I'm putting together a band
I'm putting together a band
Sup Forums pls go
I'll be sure to come to every one of your shows.
Teach me how to play drums and you got yourself a member.
So that's it huh? We're some type of Hokago Tea Time?
If you need ideas for a name, ask Sup Forums.
>jakka jan
That's yes.
The band, Elwood! The band!
We're gonna be dropped into Budoukan, dressed as musicians.
Please don't post pictures of my wife without her permission.
Your wife is so cute it's not even funny.
i thought of a name, it can be called
mines cuter
I want to rape Yui and make Ui watch
You're making it hard to argue with you.
Who posts shit like this? Go fucking die, retard.
i have right to express
Your rights are fake like your posts and your existence, cancer.
I want to rape Yui and make you watch
C - cancer.
I'm happy you arn't enjoying this, wouldn't be rape otherwise.
jakka jakka jan jan
jakka jan
Happiness is a feeling unknown to you.
I love K-On!. Especially Yui and Ritsu.
I want to rape Azusa because she is cute
justa moment pulease, gentlemen. best girl coming through.
miofags get out
I unironically wish the Keions got boyfriends.
Only if it's me
Are you offering?
Sup Forums pls stay
only if i can rape them
>Was incredibly protected/sheltered by her sister/Nodoka
>Went to an all girls school
>And an all girls college
Poor innocent Yui is going to get destroyed when she first goes out drinking at 21.
Yeah by me
I want to see the Keions drinking now. Shitfaced Mio would be the best. The question is, would Ritsu get even more rowdy, or turn demure?
me on the left x9
I don't actively want it but it wouldn't upset me since I'm not a yurifag
>Keion is now about a nationwide music tournament
>Ritsu and her ragtag band enter the tournament for a chance to perform at budoukan
Would you watch it?
no, i want to watch them get raped and used
I love Ritsu
No because that's Love Live.
I would however, watch a sequel movie that is them going on a trip after Azunyan's graduation.
Of course Azusa is the lesbian while intoxicated.
I unironically wish you would end your life.
>black bra under pink tank
>Mio's Mios
>that Thicctsu
stop this
>no season about the college chapters
They will find a way
Absolutely never.
Kyoani should add their own stuff to it, like an episode about them getting smashed, or going to a mixer.
that art sucks
Where's my onsen episode Kyoani?