Violet Evergarden

Is VEG the worst anime in history of the industry? Its quite common place to throw around 'the worst anime ive ever seen' catchphrase, it usually refers to the last bad anime youve seen.

But unfortunately in the case of VEG,im afraid that when one strains ones memory to try to recollect a list of bad animes (bad in the 'boring aseption of the word, not the 'so bad its good' aseption) this show takes the cake.

Ive never seen a snoozefest as bad as this one, try to think of the most boring anime youve ever seen and i bet you anything it will come up gold when compared to this trainwreck.

But what really disturbs me is how badly directed it is full of slow-mo, bad lightning, instagram filters, ridiculous close-ups and the drama feels so forced and cheap its like watching some brand of fast food melodrama you would find mid day in latin america.

Ishidate do us and yourself a favor;stop directing, you look like a nice man and im sure youll fare better as an animator than trying to pass yourself as an anime director.

Attached: 189153.jpg (924x530, 75K)

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Remember to report clear shitposting threads


How is this a shitpost? He’s spot on and I actually agree with him


>Is VEG the worst anime in history of the industry?
You clearly started watching anime this season.
Lurk 2 years before posting

I watched ep 1 yesterday and I had no interest watching the next and I absolutely agree with >slow-mo, bad lightning, instagram filters, ridiculous close-ups and the drama feels so forced and cheap

Is VEG the worst anime in history of the industry?
Nope. The worst anime in the history of the industry is your favorite anime.

It's not the worst, but it's just boring as fuck

One of the best posts i've read on VEG. It's a polished shiny turd. Kyoani will not recover from this blunder.

This. Vegfags my not like it, but they're all soyboys, trannies, and middle age women to begin with.

Stale b8 m8

small brain post

It might be the worst show with such high production values, but there's plenty of garbage shows out there that surpass it in general badness.

I'm not a VEG fan, but if you think its anywhere close to being the worst anime in history you must be incredibly new.

I understand he meant worst as in most boring ever not bad as in Ousama Game bad.

OP is a butthurt yorifag

If you consider VEG the worst, out of EVERYTHING else, then you are most likely a troll

watch more anime.

Even Mayoiga was more boring. VEG is just mostly frustrating because it has interesting ideas but doesn't do anything unique with them whilst pretending its saying something deep.

>implying he's not a shitposter pretending to be a VEGfag whos intentionally doing a bad job of pretending to be VEGhater so people will see through it and think hes another shitposting VEGfag
Try to keep up with the falseflagging. We're on like 4 different levels at this point.

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

Attached: 8931706483508.gif (295x210, 233K)

>Is VEG the worst anime in history of the industry?

>Is VEG the most boring anime in the season?
Absolutely agree with this.


Attached: mahoromatic.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

>Is VEG the worst anime in history of the industry?

Attached: 745.jpg (600x600, 27K)

Whatever, I can't even be bothered to post a "this is bait" picture

low iq VEGfag can't stand criticism of his favorite pile of shit. lol

This is as retarded as saying VEG is the best anime ever.

I don't understand why you faggots have to be this absolutist about this shit. Something can be decent, or mediocre. It doesn't have to fall into either extreme.

Can you fucking retarded shitposters please kill yourselves?

>its like watching some brand of fast food melodrama you would find mid day in latin america.

Ah... this explains it. ESL please leave.

It all comes down to VEG being the most popular and successful anime globally of the season. Kyoani haters are frustrated.

>Is VEG the worst anime in history of the industry?
Have a safe trip back to the teen melodrama (Yorimoi) threads, ESLfag.

It's not though you retarded git. It's not the worst, it's not the best.

It's bad and melodramatic but it at least has some production value
9/10 animation (point off for blur)
5/10 story

Not the worst but definitely the contender for "Biggest disappointment of the industry" nomination.

>9/10 animation
You mean where it looks like she's underwater?

Attached: underwater.webm (800x450, 1.04M)

Forced Budget: The Show

Or were you talking about the obvious aliasing?

Attached: 1515659907356.jpg (1920x1080, 897K)

nigga are you retarded?

VEG is absolutely boring though. In the literal, dictionary sense of the word. It would be hard to name a show with wastes more time doing nothing meaninless or with a more dreadful pacing

not everyone have good tastes your are trash.
If you dont like a show stfu and dont watch or talk about it dumb kid.
Sup Forums anime community really are full of retard shitposter ......

It’s the Fractale of the year. Well at least Fractale had some redeeming qualities, VEG is total shit.

That doesn't make it the worst. There are much worse things than being boring.

>It's not though you retarded git
See How blown the fuck out are you right now?

Oh cmon. It's not Mars of Destruction bad, just boring. Although in a way, being boring is worse than being a total stinkbomb. At least total stinkbombs are fun to watch.

>40 (41) replies to this obvious bait
Sup Forums is dead.

Again, being the best in a single season does not make it the best of all time.

Stop with this black and white shit.

It has the least interesting writing I've ever seen, or damn close to it.
I watch an episode of this (excluding 5 and 10) and the only thing I can think are negative things. Even a genuine porn like 25-sai offers something, because it offers something for the brain if you think about it. What can I think about VEG, when the conflicts are all dumb as shit and terribly superficial?

You literally can't think of any negative thing to say about this show that isn't completely subjective.

I wouldn't call it the worst show of this season. It's very pretty as its Kyoani and it can be quite touching at times. It's just dull at a lot of times and I'm uninterested in a lot of the characters. I'm watching it but it wouldn't be the best show this season. Kyoani will be fine financially since it has no fanservice and loads of pretty visuals so you know that normalfags who don't watch much anime will just lap it up.
It's a 6/10 for me personally. The latest episode was good.

