Name a character more BASED
I'll wait
Darling in the FranXX
Future Zorome
This is the one character who is more based.
Oh boy, I wonder if a post on a site called animefeminist dot com is going to be bad
I read it and it's pure garbage. Holy fucking shit that was sad to read.
The weirdest thing is that it reads very similarly to the copy pasta used to shitpost against this show for some reason.
The bleating about the lack of homo and tranny representation and stuff is retarded, but it has a point in how the show clearly wants to be something progressive and new while falling into the same old anime cliches. I feel like the reviewer could potentially have something to actually say if she focused on whether the show was good rather than whether it was ~progressive~ enough.
I don't think it cares about being progressive. They just want to make what they want and its not trying to force shit down our throats which is nice and let's us come to our own conclusions. Why does this show have to be confirmed as morally correct by some fat landwhale? She even describes 02 as a "manic pixie girl" so she obviously has no idea what she's talking about. She's just upset because she's a self inserter and can't self insert because the characters in the show have much more dynamic and interesting personalities than she will ever have and I'm talking about all the children bar Futoshi.
I can't wait for this chick to get absolutely fucking RAILED by one of those klaxo bros
Let's assume tons of shit and then get angry that our assumptions were wrong, the article.
Why do these boring rats expect anything but the traditional from the nips. I'm sure they don't give a shit about how actually sexist middle eastern media is.
When will they play piano together
Episode 13, Hiro is going to leave 02 and will pilot 9a's ass
Is this episode 10?
>episode 10
>that quality
Yeah right.
Hey man I was just trying to make sure I didn't miss anything from whatever was the latest ep.
>how the show clearly wants to be something progressive and new while falling into the same old anime cliches
>I don't think it cares about being progressive.
Yea, I don't know where it was implied this show was meant to be anything but progressive.
What's ironic is that article's author is just trying to force the show into a gender studies frame, when you could easily do the any kind of social analysis on the show, and see how much more interesting of a meta-analysis of the show you could do.
For example, with respect to the entire plot, but specifically episode 8:
>teenagers raised as orphans to become mech pilots, without a full understanding of the context for their purpose in life.
Commentary on the existential angst most teenagers feel in a broken education system
>their psycho-sexual development is harnessed as a weapon, and their feelings, their pubescent coming-of-age frustrations, and adolescent experiences are just byproducts of this experiment in weaponizing the male-female energy
The same could be said of anyone; our complex emotions relating to love and sexuality are also just the byproduct of evolution and cultural forces
>a chaotic element, 02, is introduced; that understands "the game" on a meta-level, but as a result is able to draw out the true potential of Hiro. She's trying to make a statement that she isn't just a byproduct of this psycho-sexual, male-female pairing experiment; but that there is a deeper meaning to the pairing, and that they're individuals at the end of the day, not just disposable puppets in this weird experiment. Finally, she's trying to get the rest of the crew should realize this before they end up dying a meaningless death
This could have multiple implications; but I choose to think that the show is trying to bring to light that there is a deeper individual meaning to our experiences, related to love and sex, and that we should strive to not just be byproducts of our biology and culture
The point of this shitty analysis, is that it's easy to make some pseudo social-commentary analysis of the show, in order to justify its depth or lack thereof.
>YBC were LCL all along
what is she reacting to?
>never usually bother with seasonal anime
>decide to give a few shows a try anyways this season including FranXX based some of its neat asthetics
>immediately begins to sabotage itself with painfully boring mc and typical anime bullshit
>Violet Evergarden follows suit
>should have just stuck with 02 and Violet hentai
T-Thanks anime...
best troll in the industry
someone fix that nose
Was old woman his mom?
possibly one of the care-takers, or maybe she was a care-taker for another group and reminisced about her past.
I'm starting to think that the "adults" are produced via cloning and genetic engineering, and maintain their supposedly efficient lifestyles by basically being post-human.
Meanwhile, Ichigo's crew are probably actual children, with old/normal desires for food, male-female relations etc., which is why they're probably called "parasites" by the adults.
Only pilots are called parasites.
the fun part is watching it with Sup Forums, not the show itself
>weekly shitposting
yea, that's one thing I'm still trying to wrap my head around. What exactly are they leeching off, by specifically being pilots? The fact that they needed to be raised/trained in a certain way and have resources expended on them?
Or is it blatant doublespeak, and they're the ones who are being leeched?
Maybe it refers to the way they control FXX.
So I'm about to start watching, what am I in for?
Wait until this week's episode.
intriguing story hidden under loads of middle school 'humor'
Don't until its finished.
People here are impatient babies and I'm sure the show will live or die as a whole to you way better and not as a weekly novelty.
Kokoro>the rest
O MY BASELINE: the anime
Interesting, I never thought of this angle.
It's a good analogy, regardless.
NGE + TTGL themes mixed together, with potential, but rather go in with no expectations. Kind of difficult to do, hence the hype, speculation and divisiveness surrounding the show
I was recommended this by /gfd/
Is it forth watching for that alone?
