Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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right without a thought

The answer to these questions is always right.

Black one

me on the left

Stupid question. Inaban is the obvious choice.

Left had the better body, plus that mole is pure sex.

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Inaba is not for lewd so Iori-chan.

You can probably see left naked on the internet, so right.


Inaban, of course.

I don't even remember what the show was about. Something about body swapping and then turning into kids at random, right?
Anime is so forgettable.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 12 [1080p]_[00:16:32.700].png (1920x1080, 848K)

theres something wrong about cinnaban wearing a one piece

Inaba is pure, PURE

It's unfair.

That's because the anime was literally forced drama the animation.

Some weird entity for whatever reason liked to mess with the main characters and put them in different situations, like body swapping, simply because he felt like it. There was nothing else to it. That was the entire plot

Shit anime. I wish it had never been made. Boring as fuck too.

Sure she is.

>simply because he felt like it
Boredom is a motivation. The show wasn't about the entity so it's irrelevant who he is or where he came from. It was a fun show.

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Yeah, I didn't like it that much either.
But the statement was about anime in general.
Out of 221 titles I've watched, maybe 10 or 15 still reside in my long-term memory.

Left one.
I dropped the show the episode she lost and Inaba won.

The last episode?


Which episode is that?


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I think it was an episode or two after Iori almost dies. When she kind of stops trying and oblivious protagonist never thinks about her again.

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It was pretty good for what it was, it did alright in terms of characterization and the premise changed before you could get bored with it. As far as anime goes it wasn't even that forgettable, the idea itself is quite unique.

And you can't just forget Inaban like that.

>that underwear
What a whore.

If you choose anyone other than face mole your taste is LOW TIER and you need to the shit taste club two blocks down.

Inaban all day every day

This anime is garbage, and the girls are all drama queens. Choosing either of them is a sing of shit taste.

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But mole is a fucking slut

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It's the episode where the 2nd phenomenon begins. It's been ages so I don't remember the exact episode number.

I wonder how the author feels that the anime ended up being more known for the 3D drama than for its actual content.

so what ended up happening with the ln translations?

>What a maiden in love
Fixed that for you.

Right is cancer, so left wins by default.


>calling Inaban a whore
Literally purest girl who would never have sex before marriage.

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pure girls don't masturbate

Inaba is the right answer, literally.

It's not impure if there's no penetration.

I had no idea this would activate my dick as much as it did.

>just imagine Iori asking you that
>silent pause as you sit there thinking hard
>mentally undressing them both imagining every detail of their body and trying to decide whose you'd rather have the definitive answer to
>doing that as they stare at you waiting for an answer, knowing that your switching your brain into overdrive imagining each of them nude

God exhibitionism and casual nudity is the fucking best fetish

I guess I'd choose Inaba. I mean knowing that she's also masturbated.

You can maybe ask her to masturbate in front of you.

this, mole was insufferable, why the fuck did they even bother to put up with her bullshit

Iori is more sexual.

Inaban is overrated.

neither of course, I'm not a pedophile.

Nah, it be more fun to have her strip in front of you after she admitted that.

Both inferior.

>casual nudity is the fucking best fetish

Damn straight

>liking disgusting cancerspots

Loli Inaban a CUTE!

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