Which Gundam series is the best AND WHY?

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G because it was fun.

Zeta. Takes everything good about the original and expands upon it while also feeling very fresh and adding its own flavor

whichever is shortest

>God Tier


>Good Tier

0079, Z, Turn A

>Kill yourself Tomino tier

Everything else


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Obviously 0079, anyone who disagrees is dumb.

It was fun and original, yet corny and campy at the same time.

I watched 0079 and I am 1/4th through Z, gotta say that while I like the setting, I dislike most characters and their hissy fits. So far my favorites are Noah and Char.

the best thing about the original was that the enemy fraction was comprised of human beings, zeta replaced that with a bunch of edgelords.

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What do you think of the compilation movies of 0079? The seem better focused than the series, less rushed, better animated...

0079 if you want to act like a hardcore oldfag
00 if you want to act like stupid newfag
GBF if you're a real man

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>non UC
Zeta or ZZ
Stardust memory

The 0079 movies are the only compilation movies I'd recommend for any Gundam series.

War in the Pocket, obviously.
It had tight storytelling, likable cast and it's touching.


ZZ it's the maximun pleb filter so ZZ

Gundam Origin manga is the critically best Gundam experience

Build Fighters, because it has the best Gundam Waifu and best Gundam MILF.

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Watching Unicorn really made me appreciate amuro.
Unicorn's MC was whinny, thick-headed, never had a grasp on the world and everything had to be done his way. He was never put in his place, his Gundam literally fought for him and everyone was magically attracted to him even though his argument to literally everything was 'soredemo'.

The original series was probably the best with, X being the best non-UC one.

is it true that the trilogy is the best entry point to the franchise?


OP here, desu, that's what I'm wondering, too. But I can tell you that I watched the first ep of 0079 a couple of years ago and didn't continue. Yesterday I watched the first 20 minutes of the first movie and was much more invested. So that's a tentative yes.

This but unironically.
I have watched almost every Gundam and GBF is my favorite.

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why my favorite of course
(You)r favorite however is fucking garbage and you should kill yourself for liking it

Can we talk about the most overrated Gundam?

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>most overrated
>Not picturing Wing

nice try

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lame casuals
please don't follow this advice

watch 0079, it's a literal classic that cannot be topped.

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8th MS Team cuz gouf guy

The most overrated is 0080, by fucking far. I dunno why people love melodrama.

Everyime I see people bringing up Wing here is mostly to shit on it, the only loves it receives is from nostalgiafags.

That's because people likely to talk about it here are already gundamfags.

Gundam Wing is seriously the most normie-core Gundam out there. Unless you're talking about Japan, in which case SEED is overrated so much it's not even funny.

Build fighters because it's genuinely fun and has relatable characters with clear motivations. It also can't be summed up by "war is bad, everyone loses" so it gets plus points for that

Exactly. On Sup Forums and /m/ people know it's shit, but anyone I mention Gundam to in person swears by Wing because it's the only thing they've seen.

Nobody goes and says wing is the best. Those that do only watched wing and maybe seed and then quit

Agreeing with these, honestly. A lot of non-UC is great, but nothing can really top the experience and story of the original. Read the manga if you can't into 1979 animation.

Second sentence describes every normie/non-mecha anime friend I've ever talked to.

You're not wrong.

Top tier

0079, 0080, F91, Victory, Turn A

The actual TV series of the time was garbage though. It suffers from godawful "mecha of the week" design, quite a bit of QUALITY, and the overall pacing really detracts from the quality (and innovation at the time) of the narrative. The movie compilation (and the Origin manga, which honestly is so different in its details you should read it no matter what) greatly improves on the actual quality.

And I say that having watched the TV series before watching the movie compilation, thinking it'd be a more "whole" experience. It really wasn't, and it wasn't until years later when I watched the movie recaps I actually understood why it was considered a masterpiece and not only an innovative piece which led the way for other while being lacking itself.

So do you think that the Origin manga is even better than the movie compilations?

I don't know if it is better, but I remember liking it better. I don't remember it much though, I should re-read it.

Yes. I own all 12 hardback volumes. It isn't like a normal shitty Gundam manga, it's written by a guy who worked on the original anime and is Tomino's second-in-command

In addition to its really 'vintage' art style it expands the universe of the One Year War by exploring things that we only vaguely mentioned in the original anime like Zeon Deikun's beliefs, the Zabi takeover of Zeon, the development of mobile suits, the collapse of Zeon-Feddie relations, the initial stages of the war, Char infiltrating Zeon etc.

It's honestly the best manga I own, and I've collected a mountain the past 8 years. I'm not sure where you'd find good online scans but good luck user!!

If it's this: kissmanga.com/Manga/Mobile-Suit-Gundam-The-Origin/1?id=44985#1 I already found them ^^

The problem is that it isn't completly scanned, and it doesn't seem like anyone is willing to scan it.

What makes it so much better than the trilogy? Posts like convince me much more than "its old and the original so it can't be beat"

Having watched the TV series and compilation literally back to back, the movie trilogy felt disjointed at times because it had less runtime. The biggest thing to me was that Icelina basically doesn't exist, and you only see her when Amuro's having his PTSD flashback sandwich (she just falls and dies, that's literally it. The movie doesn't even show her and Garma together, which is most of the reason to care about her in the first place). Fun episodes like the one about the Zeon hoverbike team are also cut, which is a shame since that really humanized Zeon's rank and file instead of making them all uppity zealots like a lot of Gundam manga tends to do.

Still, it's a more than reasonable compromise if you can't find the time to watch the whole series (but if you're getting into older anime, then what the fuck are you doing, most of the standout series are over two cours long), and A Baoa Qu with movie budget is fucking amazing.

ZZ is the best series.
CCA is the best.
F91 is also kino and 0079 done right.
08th MS Team a shit and the worst Gundam.

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go back there

Shut up, pass user.


>autistic MC
no thanks

every newtype is autistic though