So I just finished watching Cowboy Bebop, for the first time. I didn't know anything about it...

>Why am I a faggot for not liking it?
because you're a plotfag, you're either underage or think like one

>More than half the episodes were misadventures with no real depth
Isn't that most CGDCT? So how come Sup Forums gives that a free pass (as they should) but shits on Bebop for doing the exact same thing?

It doesn't have to be sympathetic. Just give me a good fucking reason for someone to be evil, and the villain become 100X more appealing
Vicious didn't have this.

But I liked Samurai Champloo way more, and Samurai Champloo's plot was literally:
>muh sunflower samurai

Ah, you're a nigger then.

Because Bebop isn't cute girls and they aren't doing cute things user

Don't get me wrong, SC isn't even in my top 15

This anime is like a filter for casuals. If someone tells you "it's the best anime ever!", then it's highly unlikely that they have seen more than 10 anime.

>The only good things about it - I feel - were character designs and music
the fights are also good

>But I liked Samurai Champloo way more
I don't know what to say then. Most of the things you criticise can be applied to both. Focus on misadventures, rather than a main plot line, several minor plotlines, certain side characters or villains being there only to develop the main cast. All of those are also present in champloo. Champloo has more action scenes, and they're longer. But they're harldy the main selling point of the show.