Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho

I'm gonna miss these dorks when this show is over.

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So what's the likelihood of at least getting an OVA?

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Protect it!

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Isn't the show doing quite well? I'd say it's possible.

don't be sad that the adventure is over, be glad that it happened

Only smiles now

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Will Megu run into Kimari's arms?

Megu is going to stab Kimari when she comes home, it'll be the saddest ending ever.

shut up, Hinata

I'd be fine if Megu was never mentioned nor heard from ever again

Alternate Mountains of Madness OVA when??

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Good think it's not up to you.

This ep had so many heavy-hitting scenes. The one where they sing on top of the snowcat was unexpected for me.

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did you apologize yet?

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People hated on him? Why?

>Kimari comes back to japan
>finds Megu's phone
>301 unread massages

LINE has read notifications.

It's a pity no season 2 because Madhouse
He's usually a hack

No one with any clue about Hanada's work unironically hates on him aside from that one newfag shitposter who wanted to force it as a retarded meme because Hanada worked on Love Live, among a bazillion other anime

They are violating international sanctuary law by holding those penguins. Prepare your anuses for the full extend of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service mercenary army.

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To be fair, he either strikes out hard or hits a home run

Holding wild penguins seems very risky to me. Those things have razor blades in their mouths and will bite.

How? Elaborate.
I see stuff like Kon!!, Nichijou, Steins;Gate, etc in his track record.

You'll never be able to take us on, Fish and Wildlife Service.

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That pic needs an Antarctica updated version.

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How are the sales? I want hopes for a season 2 even though it's pretty much impossible since they've already got their closure and now just need to wrap things up.

>***,**9位/***,**9位 (**4,304 pt) [*,104予約] 2018/03/28 宇宙よりも遠い場所 1(イベントチケット優先販売申券) [Blu-ray]
Sharing the top dog position with Yuru Camp
Idolish sold far more too but that already came out

One of the better selling series of the season, incredibly enough.
Not far behind Yuru Camp which pretty much was the star of the season

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The Sales are Alright.

>season 2

maybe JC Staff will pick it up or something

>tfw had these two shows to look forward to every week
>tfw there will be nothing like that next week

How cruel is fate to bless us with such pleasures then swiftly cast them away.
At least there's still CCS

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I always get melancholy when seasons end, but this one is going to be especially tough.

I'm really looking forward to rewatching this in larger chunks once it's finished. I watch it with my 3DPD before bed and I feel like I'm getting like 10% of the impact it really should have.

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>trying to take away pengin

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I'm never gonna forget that almost scream "Oh my god!" when I saw this.

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If they tried to take away Shirase's penguins, she'd get revenge. it would be like 9/11 times a 1000

>don't be sad that the adventure is over, be glad that it happened
Shit, this remind me Kemono Friends after the scandal. More sadness coming through.

That ended on a sequel hook though. I'm pretty sure this won't.

user, they weren't talking about the actual show

imagine the damage if she teamed up with megu
we're talking nuclear holocaust levels of destruction

Can we talk about the money scene?

Megu was the one who took away the pengis to begin with

Yes, absolute kino.

It was good.


All the Antarctica's nature is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, not just the US.

I can't imagine working towards a singular goal like that for so long. Made me depressed.

This. Next season looks poorly in comparison with this one. I'm looking forward to see Uma Musume and I guess I'll give Comic Girls a chance but that's it.

Top 10 anime betrayals

Now that the show is over, read this to learn how Takako spent her last days.

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Twitch anime marathon when?

Piss off!

People talk about Email scene but The counting of bank note is poetic.

C'mon, I have a high hope that Yorimoi can cure cancer in twit-chat.

Here, use this

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This is the first time that I cried during the episode, it's so profound, so intense and so subtle at the same time. All the money, all the jobs she took, all the sacrifice she had to do to get to that very moment. I may not know way too much about writing or directing but this scene and the emails' one, both are worthy of an award.

s3 when?

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I'm thinking the original background is quite good for it.

I'll keep it mind, thanks user.

The new observation site is gonna be underground?

Honestly, anything more risks ruining it.
I'd rather end on a high note.
Yuru camp on the other hand.

For me this season has really been the best in years. Sora Yori, Yuru Camp and Mitsuboshi Colors are all great for me. Also liking Takunomi and Hakumei to Mikochi.

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i sure can't wait to see how a linear anime adaptation fails to tell the mess of a story that is steins;gate 0


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Yeah next season looks pretty ass save for like 3 shows maybe. Good thing I'm behind on this season and can catch up.

>Well Shirase, that truly was a place beyond the universe.

I just watched the episode. Oh, God, why does it hurt so much.

>tfw the girls are alright but you're not

Well, the girls were most definitely not alright, though I guess it's always good to let it all out.

That scene reminded me a lot of that "animal crossing" gif from years and years ago where the kid logs into his mom's account after she dies and sees all the letters she had sent him that he'd never checked.



Also, nice quads

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Why are you doing this to me, dude?

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Is the VAs that sing?

Let's get along with the feeling of despair

No, saya, who did the OP, sings this. The VAs sing the ED though.

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Nobody mentioned it, yet? Good.
Yorimoi is Madhouse's cashgrab made to milk the money out of people who cry over nothing. They thought that cute girls would be enough to lure otakus into a half-heartedly-written forced melodrama and surprisingly, they succeeded. They put no effort into any aspect of this anime, yet they made a profit. I love how actually good shows this season are selling worse because they lack the "cute girls going to Antarctica" gimmick.

Oh, I thought it sounded like Yuzu for a sec

I have a confession to make. That scene at the end of the episode made waterfalls form in my tear ducts. I didn't even realize I could still feel my own feelings this much.

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Nice try nigger

no amount of preparations could have readied me for this

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Just don't acknowledge his existence. Is that too hard to do?

good for you on realizing that, user, you sure have an elevated intellect

Is this really a 10/10?
Did we make it?

It's not over yet

Hinata loves her girlfriends Kimari, Shirase and Yuzuki.

It's proof of how good this show is, that buildup was amazing with the girls scrambling like crazy to find anything at all, then getting the laptop with the picture of both of them, the small bit with Shirase figuring out the password was her own birthday, the unread emails piling up while Shirase finally breaks and the shot of the girls outside crying as well. Truly some masterful editing, scene composition, sound design and direction in general.

That would be missing half the fun.

Truly the most blessed show.

My mother's wife, Gin-san, is so cool!!

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I have a few minor gripes that keep me from giving it the "excellent" rating but it's so damn refreshing to check out a new seasonal anime and be actually excited to keep watching

>crashing this expedition with no survivors

We all know that, now go to sleep Shirase.

Anyone have that TIME FOR ROBOTS image?
I have an idea.

I missed tan Kimari this past episode.

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Yeah. I'm so glad to have a show like Violet Evergarden, one that I can look forward to every week.

Yeah watching anime with others really is terrible, I agree