This is very well explained and it's more or less what I think. I struggle to watch through one episode without falling asleep, there's clearly something wrong here, it's not engagening, it's not fun, the characters don't pull you in.

Overall it's a failiure of an anime.

>Is VEG the worst anime in history of the industry?
VEG can't be the worst what are you talking about?

watch Ousama Game before you say VEG is bad.

That's isn't even 'so bad its good' aseption.

Not 1, not 3, not 6, but 18 I mean *eighteen* replies to the most transparently obvious bait ever seen on Sup Forums.
I mean, what level of blatantness should we reach before people start considering is not a good idea to take the bait? Should we have thread with people unironically claiming Aldnoah Zero to be better than Evangelion?

Attached: take the bait.jpg (652x668, 165K)

I've checked and it's not a pasta, moreover, I find myself agreeing with him on many things. If you are a VEGtard you'll need to learn that people may have different opinions to yours. You don't know what bait means.

The thing is that no one has actually come with any arguments to why VEG is bad, OP post is full of claims but aren't backed by anything. It's hard not to see that as shitpositng.

OP is a Soy Yori boy.

You need better reasing comprehension then
>slow and boring. slow-mo, bad lightning, instagram filters, ridiculous fight close-ups
I 100% agree with those, and I would add that the drama feels fabricated, fake, like some microwave frozen lassagna, it does not transmit anything, it only gets your eyes rolling backwards in disbelieve.

>slow and boring. slow-mo, bad lightning, instagram filters, ridiculous fight close-ups
None of these are arguments

>and I would add that the drama feels fabricated, fake, like some microwave frozen lassagna
Again not an argument.

An argument explains the why. Why does the drama feel fabricated, fake and like frozen lassagna to you?

I am honestly starting to think Sup Forums is shallow as fuck.
WATCH the series for a little more than the first two weeks before you criticise it.

Violet Evergarden is an interesting exploration of the military style anime, focusing not on the war but on what comes after. It follows a young girl, broken by war, trying to come to terms with her emotions, and what she has lost, whilst also forging a future for herself. Look beyond the surface....
Or dont. After all shit like Naruto and DBZ is still going.

I don't know about it being the worst anime but it definitely has the very worst fanbase in the history of the industry
I'll take shonen-spics and yurifags over VEGtards any day

Kyoanus has the most cancerous fanbase since at least the Hyouka days, maybe some user remembers if it goes further back. They are so autistic that they take personal offense when you criticise their low tier studio.

I still remember back in the day some sperg told me that if I ever said again that Hyouka was bad he was going to find and kill me, like that, I had never met a medically diagnosed autist before and it shocked me.

If you've been here for the whole season you'll know already, once their show didn't get the attention and discussion they feel it deserved they lashed against the show they feel it's their direct competition in franxx. Now that they've seen that YoriMoi has done drama infinetly better than them they've shitfested their live threads, i've been there.

I don't know why but Kyoanus has always attracted the worst kind of autists, like flies flock to fresh shit. Kyoanus is bad but their fanbase is even worse and well beyond that the worst kind of toxicity imaginable.

Why are you so angry?

They were already embarrasing during the Lucky Star TTGL times

Instead of discussing their currently airing show they decide to shit on other shows as much as possible. It's no surprise that IRC originally spawned from Kyoanus cesspit threads.

VEG is the epitome of squandered potential.

What squandered potential did you see in VEG?

Is VEG the [worst/best] anime in history of the industry? Its quite common place to throw around 'the [worst/best] anime ive ever seen' catchphrase, it usually refers to the last [bad,good] anime youve seen.

Ive never seen a [snoozefest/well paced show] as [bad/good] as this one, try to think of the most [boring/exciting] anime youve ever seen and i bet you anything it will come up [gold/last place] when compared to this [trainwreck/masterpiece].

But what really disturbs me is how [badly/wonderfully] directed it is full of slow-mo, [bad/great] lightning, [instagram/artistic] filters, [ridiculous/impactful] close-ups and the drama feels so [forced/natural] and [cheap/meaningful] its like watching some brand of [fast food/elegant] [melo]drama you would find [mid day/evening] in [latin america/venetian opera house].

Ishidate do us and yourself a favor;[never] stop directing.

Expensive animation ruined by shitty filters and mediocre direction, and a nice premise failed by bad writing and worthless characters.

upboated :^)

How are the filters shitty and the direction mediocre? How is the writing bad and characters worthless? Please explain in detail with argumentative substance and citations where needed or else I'll think you're just shitposting like every other VEG hater here.

>actually not realizing that the blur is gradually wearing off as violet start to change
This is visual story telling 101

Based Franxxposter Putting KyoA-Drones into their place

101 or not, Is that bad?

I hope this is bait. No one is this fucking new.

Not him but I think it would be better if it were less filtered at times so we could actually see the work they've put into their drawings. I think that's gotten a lot better since the first couple episodes though. There was a comically exaggerated sequence in episode 4 where they had her do that bow that was just kind of dumb, but they've reined that in.

The decision to up Violet's autism and make that the focus of the first couple episodes is a pretty bad one compared to if they just took the LN as is. I think most people tend to find the episodic stories where Violet is not the main focus a lot better, like 5 and 10.

>Mars of Destruction
That's a masterpiece you pleb

Because the anus cultists shat all over this board and wonder why they're hated here now.

You must be 18 to post here, go back to r*ddit.