That is a very square ass for a girl
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Other urls found in this thread:
only girls use skirts
Daga otoko da!
>girl (male)
It looks like a man. Are you sure you didn’t post a male?
Does this look like a guy to you?
Try taking a closer look, user
One of the best girls of the season.
I want to know how big his bulge is.
The true reason Banba made that face is because he realized the trap was bigger.
I read that in the novel, Lin's voice makes him seem like a girl even more. I wonder how soft it's supposed to be? Im guessing like when he did the secretary's voice.
Easier to deal with shaving.
OST when?
I think I saw it for April 28th
nvm. March 28th
I made the discovery of the century
Remember that hacker from one or two episodes ago?
"Macro Hard" is a joke on Microsoft.
If you split "Microsoft" into "micro" and "soft", take the opposite.
The opposite of micro is macro in Ancient Greek.
The opposite of soft is hard.
Good catch
oh shit
Doesn't look like it. Boxer briefs >>>>>>>>> shit > briefs > absolute dogshit >>>>> boxers. But panties are always better and I'll have to dock points for not committing to crossdressing.
no that can't b- oh wow