Enjoying the newfound popularity, Black Clover bros?
Black lucky irish plant
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Of course
No because it's only a mater of time until we reach El Aster Negro vs El Luz Brillante levels of shitposting.
>next episode all the normal fags get to see the real reason she's a black bull.
Bitch mimosa much better
How can Noelle be so cute?
el toro negro mejor
why not actually post a pic where Asta was screaming?
I really wish Sup Forums would just not have gained any interest in BC.
Because her blood is 100% elf-free.
Where my Sol bros at?
>15 replies
>90% are shitposts
Your waifu is getting ELFED
so is she a lesbian or just a feminist?
That’s right. Unlike Thotmosa she is not tainted by filthy elf cock.
For a literal retard? No, Zora is my man
>not voting for based Julius
Fuck you all
Actually Charlotte is the one who's getting ELFED as evidenced by Liar's dialogue and flashbacks
Was this an accurate translation?
She is the purest of them all you bitch
Stop spamming threads you faggot autists
When she gets her memories back, she'll also remember Licht's dick cumming inside her
>Flashback Chrallote is followed by another girl who looks and acts the same way as Sol
Like i said, ELFED
Place your bets on who will dick Sol back to humanity.
>snowing all day
>constant NC threads
So how do you guys feel about Asta's partial demon form compared to other shounen MC transformations like Naruto's nine-tails cloak or Ichigo's whateverthefuck
she seems ed to be getting along with magna
Decent but the fangs are shit, fight me.
get rid of the dumb fang and we are golden
>man hating female only group that will crucify Charlotte if they know about her crush on Yami
Geez I wonder what she is.
I like it a lot. Looks cool.
reminder that Magna's canon boyfriend got ELFED
Charlotte confessing to Yami, Sol doing the same to Magna because he is the only male she knows.
How would Magna react?
Am I the only one who thinks they’ll end up together?
I can see Sol and Magna ending up together
Magma/Lava magic is OP
Super sexy.
Slutty cake best cake
I like this manga and I’m glad others do as well
I’m an industry leech so it’s good if the comics I like are being supported, so I don’t have to
but we already know Magna isn't into chicks
Mimosa and Noelle have better tits
>legal loli
muh dick
Speaking of the game, it look pretty good desu
What’s with cute midgets in mangos recently.
I want to dick La Brava
sol seems like the only man hater.
and she even seems to alright with the idea of Charlotte being with a man but has ridiculously high standards. and Yami certainly does not meet those standards.
>sol seems like the only man hater
No sweetie. You’re wrong.
Magna will meet Sol's standards every night
is this a cute midget?
stop being gay
Burning passion meets mother earth
Magna is already taken silly!
luck only wants to fight.
he don't care about relationships
that's just what Charlotte thinks
Magna and Luck fight in bed every night!
I take the Knight Captain’s words who hang out with her Knights everyday over some headcanon.
Fuck off Fags and Fujos, they are Bros not Lovers
>its too late to say I like him
That is a flag she is going to loose
>giving (You)s to the Sup Forums pedophile attentionwhore
sol on record said magna was pretty alright
EL Goblino...
La creatura...
El atrocidad...
Why is Magna "weak" compared to the others?
And how do you imagine a powerup from him? His fireballs aren't all that compared to Miss Water Dragon and Mr Lightning Feet
When will Charlotte win the Yami?
Roar of the Sea Dragon and Holy Lightning Boots faggot
Weird Charlotte is already set on telling Yami she likes him, I thought she was tsun
Give him Aces final attack, creating a sun.
>Hey Sol, this is my new attack. I named it after YOU! (TN: Sol means Sun in Spanish)
Her dere isn't exposed to anybody yet
magna has very low mana.
his magic skills and control are excellent but his limited mana pool is a consistent challenge for him.
His fighting style should be radically altered then instead of fighting like a thug
so just get more mana it isnt that hard
>from a dying genre the underdog king is born
Poetry. Where did it go so right, BCbros?
Magnas spell are all extremely cost efficient and effective.
and his base ball spells are tricky and require great mana control to the point even Julius was impressed.
Life imitates art. Just like Asta, BC always gets bashed on. But now, it's a whole different game. BC is getting out of the rat race.
if you could just "get" mana Asta would have magic.
you are born with what you got for a mana pool. that's why royals try to not elope outside the bloodline
My problem is that his physical is shit, he can't use Mana Zone because his mana is shit, and has no trump card attack that can turn the tide of a battle.
Read the first chapter, seemed like just a generic shonen. Is this any good? Don't want to waste as much time as I did on MHA for something that never gits gud.
drop it after Capital Riot arc (3rd arc) if you still dont like it
this is true. Manga actually has it pretty damn hard and will need to find his own answers to the clear weaknesses he has.
>Same 25 IPs as yesterday
You guys need to take a chill pill for your own sake.
last thread had around 40 ips user
it was 80 ips
Started out real painfully mediocre got better as it went along, but still pretty meh with only a handfull of good moments and characters.
The last two chapters were really good and were the culmination and pay off of stuff that started being foreshadowed since the series began.
Most people here started reading this as a guilty pleasure, but because of the surprising twist in the plot people felt like discussing it although they are a bit too gung ho in my opinion for creating a general
The only question is if the quality of the last two chapters will remain consistent.
I hope you can make your own decision based on this info.
Crap series.
To be honest it's pretty mediocre, but it isn't bad.
If you want a surprisingly good shonen, read Hinomaru Zumou.
I thought the Manga was really hitting it's stride with the finral vs langris onward.
I also like allot a thing that happened during the witch queen arc.
I think the series hit its stride with the Underwater Arc where the teamwork finally became competent.
When they went to find a way to heal Asta, that was great
Not yet. Still 24. She's on the brink though.
>come back to life
>find out your stalker brought you back
>they look exactly like you know
how creeped out will licht be.
I still don't understand the point of the festival arc though. It was literally Fanservice: The Arc
>heals the underwater kids
>confirmation that Asta likes Noelle
>confirmation that Yami pays more attention to Charlotte than Vanessa
>Black Bulls recognition
>demonstration of commoner excellence
>Mana Skin powerup
That was it.
24 is basically grandma-tier in the medievals