I really like this manga but I feel wierd right now.
Can someone explain to me how the fuck were they being hunted and dying all this time but they were secretly building weapons that can destroy demon masks even though they didn't know that you need to shoot demons in the eye in order to kill them ?
Provided they were hunted by these 5 demons for the last 8 years how the hell did they get some information like the masks actually being different and what actually breaks them considering they probably never made a dent in one before.
I mean I guess you can bet on the anatomy being similar and go for the demon head and that would get you an incentive to build something like this.
It still feels like it's pulling my leg.
I really like this manga but I feel wierd right now
They get 3 days inbetween each hunt speedreader, this hunt was an early exception to eat Emma.
Yeah but how the fuck do they get the INFORMATION ?
How do they know bullets don't break masks ?
If they tried bullets, wouldn't the demons suspect they have access to ammunition or the capacity to get some more fire power that can actually break masks ?
The author is presenting some highly intelligent agents who are against each other.
Just because they have free time in between hunts that doesn't mean they know what to do.
>not asking about firing two machine guns while standing on the branch
Noname and Lucas survived with their group in the park for several weeks before Lewis killed everyone but them, they had guns and likely shot other poachers, learnt the masks were bulletproof and then Lucas passed the information on as well as other knowledge of firearm training and what not. The poachers already know that there are firearms in GP, Minerva left them there for survivors, Peter informed Bayon on the park and if he wanted it, Bayon agreed and removed any weapon too dangerous and left everything else because they found safe human resistance to be fun.
>Noname and Lucas survived with their group in the park for several weeks before Lewis killed everyone but them, they had guns and likely shot other poachers, learnt the masks were bulletproof and then Lucas passed the information on as well as other knowledge of firearm training and what not.
You don't know knives exist.
You have a piece of bread.
You try karate chopping the bread. It doesn't cut the bread.
How exactly do you go directly from 0 to knife ?
How do they know the guns were goint to work ?
What exactly are you trying to ask? How they know how to use guns? Did you really type out that analogy as if it were clever or something? I assume you mean how they know how to kill demons? Literally the same way as Emma and Ray learnt, spray the shit outta them with guns. Noname said they encountered wild demons and shot at them until they shot their middle eyes and they died without regenerating.
How do they know the experimental guns that they made actually fucking work if they never tested them ?
How the fuck do they know the demons have different masks ?
different masks as in masks with different hardness and other properties
>posting meme shit replies and wondering why no one understands what the fuck you're trying to ask
The B06-32 shelter had riot shields and kevlar vests and other shit like that provided by Minerva, it'd make no sense that he wouldn't have provided the same shit if not better at Goldy Pond, since they weren't weapons that were a threat to actually killing the poachers, Bayon left them there, they then likely tested the bullets out on those shields/vests and what not or even on other hard shit that should definitley be as hard as a bulletproof mask.
>The B06-32 shelter had riot shields and kevlar vests and other shit like that provided by Minerva, it'd make no sense that he wouldn't have provided the same shit if not better at Goldy Pond, since they weren't weapons that were a threat to actually killing the poachers, Bayon left them there, they then likely tested the bullets out on those shields/vests and what not or even on other hard shit that should definitley be as hard as a bulletproof mask.
Ok now you're just filling in for the author and assuming that anti-bullet vests are similar enough to demon masks and that the group knows this since they used that for testing.
Did you even come here for some sort of explanation or answer for you question that seriously does not need 4 replies to comprehend let alone need a thread for?
>dude, bullets don't work on demonic masks which we don't know what are made of
>don't worry my man we have bullet vests which are also resistent to bullets up to a certain point and we know what they are made of therefore if we make something which goes through them they also go through demonic masks, right ?
>yeah but the demonic masks seem to also absorb blunt force trauma famalan and we don't know how, it might not be a case of hardness and they probably don't work the same way, we might develop these weapons for nothing
>don't worry my friend this is manga
>yeah but the demonic masks seem to also absorb blunt force trauma
Are you just baiting , autistic or speedreading at this point? Perhaps all 3? The little chair demon literally got blasted backwards from the impact of getting shot in his mask and every other time he got hit in the face showed obvious recoil.
Ohh you're right and I'm wrong regarding this.
How come the new weapons don't just fucking blow their heads right off and conveniently destroy just the masks ?
They tried guns, guns didnt work.
Next step, make a gun that shoots muh fuckin HARDER AND STRONGER BIOTCH
thats it, thats the whole reasoning. They are kids, that is the next logical step. These kids didnt come from Grace Field house and are generally stupid as fuck compared to Emma
Reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist
shirai is a hack
The writing is full of asspulls. Ask for logic in Neverland is useless
Can't we just let this thread die and wait till next weeks thread to shitpost?
I hope this gets animated.
I find it funny that the thread for the Korean scans was comfy and full of theorising, normanposting, and miscellaneous stuff, yet the chapter with the actual translations and an interesting chapter gets no traction.