Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho


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HS is out

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Time for suffering

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Time for frozen corpse.

>one episode left

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they/'re finally going further than the universe

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What did she mean by this?

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Ending of this episode hit like a truck

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so the sole reason why this show got popular in Nipland is because its aired on a pretty good timeslot? Like this show is not even a late night anime

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Is that the same amount of emails as what her password was? I also was under the impression that Shirase never sent any of those emails. Crying my eyes out desu.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.18_[2018.03.20_13.02.25].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>sent from myphone
I laughed.

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Would a computer have survived that cold for years?

It's raining indoors somehow.

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Depends if its dry or not.HDD would be likely still survive.

was this an actual sponsorship or a literal free advertisement for the company?

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I'm so glad that they didn't go down the cliched route by having her discover her mother's dying message. Having Shirase realize her own feelings more clearly fits in with the show much much better.

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It was just referencing "sent from my iphone" signature more probably,I read that iphone is pretty big in japan.

My heart.

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I've never wanted to have an outdoor BBQ in a freezing desert more in my entire life.

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>not finding her alive living the nankyoku ningen.

if it's really cold the air is dry

Hold me, Sup Forums.

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Should be fine once it's thawed and plugged in. Liquid is the real killer, and Antarctica is dry.


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6 minutes in and there's tears in my eyes. It's a new record.

Oh god, it's actually happening.


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Oh fuck off ;_;

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The sound of her gasping for air as she cried was way too much for me. ;_;

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Suck it up, buttercup.

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>laying out her money and remembering her effort to get here
Fuck, tamaki face is pretty much mine. That was a great scene.

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I thought they would go for 1095, since it would be a message everyday for 3 years.

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>and Antarctica is dry.
It's literally covered in frozen water

I didn't know what to expect at all, but those emails hit me fucking hard.

Is frozen water wet, user?

Reminder that Shirase's birthday is November 1 or 11꜈01ę—„.

This episode did it, Sora Yori is my AOTS as if it wasn't already

Attached: 2018-03-20 08_09_54-[HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 12 [720p].mkv.jpg (1920x1080, 635K)

Protip for brainlets: Shirase's birthday is November 1st.

That scream out for mother was the killer man.

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Goddamnit, Yuzuki. I thought we were over this.

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Is this the last ep? I kinda want to see an epilogue when they get back.

The VAs did such a good job, every aspect of this show was absolutely spot on but the delivery of lines really sold it and made a show about japanese teens going to fucking Antarctica feel real somehow
I'm going to miss it

Attached: 2018-03-20 08_17_05-[HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 12 [720p].mkv.jpg (1920x1080, 604K)

It's literally water

I get that for the password of the computer, but why the number of emails, just a poetic coincidence?

There is one more next week, but its obvious this is the emotional climax.


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Last episode next week. Hopefully we get a OVA after or something

>tfw I share the same birthday as this 2D perfection

Back off faggots. The heavens have destined her to be my waifu alone.

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Just one more episode, but. . .

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Solid water.

>not AOTY

I highly doubt we'll see a better anime original for the rest of this year.

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>but why the number of emails, just a poetic coincidence?
Maybe. The email count could've kept going before the camera zoomed out again so it's probably just the director doing a thing.

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Ice is a solid, it isn't wet until it melts.

I try to hold off on such sweeping statements but You're right

Attached: 2018-03-20 08_03_43-[HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 12 [720p].mkv.jpg (468x475, 101K)

People dont change just in one day user, she is still a friendless autist at heart, even if she has friends.

I hope someone does the BDs.

>This episode
It hurts just to watch

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I'm not convinced it would. It was covered in frost, and that would have penetrated the casing, which would have thawed upon startup and probably shorted the system.

But I'm willing to ignore it for the feels trip.

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are they digging up takaku?

I can't watch the episode right now, is it good?

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Here's hoping Coldgirls does it too.

>reading out "letter" to your lost one talking about the journey along the way
The fuck man, this is cheating.

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The girls are alright


>"Looks kind of apocalyptic isn't it?"
Third Impact confirmed for last episode

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This show has been punching my heart for 4 weeks now. I don't know if I'll recover next weeks once it's over.

So her mails are wasted.

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I love that they did so much research to get everything just right for this.
See those little sparkles that seem to just be out on their own? Those are tiny ice crystals in the air that are catching the light. In temperatures this cold, most of the moisture and humidity that's normally just in the air around you freezes into these tiny crystals, too small and light to simply settle to the ground. They dance on the wind like dust, and you can taste them if you breath with your mouth open. You start seeing them around -20C give or take.

Fun fact: that ambient ice is harmful to breath, and cardio activity (such as running) in this environment can cause lung damage.

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Jesus Christ this was too much.

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I've been ugly crying like a little bitch for the past 4 weeks.

Momsicle under the frozen potato.

If you look closely, the laptop was still receiving messages after that shot.

It's very likely the number is 1095.

Same, once this show is over I don't know what I'm going to look forward to
Especially because next season looks like shit
I'll miss these threads, they were always great

Attached: 2018-03-20 08_07_05-[HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 12 [720p].mkv.jpg (1920x1080, 419K)

It will feel weird to end in just one more episode.

Good shit.

I feel like I genuinely learned some things from this show.


>It's very likely the number is 1095.
user, 1101 is bigger than 1095, are you retarded?


Oh fuck, this could be a horror moment.

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Oh, so that's 'diamond dust' from Saint seiya coming from.

They are searching for One Piece.

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But what about the penguins

German Panzer Crew examines frozen tracks on their Panzer IV, 1942 (Colorised)

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what a beautiful show

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>found it less than five minutes instead of several decades