How do you feel about femdom in anime?
How do you feel about femdom in anime?
I didn't know there was femdom in anime. Please, dear user tell me more?
why does she sit like that?
Its the best way to sit on faces
We need it.
I welcome it.
Also, just finished reading pic related. What the fuck is up with that ending.
>tfw almost every femdom scene is either there for comedic purposes or has the dominant woman go full sadist
>go full sadistic
I feel very good about it
we definitely need more. stuff like esdeath is the best though
To be honest, it's kinda turned me off the whole concept.
This. Need more no-sadistic doms.
I prefer light femdom, teasing, and strong-willed oneesans. Full on BDSM is trash.
it's not really my cup of tea, but I'm glad it's out there
I don't really like it. Too gay for me.
gentle femdom is best
Itou Shizuka makes the best doms
All I want is /gfd/.
It's just me, I'm just obscene.
keep it sexy. If my dick starts shriveling back from the perceived pain, it's too much.
Facesitting is actually pretty painful, would not recommend to any of you.
As an actual girl femdom disgusts me. It's just a fantasy for guys
>decide to drop into to see what what's happening in /gfd/ since the last visit was years ago
>see this shit
It's a mistake.
I want Tokiko-sama to beat the shit out of me.
Teasing is great, but sadly most femdom scenes in anime aren't anything to write home about most of the time.
What the fuck
Have you read Sundome?
Not yet, I plan on reading some light-hearted stuff for now since I heard Sundome is similar to Ibitsu, being from the same author and all. Most definitely will read it later though.
I like it but after getting burned so many times in doujins i'm super apprehensive about them
maybe her butt hurts
tits or gtfo
I know a girl who's into femdom and gets off it, but she's a lesbian who genuinely hates men and wants to physically hurt guys.
There isn't enough of it. Don't be scared to admit you like it Japan.
Definitely worth it.
>facesitting with ballgag
More please.
It only works if it's also /ss/.
lol pussies
what the FUCK is that
How so?
I dunno, sis.
I like femdom but I'm also fujoshit and get off from boy's vulnerability and giving into the pleasure kind of stuff.
I can't agree less. How do you invest in either side of that equation?
what was it
>It's just a fantasy for guys
Yeah? And?
Why would the opinions of cumdumpsters factor into it at all?
only good with lolis
It's the only non-shota/BL outlet I can get for well drawn submissive guys, so I'll take what I can get.
use an archive
its not for me but I don't really mind it if it isnt too intrusive, like ps
The only type of femdom I like seeing is the guy being treated like her property. Anything more painful like BDSM or pegging is a definite no.
It's not about pleasure, it's purely about domination and submission which is why it's a shit tier fetish.
I don't know why, but recently pictures of anime girls looking down in disgust povs makes me diamonds.
Anyone knows the sauce of this? It was posted in a previous femdom-themed thread.
Don't bother the thing is trash.
femdom, hell any -dom where it's clear that both side love and respect each other is the hottest thing for me in any media.
Today I will remind them
Is this reverse psychology?
Nah it's a Rorschach test. She's right tho.
>he doesn't know
s-sorry mistress, i know im disgusting and pathetic. How would you punish me?
my domfu
Is this game worth playing?
That depends on how much of a tolerance you have for getting shit on.
Maybe if you really, really like futadom
I don't play the game. I place certain scenes in a slide-show and fap to them. I control the speed and duration of each slide. It's kino
Yeesh. That's pretty rough.
Play was used p loosel here desu.
Why is this pose so erotic?
Please spit in my mouth.
>How do you feel about femdom in anime?
Yes, more please.
Anime needs more scenes where someone is mistakenly stepped on.