Claim to be a translation group

>claim to be a translation group

>can't even write basic english sentences

how do we stop the LH menace?

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Well you can:
Translate whatever they're working on in higher quality

Bitch on Sup Forumsa

Fuck off cunt, they translate my beloved isekai mangas.

Attached: Apologize.png (1920x1080, 2.75M)

It's well known that all you need to scanlate is a cracked copy of Photoshop and a very vague understanding of English.

Bonus points for adding your own commentary ("epic told!") into the margins, replete with smileys.

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I'd rather bitch on Sup Forums because translating won't get rid of thier garbage

Hire them to work for Crunchyroll?

Huh? Most scanlation groups aren't native in english user.

The worst part is that these groups are considered valid translations so actual TL groups will avoid the series from now on.

5Toubun No Hanayome is about the only exception

Problem with a lot of translators is only the translators are going to be getting ad money, who actually pays for editors to go through the text? Not many groups. Most use volunteer editing, some don't even bother editing at all, even though it's the most important step.

They mainly only translate shit that doesn't even really need/deserve a better translation anyways, I don't see the problem.

Peter Grill, 5toubun?

I forgot about the ads and patreon, good point. They can go fuck themselves


It robs a series of gettin an actually good translation

Notice the QC in OP's pic is a Chinese name, and he's doing QC for a Japanese to English translation. Well played LHtranslation, well played.

Miku belongs to Luka and Luka only.

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I use Krita instead.

I've tried using Krita before still prefer gimp but what do you like about it?

That one demon lord isekai mostly sucks due to the translator insisting on posting shit like "I'd suck them titties lol." in the margins.

But user, it mostly sucks becaue it sucks. Having decent TL would not make it any better.


but the dreaded whitepod was vanquished when champion took over?

I think it's Korean

Fuck off, LH fixes my isekai addiction so they're fine.
Their raws are also good compared to the other shit we have.

You sure it isn't Vietnamese

weren't there rumours they weren't just double translating jap to viet to eng but triple translating jap to chi to viet to eng?

At least I'm getting it every day

some can't even write in english, don't translate for months, and drops it anyway for personal issues

>eating shit with a smiling face

well I DO read isekai manga

Better than jaiminisbox

>everyone said this and that translations are shit
>no one post any sample
fuck you Sup Forums

Join them as an editor/proofreader. Problem fucking solved.

Just because they're translating a lot of shitty isekai doesn't mean they're not doing a bad job at it.


At least they have a good raw website.

i'm not a native speaker so i can only recall some minor typos and an awful amount of repeated dialogue.

Its so bad as a native english speaker I could hardly follow the story. luckily Sup Forums saved the day and started doing better translations