Any new updates? I know there are easter eggs present in "A Place Further Than the Universe", but do we have any confirmation from Madhouse?
No Game No Life Season 2
>nearly 40k sales on week 3
Nice. Probably going to get it eventually. Just be patient.
It's way too popular to not get one. There's no official news yet though.
>easter egg
You mean product placement?
>too popular
Just like Accel World then?
Also those "Easter eggs" were literally just for the release of the BDs of Zero. They're product placement.
>Just like Accel World then?
No because that was trash.
>like Accel World then?
Sunrise has been too busy making that idol money.
It was popular though. Didn't get a sequel. And honestly was it trash?
So was NGNL, not much difference
the author really tried his hardest making a parallel between riku and sora (land/sky) and schwi and shiro (black/white) throughout the movie (and also the LN). Like they both look the same BR-san I get it already.
More Izuna-tan when?
"Stop obsessing over me you faggots, please."
She can say whatever she wants. Won't stop me from petting her head.
I feel that he closed the parallel on volume 9.
And I still don't get what was that cluster fuck with Plam and Fiel in volume 8.
Any news on volume 11?
I hope they actually do it
Never ever, user.
And he settled it on the same volume it was introduced. The original couple was best
>And honestly was it trash?
Volume 10 literally just came out. Give it some time.
Is that a semen angel?
Yes. The cutest semen angel.
wtf is wrong with hues
Who knows. Forever shit taste.
Horou is the cutest.
>watched Zero because some stupid faggot on Sup Forums said it was good
>it was
>rewatch the series because I remember it being kinda ok
>it was fun and I liked it a lot
>now there's no more to watch
This is why I only watch finished series, damn it. Fuck this shit.
That's "fuck this shit, please."
god damn it you had me excited for a second
Omega good job, user.
Read the light novels, starting from the beginning.
It's interesting and there are details left out of the anime and movie.
what part of "finished series" you do not understand
Murderous bitch.
Jibril did nothing wrong.
Schwi wasn't alive so she couldn't be killed, she says this herself.