Aiden's episode now?
Violet Evergarden Episode 11
Also the hell was this thread deleted? Not even OP, but was nice having a thread with little shitposting for once and not thread made as bait.
>Not even OP, but was nice having a thread with little shitposting for once and not thread made as bait.
>Also the hell was this thread deleted?
Good question it was my thread and i wasn't even given a reason.
2 hours, almost there
>Not even OP, but was nice having a thread with little shitposting for once and not thread made as bait.
It was a circlejerk with 20 posters and 170 posts.
>X hours until AOTY
>not bait
Maybe if VEG shitters weren't so busy shitting up other threads, VEG threads wouldn't be so dead.
Here we have the answer. The guys who got 29 posts delete in last thread and some in this one changed ips ban evading and probably mass reported it
Too much chinkposting, haha.
1hr 46mins to go, is leopard the best livestream?
Quality wise? Probably.
>Maybe if VEG shitters weren't so busy shitting up other threads, VEG threads wouldn't be so dead.
I have never shit up another thread and i'm the OP for the deleted one.
>X hours until AOTY
Its isn't bait though, also people always do this for their seasonal shit.
Link me up, desu senpai.
there are people who didnt drop this garbage?
lol (same as leopard, but with chat)
It's that fucking anime hater that keep's on complaining about the animation being too good & making autism/what is love posts fuck him.
>Its isn't bait though, also people always do this for their seasonal shit.
I'll admit to that much, anyways I like the show but the threads have gotten out of hand lately.
I'll wait until the season is over to talk novel spoilers but right now it's just fanbase wars with a bunch of insufferable autists on every front.
Why does this show attract so many newfags?
You are the newfag because you don't know why it was bad tone to post Neetball/Twitch links. Not because it is secret club, but because they got reported and removed quickly.
The anti anime, anti kyoani autist is far worse have you not seen all his shitposts every thread. Didn't you see how many times the fucker posted his what is love shit last thread after getting it deleted?
Fucking hell how autistic can this 1 anti kyoani fag be? I even asked him multiple times in previous threads why he hated the studio but he wouldn't answer me.
>VEG thread
>only gets 20 replies in 1 hour
It’s a flop
They're all in the SoraYori, Yuru Camp and Franxx threads. On the bright side we get that one autistic spic here that posts a billion times.
Reminder that asenshi will not be subbing this today.
EOPs will only get those tomorrow with netflix.
>On the bright side we get that one autistic spic here that posts a billion times.
THIS hahahahahahaha
Anti-peace faction is shitposting frustrated that country of Leidenschaftlich, with help of Violet won the Great War. But they will be put in their place, for their struggle is futile. Just consider the negative attention as badge of honor. Years later you could still laugh at them.
Reposting this.
Late thanks to the user that is making them.
well at least we have you here user
So where does it say that only 13 episodes will be broadcasted and 14th is OAV exclusive? Is there any confirmation Netflix/TV will only air 13 episodes?
Did VEG reach the top 100 yet?
Ah found it
>The Netflix Violet Evergarden release date is scheduled for April 5, 2018. Since Violet Evergarden Episode 13 will air in Japan on that same day, that means Americans can catch up instantly. What is interesting about the timing is that Netflix may have indirectly confirmed a rumor that a Violet Evergarden OVA episode is planned.
>***,137位 (**2,379pt) [*,**1予約] 2018年04月04日 【限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
***,198位 (**1,791pt) [*,**1予約] 2018年04月04日 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン1 [Blu-ray]
I don't think this episode will raise it much. If it will return to top 100, then likely near 4 april when BDs are shipped, as near shiping date is when most preorders are done, as well since last two episodes most likely being finale.
did they fix the filter?
>we didn't get to see violet go to the bathroom
At this point, why not just call her Uno Bajeena.
yes ages ago.
Why was it pruned anyway?
I'm the OP & they didn't give me a reason. I'm guessing i'ts because the anti anime, anti kyoani autist kept changing ip's & mass reported it .
just over half an hour left until we'll know
30 minutes
Will we see Gilbert kiss Violet in this episode?
In her dreams.
More like his.
>read summary of Edward chapter
How likely is this episode about him?
I'm betting Aiden or Dietfried.
Post your Violet ship.
What happened to VEG budget?
That's Netflix pulling the plug after seeing the BD sales projections. I'm sorry it had to end this way, guys.
oh shit
VEG listed on Netflix as Season 1. It already funded S2 regardless of wether there is story to adapt
They gave it to ufotable that's why it looks like shit.
Vol 3 animated confirmed?
>10 minutes
Whew, made it.
That's one heck of a dream shitposter
That's just Netflix naming convention.
under 7 mins to go
Here's your S2, my man. On the bright side, they got rid of that blurry filter.
You are confused, this is obviously remake of Astroboy, funded by Amazon
The anus cult seriously wonders why they're board pariahs. Oh yeah, that's just the IRC/Aniplex/Disney/Robert Mueller conspiracy against dogani, right?
4 minutes, place your final bets.
Anime Original
It's going to air on tokyo mx in a couple of minutes right? This the right stream?
3 mins
get in here niggas
I'll bet one Violet on aiden
I think it is Aiden
I hope it is Edward
I dream it was Lux
Benedict episode.
Please be Dietfried, I want to see something about that ponytail-sporting nigga. Let's go.
as if you fucking faggot. hang yourself
Don't reply to agendafags.
This thread so silent. Violet Evergarden shit?
Fuck, it is Aiden. Let's see if Violet is going to be some lip action.
It is Aiden and he is Russian
we back to war now
I'll take my Violet now.
Is there Russia in Baioretto Ebaagaden?
For Motherland!
Aiden's wife is stacked
Here, she's wet and ready.
We Aiden?
Plane drop incoming.
This is so stupid.
Is it time