ITT Sup Forums writes an anime
Next repeating digits decides the genre/setting
ITT Sup Forums writes an anime
Next repeating digits decides the genre/setting
Other urls found in this thread:
Pastebin of previous threads anime
Pic is WEG
Still the same OP, I'll be using a new trip this time cuz I forgot the old one
a jewish high school in tokyo
romance isekai
Cute Girls Doing Cute Things.
Cute Girls Riding Small Robots.
Cute girls getting boyfriends
Setting: Farm
Genre: Mystery
slice of life
underwater facility
Horror Romance
Gay niggers from outer space
Horror slice of life in a carnival
4th-wall breaking with MC killing his author
An unpopular boy falls in love with a popular girl at an average Tokyo high school.
Cute girls fighting the apocalypse in robots, with yuri pairings.
Wild west
Power Fantasy
Only goal is getting as strong as possible that saitama can't even beat him
Japanese Manchukuo.
BIG bara men and their lives as construction workers
A high school romance with cute disabled girls
Mecha western
Penile mass shooting
gay niggers from outer space travels to earth and gets ridiculed for their sexuality and skin
Cute girls, cybernetics, AI, robotics and transhumanism
OP's ass
fuck i didnt know i wanted this
>still no dubs
Next 0, 5 or dubs decides
baby has time travel powers but every timeline is an alternate uniberse
>two my most disliked things
Well, I'm out of here.
guy checking
were done where boys, pack up
Our anime will be an Isekai horror. Next repeating digits decides MC.
>mfw I get quads two posts late
though luck kiddo.jpg
moe military girls
WWII era Japan
>now everyone starts getting dubs
guy with the ability to check peoples power digits
niggers in space
A black high school student who watched too many horror movies
there is no main character but a cast of black people who are gay and have a strong sense of justice. trips count?
yeah, all repeating digits do
gay niggers from outer space
honestly only visit this thread to roll safely.
mc is chutulu
nigroe male from beyond eartly atmosphere
Suddenly an alien invasion.
a regular on Sup Forums
what's up with people wanting gay niggers who are from outer space? anyways count me in
dubs for gay niggers as the mc
An amorphous eldritch horror blob thing that wears panties and a bra
Gigga nigga
mc is araki hirohiko
oh fuck this gon be gud
how new
Fitting I suppose...
our MC is an "amorphous edritch horror blob thing" that wears panties and a bra. Next dubs decides name and gender (or lack of gender)
Puddle - A hyper masculine tranny
Female (female)
Chaneala mc dik
its an it
anyone gonna draw the illustration?
gay nigger, male, hirohiko araki
Bob - Male
Name: Dr. Gay Nigger
Gender: Female (male)
Antoon Alexandros 'Uri Suha, male
Squishy - Female
ifadjpoafdfodkpfdokpofdaskaf1021-9pok1 , alternatively gay nigger, male
Name: Cis White Male
Gender: Genderfluid noncomforming queer
Richard Long, petite female
our MC's name is ifadjpoafdfodkpfdokpofdaskaf1021-9pok1, but most call him 9pok. He is male. Next dubs decides the kind of Isekai world he is in.
Moot, Little Girl
Magical Girl Genre
Lovecraftian Horror Setting
Alternate reality diesel punk WW1
America but the south won the civil war
Sup Forums VR
real world, he travels between dimensions and is stuck in our world
Techno barbarian world without guns. Everyone fights like fucking orcs.
World, where humans hunt monsters for fun.
Some even put them in dungeons and enjoy them struggle as monsters try to get out.
Eldary craftworld