OPT: One Page Thread
Loli Assassin Edition
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Does Sup Forums like crane games?
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Are opt threads stealth rec threads?
also every thread is a rec thread for its topic.
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this one's pretty good
wish I could remember the name but saucenao fails
>Musuko ga Kawaikute
I definitely stumbled across great series thanks to it
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I don't have the full page
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is there a source for this?
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Are armors fine too?
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any watashi no shounen fag here knows where i can find the raws
Domestic na Kanojo
Wangtangchang the Yurutto Hunter
Golden Kamui
Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru
Saikou no Omoide
Coffin Princess
Kenpo Shoujo Kubikaru NanoHa
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RIP mangaka
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Even though the story's over, the author should write a volume of Botan-chan ga iku and absolutely nobody would complain
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i would tell you but I'd get reported, probably.
it's in the thread already
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