is no reason to do it, not even within the Evangelion universe.
Because this is what you bring up as an important issue, I can only guess you're an Asuka fan. If that's true, your bias may prevent you from actually accepting the reason even if you perfectly well understand it.
Long story short, the retarded decisions in this film make perfect sense if you accept that 3.33 is purely an Asuka and Kaworu pandering flick. Rei is destroyed and written out because it's to the benefit of Asuka and Kaworu fans, removing what would be a rival to the attention as well as a romantic interest for the main character, who the aforementioned fans have an interest in. Asuka's changes, while utterely retarded (great that you agree here), are changes that all have one thing in common: they made her stronger. At the cost of realism, yes, but for nearly all Asuka fans, that is not an actual problem and never was in the first place.
So now Asuka is turned from the utter failure she was in NGE, into an eternally young and attractive super-strong girl with actual super strength, and renewed plot importance since she's now part Angel.
So who's fault is it that 3.33 and indeed, Evangelion has been garbage? It's Anno's of course. He made and directed it, and he's an Asuka and Kaworu fan. It's not a shock that he'd make a movie that benefits those two groups. Now what group can we blame, collectively for their self-reinforced destructive hatred towards the original? The Asuka and Kaworu fans. Tough pill to swallow if you're an Asuka fan particularly. Kaworu fans don't care as they're barely sentient.
The result speaks for itself. Never before has Asuka been this popular.
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