She is the only reason to watch
O brave new world, that has such people in it.
Interrogator: "Officer N59G-3-25, let's begin. Ready?"
015: "Yes, sir".
Interrogator: “Recite your baseline.”
015: “And blood-black nothingness began to spin. A system of stamens interlinked within pistils interlinked within a single franxx… And hopefully equal within the plantation, a tall white fountain played. ”
Interrogator: "Unit".
015: "Unit".
Interrogator: "Have you ever been in an orphanage? Unit".
015: "Unit".
Interrogator: "Does she keep you away from your Unit? Unit."
015: "Unit."
Interrogator: "When you're not performing your duties do you ask another man to take you? Unit".
015: "U-Unit".
Interrogator: "Second".
015: "Second".
Interrogator: "What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Second".
015: "Second".
Interrogator: "Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Second".
015: "Second".
Interrogator: "Do you long for having your heart in a cell? Second".
015: … "Second".
Interrogator: "Do you dream about being Second... ?"
015: "Second!".
Interrogator: "What's it like to hold your Unit in your arms? Second".
015: (averts gaze) "Second".
Interrogator: "Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Second".
015: "ye- Second".
Interrogator: "You are my Hero".
015: "You are my Hero".
Interrogator: "Why don't you say that three times: You are my Hero".
015: "You are my Hero. You are my Hero. You are my Hero" (her eyes start to water).
Interrogator: "We're done. 015... prepare for debriefing”.
015: "Thank you, sir".
Note: Unfitting to command her unit. Replacement is required.
take a shot every time zerome yells for no fucking reason
> /gfd/
I've always wondered why they kept narrating at the end of each episode like it already happened. Are they simply reminiscing about the past or some shit?
Full sex scene please.
Remember when this show was going to dominate the sales charts? Hahaha, those were some good times. Alright, I've said my piece, later.
There could be a timeskip at the end of the first cour to the present time they are in
Dont think so though
The hell is this?
Hir02 sex scene when?
Darling in the Franxx - Karling in the Franks?
/his/friend here.
I've got this particularly bizarre theory. Darling in the Franxx is based off of the story of Charlemagne and Desiderata, where Hiro is Charlemagne and Zero-Two is Desiderata:
> "Desiderata, or Ermengarda[1], was one of four daughters of Desiderius, king of the Lombards, and his queen, Ansa. She was married to Charlemagne, king of the Franks, in 770, probably to form a bond between the otherwise enemy states of Francia and Lombardy. The marriage was annulled in 771 and this hurt relations with Lombardy, presaging the war of 774. She had no known children and her ultimate fate is unknown."
The Lombards are the Klaxosaurus. Hiro is Charles before he becomes Charlemagne. He "marries" Zero-Two, a Lombard/Klaxosaur princess and eventually throws her away to invade Lombardy/conquer the Klaxosaurs, eventually becoming Holy Roman Emperor/God-Emperor of Mankind.
Furthermore, what we see here are the other three girls in the back of this image who look suspiciously like Zero-Two. They are the other "three daughters of Desiderius".
What we see is that Charlemagne had at least one illegitimate child, Pepin the Hunchback. This may be interpretated as insinuating that Hiro will engage in sexually unbecoming behaviour in the future, siring a bastard child, who, like Pepin will attempt to rebel against him.
Notice additionally, that the Capetians who succeed the Karlings, had a floral coat of arms - we see very clearly the floral symbolism in Strelitzia and Delphinium. Thus Hiro/Charlemagne's successors will also be floral and might have something to do with the fleurs-de-lis.
Thank you for reading my crackpot theory.
They keep making me want to fuck her harder with every episode
Will you be of the same opinion after episode 12 where she will be a dead corpse?
Freudian slips, the anime.
you should watch something other than anime sometimes
Interrogator: "Officer FP40-T3NL-016, let's begin. Ready?"
016: "Yes, sir".
Interrogator: "Recite your baseline".
016: "And blood-black Klaxosaur began to spin... A system of couples interlinked within couples interlinked within couples interlinked within one franxx... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall pink haired played".
Interrogator: "Darling".
016: "Darling".
Interrogator: "Have you ever been in an orphanage? Darling".
016: "Darling".
Interrogator: "Do they keep you away from your Darling? Darling."
016: "Darling."
Interrogator: "When you're not performing your duties do you ask another man to take them? Darling".
016: "Darling".
Interrogator: "Interlinked".
016: "Interlinked".
Interrogator: "What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked".
016: "Interlinked".
Interrogator: "Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked".
016: "Interlinked".
Interrogator: "Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked".
016: "Interlinked".
Interrogator: "Do you dream about being interlinked... ?"
016: "Interlinked".
Interrogator: "What's it like to hold your Darling in your arms? Interlinked".
016: "Interlinked".
Interrogator: "Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked".
016: "Interlinked".
Interrogator: "You are my Darling".
016: "You are my Darling".
Interrogator: "Why don't you say that three times: You are my Darling".
016: "You are my Darling. You are my Darling. You are my Darling".
Interrogator: "We're done. 016... you can pick up your honey”.
016: "Thank you, sir".
>tfw no one has made a Zorome webm of the scene in ep9
Starship Troopers is the superior DITF Sup Forums companion.
Post reactions for when 02 dies.
Is this series femdom or no?
Very important.
gentle femdom general
on /d/
Oh i thought it was something on /vg/
Praise be.
>When you're not performing your duties do you ask another man to take them? Darling
I do hope this show is as well thought-out as some of these theories, and it's just being hidden under a layer of TTGL meets NGE-lite
I'm going in with the no expectations approach, each episode, and being pleasantly surprised so far
You have yet to answer my question
Maybe? I guess there are some of those moments in the show
gamers fighting depression?
The funniest thing is that APE is vying for a society of homogeneity and order, but experimenting with this group of p13, their individuality seems to be a better option in terms of capability and cohesion.
I think really what the show is trying to say is that there are inherent differences between boys and girls in their thoughts that can't be changed through education or lack thereof if left to their own without suppression. The writer is too far up their own ass in cultural marxist ideas to think that gender roles are all taught. I think the only decent point they made is "why is partial nudity seen as sexual/perverted," except under the context that they always are wearing clothes when interacting with each other, and otherwise is weird and special.
Interrogator: "Officer KD6-38, let's begin. Ready?"
056: "Yes, sir".
Interrogator: “Recite your baseline.”
056: “And blood-black nothingness began to spin. A system of stamens interlinked within pistils interlinked within a single franxx… commanded equal within the plantation, a tall white fountain played.”
Interrogator: "Cells".
056: "Cells".
Interrogator: "Have you ever been alone? Cells".
056: "Cells".
Interrogator: "When you are not performing your duty, do they keep you in a little place? Cells."
056: "Cells."
Interrogator: "When you're not performing your duties do you ask her to guide you? Cells".
056: "Cells".
Interrogator: "Dreadfully".
056: "Dreadfully".
Interrogator: "What's it like to hold the hand of the one you love? Dreadfully".
056: "D-Dreadfully".
Interrogator: "Did they teach you how to feel mind to mind? Dreadfully".
056: "Dreadfully".
Interrogator: "Do you long for having your heart next to hers? Dreadfully".
056: … "Dreadfully".
Interrogator: "Do you dream about being directive?"
056: "Dreadful".
Interrogator: "What's it like to hold your pistil in your arms? Within cells".
056: "Within her".
Interrogator: "Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Dreadfully".
056: "Dreadfully".
Interrogator: "Do you like being separated from other people? Distinct".
056: "Distinct". (swallows saliva)
Interrogator: "Dreadfully Distinct."
056: "D-Dreadfully Distinct."
Interrogator: "Within one pistil"
056: "Within my pistil"
Interrogator: "We're done. 056, dismissed”.
056: "Thank you, sir".
/end report: No mental contamination from last encounter with the enemy, closely monitor sync ratios.
stop this retarded shit
You should have posted the translation with it.
Panel 1
>Box:"Boys' bathing time"
>Zorome:"Why are you undressing so slow? Are you a girl?"
Panel 2
>Goro:"What's up with these bruises?"
>(Text near neck):"As time passes, it's looking more and more nasty"
>Milkman:"At any rate, it's probably "her""
>(Text on hand):"Goro"
Panel 3
>Hiro:"Uh.. Yeah.."
>(thought bubble):"Why are you blushing!!?"
Panel 4
>Hiro:"It's fine, we were just fooling around"
>(Box with arrow):"How they picture it"
>(Text near 02):"So, BDSM!?"
>Goro:"You had to go that far, huh?"
>Hiro:"What do you mean, Goro?"
>I can't understand it so I don't like it
Humanity is what it is because of people like you.
Define "gentle".
>without suppression
Yea, you can clearly see they're at the very least self-suppressing feelings of affection, specifically through touch, which is absolutely comedic when you consider the riding mechanism in the FranXX. A lot of characters hesitate to even touch each other, except in times of extreme distress or relief, like Ichigo hugging Hiro after one of the critical battles. You also saw this with the old lady and Zorome, the handshake denied, (and maybe something to do with them being infected?)
Then, 02 stands out like a sore thumb; constantly being touchy-feely with Hiro, especially kissing. It's like the concept was conflated with the plantations connecting at one point; almost like their education was designed to obfuscate the concept of physical intimacy.
So yea, they're definitely being suppressed in some way, yet the urges are clearly still there (muh cultural relativism)
So, I wonder what 02, who clearly understands intimacy on some level, represents in this debacle
>The writer is too far up their own ass in cultural marxist ideas to think that gender roles are all taught.
what do you mean exactly? That girls aren't dominated completly by boys? Or how beta is MC in his relationship?
No bodly harm, no/very little whipping and the like.
I think he was referring to the writer of the article above:
It's at least somewhat clear that the writers of the show have no intention of pandering to political correctness at this point.